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04/24/16 Family parties and fun

Holly on the soccer field
 Fun week.  

Sunday we had dinner with gma and gpa.  Cafe Rio pork burritos.  Yummy.  We thought Eldon and Diane were coming but I guess the dates were off and they weren't in town afterall.  

Monday we went to Wendy's place and had a picnic dinner (pizza, salad etc).  Some people swam. Some played pickleball.  We talked and hung out.  Just Ben and Laura, Gma and Gpa, Wendy and family, and Us and Marlee came. Dallas and McK were working so they couldn't make it.  Not sure where B&L's kids were.  Nick and Ann came over late. None of the others came. Wendy's place is a great gathering place.  Plenty of room and the kids are locked inside the gates. 

Dad's got games on Tuesday evening now so the girls did piano lessons and then hung out till I got home.  

Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday we played pickleball again with the McCallisters.  We are really enjoying that and it's a good little workout. We always end up sweaty and tired at the end of the evening!

Friday Dad went to work and Holly went to Riley's.  So me and Katie watched a movie together, Matilda.  Cute movie. 

Goalie Katie
Liz Grover and I are going to perform "His Hands" next Sunday in relief society so we've been practicing a lot.  The song is REALLY HARD to play and to sing. It's got a really low alto beginning and then a really high soprano part.  Liza is struggling with getting that. I'm working at getting all the notes right.  So we've been getting together a lot trying to iron it out!

Saturday morning the girls did their girls camp hikes and I went and did a 5K fun run for Valerie's daughter who needs a Kidney transplant.  Ended up winning a silent auction on a cabin up in Duck Creek so we booked 3 days, 2 nights the day after school gets out in May (the weekends we wanted later in the summer were booked).  So that's kind of fun and different!  The girls and Dad and I will go up.  Haven't talked to anyone else to see if they'll join us although there aren't any more!

I also bought some raffle tickets and won a really nice leather tote bag and $20 to Ahi's -- a restaurant we've never tried.  So that will be fun to try!

Ready for anything!
The girls played soccer and they won!  2-1.  Katie let one goal slip by her but it wasn't a big deal cause they were already ahead.  Last evening our neighborhood had a party and we all went to Harrison's house and had hot dogs and sloppy joes along with whatever everyone bought.  It was well attended and fun.  They have a nice set up with lots of room for everyone and ping pong in the garage. 

And Daryn Taylor  is giving his farewell that day and out of here on my birthday.

It was fun getting the pictures of you last night.  What a cool surprise!  I LOVE that!!!! Thank you!!!

We just had a nice dinner with Ben and Laura, Gma and Gpa, Randy and Kay, Dallas, (McK had to work) and the girls.  Then Nick and Ann came over a little late.  Tay and Kennedy arrived as we were leaving. It was a nice visit.  Got to skype with AJ who is currently in costa rica visiting his roommates family during break.  Cool trip for just the flight price.  Lucky guy!

Our home teacher, Brother Bunnell and his son Lars came over and gave us a lesson on the atonement tonight. One of the things he said is that by living right we are having the atonement work for us.  

Retro photo -- Aj & Bryce on Dallas
I love the personality I can see on their faces
Pure joy and happiness!
Obedience of the heart and soul embraces all of who we are: our behavior and our attitudes, our actions and our desires, our diligence and our love. That kind of willing obedience connects us to Christ in a powerful way and brings His Spirit, love, power, and joy into our lives. A casual, reluctant, surface kind of obedience will not do. The Lord requires of us obedience that is exact, willing, and deep. He wants obedience of the whole heart and soul.
President Ezra Taft Benson (1899–1994) beautifully described the difference between reluctant and heart-and-soul obedience this way: “When obedience ceases to be an irritant and becomes our quest, in that moment God will endow us with power.”3
Retro Photo...rub a dub dub, three men in a tub
Dallas, AJ & Bryce
He complimented our family on our willingness to serve and be active in our beliefs.  I am striving to be obedient and I love the joy it brings into my life. 

Chauntel Clark talked in church today and said that she has been dealing with anxiety issues and an older lady at the home she is a CNA at told her that if she will follow the lord with exactness that there is no reason to fear.  That the Lord will guide her and bring her peace and joy and happiness.   She said ever since she said that the anxiety lifted from her and she has felt at peace.  What a blessing!

(Update on Chauntel -- she graduates with her associate degree and high school diploma this month and is a CNA and working at a home.  Pretty cool, huh?!  I never see her anymore -- probably cause she's been at school for the past 2 years!  Haha)

So anyway, hope you are well and we look forward to skyping you soon!!!!  Take care!! xoxo


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