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06/26/16 Girl's camp, trip to Sedona, AZ, Elder Griffin turns 20!

Holly and Katie on their way to girl's camp!

What a busy full week we had!
Fredonia, AZ stopped at Family Dollar for quick break

Sunday last week was Father's Day and we enjoyed a nice quiet evening at home.  I made everybody's favorite cafe rio pork burritos and Katie made peanut butter cream cheese pie.  Both were delicious!  McK and D came over and ate with us and brought a fun game.  It is a xbox game that you put on the big screen and then everybody uses their phones or iPads or whatever to plug in and play games together.  So we played for quite awhile.  Gam and Gpa G came and visited for a little while (they went to Laura's for dinner).  Dad got some treats everybody told him how great he is and we just had a really good family day.

Stop at Jacob's Lake for another break
Monday the girls had another piano lesson with Sister Black.  Sounds like they are enjoying those and while she teaches different they are adapting and learning new things.  Monday Marlee was going to come over but something came up so she postponed until tomorrow.  So we had quiet family night and then pickle ball in the evening.  

Tuesday was for me the day that never ended!  Holy Smokes!  Was in court until 9:20 I think.  I swear it was a fully moon...I didn't look it up but strange things everywhere all night long!

Dog Haus Burgers & More, Flagstaff Az
Our very first customer (after the judge made me move him to first) was a guy that had submitted fraudulent proof of insurance to the court.  Apparently he did it not once, but twice.  The one he most recently submitted totally looked forged (he didn't even spell the girls name right, no letterhead, etc). But when we called and looked into it and pulled the old temporary card he submitted last time we found that he had gotten a temp card from them prior to payment and never paid to actually have the insurance valid that he submitted last time.  So he was arraigned and sentenced on our no insurance charge (he actually plead guilty and didn't try to pull one on the judge in court) and then a detective detained him and his pretty face was up on bookings before court was out that night for felony fraud cases, $10,000 bail.  
Enjoying one of 6 pools at Summit Resort in Sedona, AZ

Cool, eh?!

We had a trial on a traffic accident and the trucker had to travel 700 miles to get here for court.  He had dash cam on during the incident so we had a movie to watch (which was a pain as the guys had to figure out how to get it to display on the big screen in court). He was so cocky and sure he was going to win and she was wrong.  Judge didn't agree and she was found not guilty.  I guess she WON'T be paying for his paint afterall.  (He was so sure she would!)

After that we had a dog trial and the guy was like 40 years old but his dad came to the table and said he suffered from ADD and anxiety and a whole bunch of other stuff and he needed to sit by him.  The judge was like, is he under 18? Are you an attorney? If not then he can either take care of himself or plead insanity but you aren't sitting up here.  Ouch!!  That trial went on for quite some time too and he was eventually found guilty of his dog biting the neighbor and fined and charged restitution. 

Red Rock State Park scenic drive
So I pretty much got 1/2 the work week in on Monday and Tuesday!  

Wednesday morning the girls headed to girls camp early at 7 a.m. !!!  They got home about 11:30 a.m. Saturday morning and both reported having an amazing experience.  I guess they both cried at testimony meeting and they got along fine during the week and enjoyed all the speakers and activities and everything.  They were both very happy and surprisingly not that tired.  They had friends over and watched movies and hung out all afternoon Saturday and then we sent them to bed at 9 p.m. and they didn't even mind!

Dad and I left for Sedona AZ on the motorcycle at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday shortly after the girls left.  The google map reports that trip should take 5 hours.  Dad thought we could do it in less.  Turned out it took about 7 hours, maybe 8.  (Including stops).  The heat of the desert and the soreness of sitting for so long was really tough!  The scenery was breath taking for a good portion of the trip but there was a section in the middle that was long, hot and boring!  
Took a moment to talk to Mark Twain at the Farmer's Market

We finally arrived in Sedona about 4:30 p.m. and checked into our condo.  It was SO nice.  It was very fancy and roomy and similar to our home.  It had a kitchen with everything that was pretty roomy, a large bathroom with huge tub, bedroom with walk out porch, living room walk out to same porch.  The association had 6 pools to choose from and ping pong, billiards, foosball, fitness center.  It was pretty first rate. 

Only picture of the two of us on the bike!
We enjoyed Wednesday evening, Thursday & Friday just doing whatever we wanted!  We played in the pool, relaxed by the pool, went on drives around town to scenic areas, went to some of their shopping, ate out at different places around town, played games, ordered pizza in one night because we didn't want to go out again.  It was so fun and nice to have no responsibilities and just enjoy each other!  Sedona AZ was really beautiful but we thought we were getting Cedar City weather when in fact we got St. George weather...It was about 105 (a little cooler than it was in St George but not much!)
Scenery everywhere was magnificent!

We anticipated the ride back was going to be long and hard and really hot with all our gear on.  So we got up at 6 a.m. and started back across the desert.  Smart move.  It was really beautiful driving the oak creek canyon out of Sedona and the weather stayed pretty ok (maybe 87 degrees across the hot desert).  We got to Jacob Lake 11 a.m. AZ time and were both starving and had a really good breakfast.  The last but of the drive was super hot as we dropped down into Fredonia and then finally Hurricane and home.  We got home about 2:30 Utah time and we were both so happy to see home!!!!

It was fun to hear the girls tell about their camp experience and we told them about our trip.  Katie made us left over cafe rio burritos for dinner.  
Scenic Overlook to Lee's Ferry

Today should be busy as I have to give the opening prayer in sacrament meeting, play the organ in sacrament meeting, (the choir is singing but I don't plan to join them as I've skipped the last several performances), teach a lesson in Sunday school, play piano in RS and then head over to the 8th ward for the Preston Warby farewell, Byron Warby homecoming and Colton Turner homecoming.  (That seems like a lot to put into one meeting!!!)  
Map of Sedona, Az
Colorado River at Lee's Ferry
This week I am teaching on the sacred role of Mothers in our family relations class. The thing that it stresses over and over again -- told by many different apostles -- is that motherhood is a calling, a sacred right and a privilege.  An equal partnership between you and your spouse that with the help of heavenly father you help one another to teach and love and help your children.  It is the reason God gave us spend it on developing our families and nurturing our children.  It is a great lesson that hopefully will motivate others to want to be good mothers and will give them some guidance as to how to go about that.  President Benson talks about 10 specific ways we can spend effective time with our children.  So hopefully I'll be able to deliver the lesson as well as it is presented in the manual because it is a good one. 

I hope that you had a productive happy week and are enjoying your final companion.  The area you are living in looks amazing and maybe the most pleasant summer you've ever experienced in your life!!!  Enjoy it!  Treasure your last few weeks as God's full time servant!!!  

Love you!  Mom


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