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05/02/16 Holy Smokes! It's May!!!

Holy Smokes!  It's May!!!
We've been keeping busy as usual enjoying life in a house of girls.  The girls are still taking piano and they are really talented.  Katie has been playing for YW and does a great job.  Holly is doing a solo at a band concert Tuesday night this week (that neither of her parents will probably make it to!!!! We are both working.  So thankful for grandparents and recordings!!!).  They both sound really great. 
Katie's had a rough week at middle school not making student council and then not getting selected for the talent show (by the student council that she didn't get into.  As if to add insult to injury!!!)  She is still amazing and doing great but a couple of things she wanted to do didn't work out.  So she's learning to deal with some let-down that hasn't been too fun at all!

Here is her video -- it was pretty cool:

We've had a stormy week all week -- so strange for our area!  It was alright I guess but we didn't get to play pickleball as much as we would have liked and soccer practice was cancelled. I think the storming is over now though and we are back to our usual 80 hot and sunny every day.  I swear February this year was nicer than April!
Friday we went to Ahi's with gma and gpa.  It's an Asian restaurant over by Bluff street.  It  was pretty good but far enough away that I'm not sure we'd eat there again.  It's across from Culver's (burgers and shakes) and I think I'd pick Culver's first every time!  We had a nice visit and enjoy our quiet time with the gparents.
Friday evening we went to the Why I believe series at the tabernacle.  Elaine Dalton, former YW president was the speaker and she was really good.  She had one of the young sister missionaries get up and tell her story.  She came from Tahiti and spoke French and Spanish. She entered the MTC speaking Spanish.  She really struggled with English.  So much so that after awhile she decided she was going home because she couldn't do it. She called the president and he came to visit with her. She said President, I want to go home now, I can't speak English.  I don't understand it and I can't do it.  He told her to pray and told her he would come visit her in one week and if she still couldn't speak English he would let her go home.  She prayed very hard that night and the next morning she got up...and she could speak and understand English!  The true gift of tongues and a miracle.  She laughed and said, I don't know what to say when people ask me if I found learning English hard because I just woke up and I spoke it!  She was really cute and had an accent.  I imagine there are some jealous missionaries out there that wish they could wake up speaking English!
Sister Dalton talked about virtue and why the value was added during her time in YW.  She was a really good speaker. 
Elaine Dalton
former YW general president

Marlee and Holly and Linda (my walking buddy) and I went to the tabernacle and then to the temple to do baptisms.  Afterward we went to DQ and got buster bars.  Yummy!!!!  It was really a nice evening and hopefully we will do it some more. Marlee has Friday evenings free so it's a good activity to do and get her to come with!!!  Of course Uncle Ben and Aunt Laura and Gma and Gpa were there making it even more special.
Saturday we watched the girls final soccer game and played pickleball.  Dad covered an exciting 82-6 Zion Lion game (cough, cough) while we girls mowed the lawn, shopped costco/walmart and watched a move. 
Sunday I played 'His Hands' in Relief Society while Liz Grover sang the song.  It is a really challenging piece both for the piano and the singer. I think we did pretty good though.  Pretty song.
Today I have to testify in court at 10:30 over at District Court regarding a 2008 DUI case.  I think this is only the 2nd time or maybe 3rd time in 20 years that I've had to testify.  I was subpoenaed one other time to Oregon State but they settled it before they flew me out there. That would have been kind of cool and crazy at the same time!  Kinda glad it didn't work out because it would have been a lot of travel for 10 minutes of testifying!!
Anyway, I'll be at D.C. probably when you are online so I may or may not be able to chat with you.  I think dad's doing his show today so he may be busy too.  I'll try to watch for you and maybe text from my phone!
Love you!!!!


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