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5/8/16 Mother's Day

The school year is winding down and with that comes all kinds of fun stuff.

  Monday I had to go to District Court to testify in a DUI case.  Got over there and they said, sometimes you just have to show up and then they realize they can stipulate to what you were going to say.  So I got to run across town to get sent home!

Tuesday both dad and I worked but Holly had a band concert.  Thank goodness for grandparents who live close and love the girls.  The Griffin's were so good to go and watch Holly's concert and take pictures for us and then take the girls out for dinner afterward.  I think they all had a wonderful time and enjoyed the evening.  Sad we didn't get to attend but so cool to have someone who loves them available to help out!!!

Wednesday was an exciting day for Katie.  She was awarded a certificate for her 4.0 grade point average, perfect attendance and given a surprise -- band student of the year certificate. So proud of these two girls as they continue to work hard and excel in so many areas of their lives. It's a lot easier to parent when the kids are doing what they should be and doing it well. Thank you girls!!!

Holly on the trumpet
Wednesday the girls learned first aid for girls camp while Dad and I went and played pickleball with the McAllister's.  We've really been enjoying that and played Monday, Wednesday and Saturday this past week.  We've kind of got a standing thing going but I'm afraid as the weather heats up we'll have to make our games later.  It's going to be too hot in the afternoon's very soon.

Friday evening Chauntel Clark had a graduation party to celebrate graduation with her associates and high school all at once.  Way to go!!!  The girls went but Andy had to work and I wasn't feeling well so I stayed home.

Katie was awarded certificates for excellence
on May the 4th (princess leah hair-do)
Saturday got up and cleaned and did laundry and all the usual Saturday stuff.  First week without soccer games in awhile so it felt good to just get in and actually clean up without interruptions.  Dad was covering the Iron Man so he was gone early and all morning.

Cute characters at awards assembly at PVMS
 Bob Paxman died and they asked us to help with the luncheon so from 1 - 3 p.m. the girls and I spent over at the church serving lunch.  We got to eat there too and it was yummy!

About 3:30 p.m. AJ pulled up and popped in unexpectedly from Provo to surprise me for mother's day and my birthday!  How cool is that?! I hid under the desk and told Andy to tell him I was gone for the weekend.  He didn't buy it. After I came out I teased him and said what if I wasn't home?!  And he was totally not worried and NEVER go anywhere, I knew you'd be here!  Ha!

AJ, Dallas and Dad went to the Zion Lions game and had a nice boy's night out while us girls chilled and watched a movie together.

Waiting for her name to be called
Sunday was Mother's Day so Dad didn't make me help with the lesson (yeah!!!) and of course did a great job.  He's such a good teacher.  Darryn Taylor gave his farewell (heading to Canada on a mission!!!) and after church we went to their house and had treats out on the front lawn.  There was tons of people there and it was a nice get together.

We went to choir practice and then got our skype call from Bryce!!!! It was so nice to have the whole family together if only for an hour.  It was a nice visit and Bryce looked great!

Afterward we had yummy pulled pork sandwiches and side dishes.

I got a package from Bryce for mother's day/birthday and it had picture printed and in an album from the mission and something that was probably a really nice thoughtful delicious treat.  Unfortunately the mail and the St. George heat combined to have this delivered to the house:

Bryce sent home a treat for Mother's day

Receiving award
Anyway, all in all it's been a good and busy week and we are looking forward to the completion of school in a couple of weeks.  There are another couple of weeks left before things settle down and get quiet at our house...right...

Upcoming plans: day after school gets out May 26 - May 28: spend the weekend at Duck creek in a cabin - just us and the girls.
June 2 - head up to Provo for a weekend -- Taylor and Kennedy get sealed in the Provo Temple Friday June 3!!!
June 15-18 Katie to Youth Conference
June 22-25 Girls camp for the girls, couples vacation for us old folk
June 30 - Park City for 5 nights, 6 days with everybody

THEN it will be quiet...for less than a month. And then Bryce comes home August 1 -- girls start school about 10 days later and Bryce 20 days later.

It's a good kinda busy!


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