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06/12/16 Summer fun!

Finished product! Stromboli! Yummy!
It's already 9:30 on Sunday night and I'm just now getting a minute to write to you.  I didn't want to save it for tomorrow because tomorrow morning is going to be a busy one!

Holly has had a fun week with the Carnevale's.  They took swim lessons for two weeks and have been picking her up to swim with Ana most week day mornings.  Afterward they sometimes stay and swim for open swim and have lunch or whatever.  They've been treating her good and she's enjoyed it.  They said they are going to take lessons again in July so they'll do it again later in the month. 

Katie and some friends started an acapello singing group and they have been getting together 2X a week for 2 hours.  It is 2 boys and 2 girls I think and one of the dad's in coaching them.  She enjoys it and they want to perform sometime later in the summer maybe. 

Production line for the Zepole
Dad and I played pickleball Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening with the McCallisters. We've been going at 8:30 at night and playing until 10 or even as late as 10:30.  We got them to leave the lights on until 11 but we are usually tired out before then!!!  Maybe if we started a little later we could go til 11. 

Our yard has been dying this week as the sprinkler system went out yet again.  Steve came about 1.5 weeks after the problem and I just about killed the lawn by not getting it enough water.  We finally got it all repaired and had family lawn night Thursday evening.  The yard looks so nice when it's mowed and pretty!!  

Baking the stromboli
Friday gma and pa went with us out to Leeds in our new car to a restaurant called Papa Gus.  It's a new little place on the end of Leeds by the freeway.  Papa Gus we a young Mexican guy who apparently is the owner, waiter, cashier and maybe even the cook.  We only saw one other lady there and there might have been somebody in the back.  They had a hard time keeping up with the amount of people in the restaurant.  So while the food was pretty good ('cept it was cold like it got done and nobody brought it out to us right away) we probably won't rush back because the service was slow and the food was cold.    The leftovers were really good though!  haha.  

Gma has had a rough week.  After coming back from Orem for Taylor's sealing they went hiking up in Pine Valley Mountain and she apparently over did it or the elevation got her or something.  She has really been struggling to breathe and has had a tough rest of the week.  She even took off working both shifts at the temple this week and church on Sunday.  Friday evening after pickleball we went and Dad and Dallas and Gpa gave her a blessing because everyone was really concerned about her.  She seems to be improving so that's good!!!!  Hopefully she'll be all better here in a day or two!!! Pray for gma!

Saturday morning I went to spin and then met Julene at the pool and we hung out for almost 2 hours I think.  I haven't spent time with her forever so it was really nice to chill and catch up.  The girls were both busy doing girl things (sleeping and watching tv) and didn't want to come and her girls were off at dance so it's like we were teenagers going to the pool!  haha.  
Looks like a big U!

Derrick and his wife are living in Wyoming going to school and working and Devon and his wife are living in Sacramento for the summer selling something and doing really well at it.  She said he's made a ton of money so they can go back to college in the fall and live off that all year. I guess his missionary skills translate well for selling!

Well it's that time of year when all your buddies will start coming home.  In two weeks Colton Turner and Byron Warby will report on their missions and Preston Warby will give his farewell.  All in the same sacrament meeting!!!  The boys are coming home the first day of girls camp and both of their mothers are the camp leaders for their wards!!!! I'm not sure how that's working....welcome home..see you in 3 days?!!!  I haven't heard about David or Matthew yet but I'm thinking they should be soon too.  I really haven't heard anything on those two since they left.  Sad, I like those two!

Saturday afternoon the twins were over and the girls and I made stromboli and zepole and then played games and hung out.  Nice relaxing evening!

Our talks in sacrament meeting today were about the power of prayer and faith.  A couple in our ward, the Davis' gave amazing talks.  They have a child born with the port wine stain on her face (like your great grandpa Davis --my mom's dad) and I guess a disease that goes along with it.  

They served a mission together in Tennessee and he was actually her zone leader.  She thought he was mean because he wouldn't talk to her.  Turns out he had a crush on her and was trying not to seem too interested!  (worked?!)  Anyway after the mission they got together and got married and within 2 months of being married she was pregnant.  She had a couple of dreams that didn't make sense to her at the time but she later realized the Lord was preparing her for their special needs baby. 

Zepole is delicious!
Since then the baby has been in the hospital multiple times.  Has been life-flighted to primary children's hospital and has learning delays and such.  The child has seizures and they believe she had a stroke.  But she is beautiful and has a sweet personality.  They talked about how much they have relied on faith and prayer to get them through the hardships they are now facing. 

She talked about how a potter makes a pot on a wheel and the pot looks pretty good and then he decides he can do better so he smashes it and starts over.  She compared that to herself and God and life.  She said on two different occasions they were talking saying how perfect life was and then within a very short amount of time they were confronted with these problems and how she felt like she was the pot that was smashed down and then reformed and then smashed and reformed again.  She said she has had to learn and grown but that she knows heavenly father (the potter) is remaking her better than before.  

And when she keeps that in mind it makes the process easier for her. 

What an amazing testimony for such a young couple. 

So when life seems really hard try to think of the potter making you better than before. 

I love you and hope you are doing great!  Can't wait to hear about your week.  
Love you lots!!! mom


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