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12/09/11 Holy Ghost talk given at Fellicity Olsen's baptism

12/9/11 Holy Ghost talk by Shelly given at Fellicity Olsen’s baptism
Holy Ghost

Are you Paying Attention?

Display a picture of a bird and a quarter.

Two men were walking down a busy city street. The one asked the other, "Listen to that bird." "I

don't hear a bird," the other replied. "No, you must listen harder." The second individual listened

very carefully and after a few seconds, he finally heard the bird amongst the hustle of the street.

The first individual asked, "Do you think THEY hear the bird?" The second man looked around at

the rushing pedestrians racing past them. "No, probably not." "Now watch this." The first

gentleman flipped a quarter, allowing it to fall to the ground. Scads of people stopped and looked

for the fallen coin. "Amazing," came the reply of the second man.

How often do we walk through life, with our minds and hearts attuned to the material things of

life? (i.e. worries about money or prestige?) Or perhaps better worded, how often do we listen for

the things of God? Are our ears attuned to hear His voice?


I personally had a similar experience to this on Saturday. I am sure many of you are familiar with

the Washington City Community Center. My little Holly was playing a basketball game down in

the gym and I had gone upstairs to walk the track during the times she wasn't playing. Once I got

up there I tried to get her attention. Katie was with me. The two of us waived our arms. Hollered

her name. Jumped up and down. But the noise was too loud and she never looked up.

Soon after a friend of mine came into the gym. I knew she was looking for me because we had

been texting and she said she might stop by. Again Katie and I waived my arms, yell her her name

and jumped up and down. Again the noise was too loud and she never looked up.


Are we living our lives like we are in a busy gym with so much noise and commotion that we can

only see what is in front of us. We never look up? We never listen for the voice calling our

name? Have we let our lives become so busy and loud with the world's distractions that the holy

ghost can't seem to do anything to get our attention?

As I have gotten older I realize more and more that there are so many things that can keep us from

where we need to be. Loud music, being too busy, failing to do the little things. I recently read a

quote that has stuck with me. It says, if you are too busy to read your scriptures you are busier

than the Lord ever intended you to be.

During my life I have tried to rise early each morning to read my scriptures. I committed again

when the prophet challenged us to read the Book of Mormon a couple of years ago. Once I

completed the challenge and finished the Book of Mormon I decided I would read the Sunday

School lesson each week as my morning reading.

Some days I do quite well. I might read for 30­60 minutes. Other days I might read for just 10

minutes. Or just a verse. And sometimes I don't read at all. I can tell the difference.

It seems that when I spend the time and focus myself in the morning my head is more in the game.

I am calmer and more organized. I have the energy to endure when I take the time to really read

first. I am more attuned to the spirit. I am happier.

I still plow forward at 100 mph but I can focus better and I hear the promptings of the Holy Ghost

better and am more likely to follow them. I have “a­ha” moments when I am guided at at home or

at work to find processes that make my job easier and quicker and allow me more time to focus on

other things.

In June my court was converted to a new computer system at work. This was really tough on me

because I had been on the other system for over 10 years. I knew it inside, outside, upside down. I

could make that computer spit out any bit of information anybody asked for. Quickly too.

Well our new system has really slowed me down and frustrated me. I have had to slow down and

really concentrate to even make simple things happen. I have spent much time and effort trying to

learn and grow and make the new program more efficient.

Just this month I had a great break through. In the past I had a procedure each Tuesday morning

that required me to print and alphabetize all the cases that would be heard on that afternoon and

evenings calendar. It would take about 2.5 hours to prepare the lists of people, print the dockets.

Put them in the folders and prepare them for the Judge.

Then during the day, people would call and cancel or continue their case. I would have to try to

remember to remove those cases. Others would call and ask to be added on. Again, hurry and

print and get them in the proper folder for court. Some nights a dozen people might just not show

up at all. And I would have prepared all those cases for nothing.

It was in my mind very wasteful on the paper and ink side of things not to mention my time. So I

contacted our computer department and spent a couple of hours with them. They were able to help

me come up with a better system where we went paperless. But the 2.5 hours of prep time was

still there. I had to organize the files on the computer instead of in paper. It was still kind of


So I have been praying and reading my scriptures and asking the lord for guidance. About 2 weeks

ago I had the thought to slow down and really study the computer screens at work. I did this and I

found a button that took me to a screen that was partially helpful. And again, I felt I needed to

slow down and try every choice on that page. And then something amazing happened. I found

EXACTLY what I needed in the program we were using.

The need to print is gone. The need to print to another section of the computer is gone. The files

are immediately where they need to be with the touch of a button or removed just as quickly with a

few key strokes. The prep time is GONE. The judge has what he needs in an easy to use format.

And it is pretty quick all the way around.

I honestly feel that this inspiration was a result of my reading my scriptures, praying for guidance,

and listening to the promptings of the spirit.

Heavenly Father knows us better than we know ourselves. He wants to help us and guide us with

the gift of the holy ghost which he gives us at the time of our baptism.

In D&C 11:12­13 it reads:

12 And now, verily, verily, I say unto thee, put your trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do

good—yea, to do justly, to walk humbly, to judge righteously; and this is my Spirit.

13Verily, verily, I say unto you, I will impart unto you of my Spirit, which shall enlighten your

mind, which shall fill your soul with joy;

It is now up to focus and do the things necessary to use the gift of the Holy Ghost which

you will be given today. Listen for the still small voice. And once you hear it, follow it. Don't

question it. Don't ignore it and say you'll do it later. Don't fill your life with things which will

block it completely from you.

Look up and stay in tune to him. He wants to help you.

As we listen to the Holy Ghost, we can tell right from wrong and be strengthened in our resolve

to live righteously. Through the Holy Ghost we may be warned of danger or receive protection.

The Holy Ghost can send comfort and love in times of need and will help us understand sacred


So take the time and make the effort to use and appreciate the gift you have been given.


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