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04/03/16 General Conference


Holly, Lauren and Zie painting at Gparents house during priesthood session
I thought I'd try writing on Saturday night since Sunday morning has kinda been rough lately (course it's conference so I might actually have time, but whatever!)  It's quiet here for a minute!!!  (Except Katie won't stop talking, heehee!)

Monday we went to the Sharp's for dinner.  We haven't seen them in a long time because she's getting her master's degree and has been super busy.  And of course we are busy too.  They sold their old place and bought a really nice Salisbury home out in the fields.  We had a nice visit and some delish food.  She made lasagna and ice cream and we had garlic bread.  We hung out and talked and stuff for awhile afterward.  The weather was nasty that night.  Rainy, windy.  Their tramp kept flying across the yard.  Landon went out several times trying to secure the dang thing!

Tuesday night the girls went to camp kickoff at church.  I have officially been released and won't be going to camp with the girls this year. Holly will be fine though since Katie will be there to harass her.  I mean take care of her!  Hopefully they will be sweet to each other. 
Colorful Lady Bug stepping stones

Wednesday I got to go out to lunch with the ladies - Cristy, Marilyn and Carla.  It was fun.  We went to chili's.  It's fun to catch up with them and find out what is going on in their lives. They are such sweet ladies. 

Red lady bugs for gparents yard
After work we met the McAllister's and played pickleball.  They are such a nice and fun couple.  Nancy seems to have endless energy.  Her and dad are really good.  They put up with me and Russell.  

Thursday after work we played some games and then had brats and went to red barn for ice cream after dinner.  Dad's baseball season is just about to really get started so we wanted to have a little fun before he starts leaving us all the time again.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen...yummy cookies made
with a cookie gun by Katie!
This is why she had to stay in the kitchen.
Can't trust her with paint!
Friday was also a night off for dad.  We went to Red Robin for lunch with gma and gpa.  We had a nice visit and enjoyed our voodoo fries (super hot - jalepeno, nacho cheese concoction) and an oreo shake with our burger.  We were going to play pickleball again with the McA's but his mom died unexpectedly at 3 p.m. (we were supposed to meet them at 4 p.m.)  So they texted us at 3:50 and said...not gonna make it!  She was 92, but still hard to lose your momma no matter how old she is!  So we played singles.  Makes us run around more!  
Daddy daughter knowing look
Looks like they are up to something...
The girls had soccer practice late at 6:30 p.m. so dad and I went for a motorcycle ride for the hour they were in practice.  It's the first time I've been on the bike since the accident but only because we've been busy or the weather has been bad.  Another stupid person tried to pull out in front of us again.  What the heck?!  How can people not see us?!!!!  We aren't small!!!!  Oh well.  It's fun to ride but you have to be super aware around these parts.

Today we've spent the day doing Saturday chores and conference.  Great conference so far. This evening we went over to gma and gpas us girls and the twins and painted stepping stones and statues for the yard while the boy folk watched conference.  Dad had to work so he couldn't go to priesthood tonight. Katie made cookies.  We had a nice relaxed evening hanging out.  I watched a little of the conference (Gpa and Randy watched in the house - Randy recently had surgery and wasn't up to going to the church).  

Katie playing goalie.  They won 0-1.
No goals scored on her today!
Anyway it's been a good week and spring is in the air.  80 degree weather is in our future.  And sunshine.  Love it!

This is an excerpt from one of the conference talks I enjoyed:
 Sister Mary R. Durham, second counselor in the Primary General Presidency, instructed parents on how to help their children listen to the Spirit of God, or the Holy Ghost. “Feeling and recognizing the Spirit will bring spiritual capacity into our children’s lives, and the voice they come to know will become clearer and clearer to them,” she said.

Holly playing sweeper.
I thought it was interesting how she compared listening and feeling the spirit like learning a second language and that total immersion was the best/fastest way to learn to recognize the spirit.  We should strive to make our homes to always have the spirit. What a great message. 

I hope you have a wonderful week!  Love you lots!!! Mom


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