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12/09/11 Holy Ghost speaks to me and funny times at the nursing home


Hey!  So the baptism went really well Wednesday night.  The primary room was pretty packed.  Great turnout. I was pretty impressed with our ward and stake.  

Two Sunday's ago Fellicity came to our house with her Grandma and asked me to give the Holy Ghost talk at her baptism.  I agreed and this past Sunday morning I got up early and prepared my talk.  About 9 a.m. President Whitney, our ward mission leader, called and said that he had received the program and would I give the closing prayer because the talk had been assigned to someone else and the program was printed and I wasn't on it. I said sure (Holly's getting dunked next month so I figured I might need the talk anyway!).  

So I printed out my talk and put it in my church bag and forgot about it.  Wednesday night I went to the baptism and guess who's name was on the program to give the talk...mine!  Imagine if I had not had that talk prepared yet when he called me!  Or if I had left my bag at home.  I felt like I should bring it just in case (the Holy Ghost talking to me!!!) and boy was that right!

I guess it was a good experience to have since I was able to begin my talk with that little story about how I felt like I should bring my talk just in case.

I talked to Sister Campbell, the one Pres. W. said was speaking and she said she was never asked to give the talk and would not have been prepared had her name been on the program!  Crazy, huh?!

So anyway, I included my talk.  I gave it pretty much as printed with a few less details about my work thing that what is in the talk.  It felt like it went really well.  I had a lot of compliments afterward and I felt like I was able to "give" the talk rather than "read" the talk, ya know?  

I thought you might like to have the talk to use at one of your next baptisms.  (parts of it, anyway!)

So I am taking the 21 day challenge -- I'm on day 9 now.  I have had good contact with most of the people on my list and I am hopeful that I will be able to have some success with the girls/ladies on the list.   Arrianna came to the baptism with me and afterward she talked about getting baptized herself and if her brother could be baptized!  I invited her and Nodjilah to come to church Sunday and they both said, definitely maybe!    So I'll keep you posted!  I told the Sister missionaries that we have YW every Wednesday at 7 p.m. and to join us whenever they can so we'll see if they start coming by.

We went to the nursing home this week after the baptism and went from room to room at bedtime caroling to the elderly people.  The girls had made adult sized bibs and we were able to pass those out.  Most of the people's eyes lit up and they were very appreciative and said they could really use one of those.  

One room we went in had 2 old men in it.  The one old guy was a big dude (like Uncle Allen) and he was really happy and nice.  He invited us in but said we better only sing one song 'cause his roomie was trying to go do sleep (grumpy!).  So we finished our song and the little old man lifted up his head off the bed and said in a gruff voice..."NOW GET OUT AND STAY OUT!".  We just smiled and said, sorry...Merry Christmas!!!!  And left.  Funny!

The other roommate actually came out of his room into the hallway and kind of listened as we went to other rooms.

We asked another older lady if we could sing to her and she said, NO PLEASE DON'T.  So we didn't.  Awhile later she was still in the hallway and so I went over to her and rubbed her led and said I have a gift for you.  She said NO PLEASE DON'T.  So I softly put the bib on her legs and said Merry Christmas.   She quietly said back, thank you.  It was very sweet!

So afterward we were all leaving and we loaded up into two vehicles.  My car full of girls was very loud and happy.  I slowly backed up and there was a truck a little ways over that was maneuvering strangely and I was keeping an eye on him and ooopps.  Backed into a Mercedes.  All the girls in the car collectively gasped and then started giggling and teasing me!  I got out and it looked like there wasn't much damage...Mostly just paint exchange.  I couldn't find the owner so I put a sticky note and an apology on their window with my phone #.  So far they haven't called back.  I don't know if they haven't come out of there yet or if they weren't worried about the damage or if they'll call still.  I haven't done anything like that for a jillion years!  

Afterward we went and had ice cream at Arctic Circle and I got the girls home pretty late...almost 9 p.m.  But they all really seemed to have a great time.

Well I should go...I'll probably write some more Sunday, I just wanted to share the baptism with you.  Hope all is well there!  XOXO mom.


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