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6/5/16 Pool Party!!! Quick trip up North, Kennedy and Taylor sealed

Katie, Gpa and Holly enjoying a swim!
Grandpa G sporting his styling socks!
Why is it time goes so fast when you are off from work?!  

This week I was off Monday, Thurs 1/2 day and Friday and it went so fast!  
Aaron Dickie

Monday was the party for the May birthday's but mostly Grandpa because it was his actual birthday and he's the oldest coolest of the May's!  As you know we had a pool party at Wendy's house and it was a lot of fun.  We actually went over at 4 (the party was supposed to start at 5) so we'd have time to swim and play before everyone got there since we've found that most of the other adults prefer to visit and don't swim.  Since we wanted to do both we just went longer.  
It was nice.  We got to splash and play for an hour and then had sandwiches and visited for awhile.  Afterward we met up with Nancy and Russ and played pickleball until the lights went out at 10 p.m. 

Tuesday was a Monday/Tuesday in one due to the Memorial Day Holiday and so I was SO busy at work.  They day flew by with non-stop needs!  Wednesday and Thursday actually were similar I guess because I was trying to get as much as possible done before leaving again. 

The Carnevale's invited the girls to come swim from 11 - 12 each morning for two weeks while some of her other kids take swim.  Ana is not in swim so they hang with Ana.  It's lap swim hour so they just work laps with her. They have enjoyed that the days they have been able to go.  Sister Carnevale took them to the park on Tuesday for hours!!!  afterward and fed them pizza and let them play.  So they had a fun time with their family. 

Thursday we headed out for Orem sometime between 1 - 2 p.m. after I got off work and we all got packed and cleaned and stuff.  We got up there about dinner time and met Gpa and Gma Laurito at Five Star BBQ in Orem.  It's kind of an old dive looking place but I sure enjoy the food.  Plus upstairs is really big with big TV's so AJ can't wait to go watch a game or two there in the future. After dinner AJ brought Ali over, a girl he's dating.  The kids and me and dad played in the hotel pool with Ali.  We played ultimate frisbee.  Ali, Dad and Katie cleaned up on Holly, AJ and me.  It was a pretty fun rowdy game for quite awhile and then other people came and we stopped it.  

Friday we enjoyed the hotel breakfast and then went to look at a car in Spanish Fork with AJ (he's our chauffeur a lot cause his car is comfy and he knows where he's going!)  The car was kinda "well loved" looking but a really good price.  When we went back to check the title we found that it had been totaled not once but twice!  So, no.  

AJ took us to the grocery store that has all the bulk stuff and we let everybody pick treats and found some other items of interest to buy.  
Yummy dinner!
Taylor and Kennedy were sealed at 2 p.m. in the Provo downtown temple -- it's only been open for business for a couple of weeks now.  So we ventured over there and found our way in.  It is a very beautiful temple but it is also very different in layout and such than other temples I've been in.  While we did that Katie and Holly did baptism's on their own.  We actually got done quicker than they did!  
Gpa Griffin, Maddi & Wendy Dickie

We met at Romano's macaroni grill afterward with a lot of people...25-40?  I'm not really sure but it was a LONG table of people!!! But it was a great place to go because they have meals that are $7 ready in 7 minutes or it's free.  So they were really quick and really good food.  I would definitely recommend them for parties like we had.  It was great.  Nice, fast, inexpensive. 

Everybody kinda chilled after that and we visited with Ali and Aj again.  Dad grilled poor Ali but she handled it like a star.  She is 5'11" so they are a really stunning couple.  She is very pretty. 

We also got to hang out with Ben and Laura and get Laura cookies!!! Yummy!  and then Aj and Ali had to go.  Aj took your sisters to his soccer game and Dad and I went to look at another car in South Jordan.  

Everybody else went to icecream and a walk.  Bummed we missed that but there was so many things we wanted to do and time was going too quickly!

Gpa and Laura worked hard to get the candles out!
We liked the car but unfortunately the banks closed an hour before we got there.  So we went back up and bought it the next morning. 

I guess that was good because we got to visit Gma and Gpa L again for 1/2 hour or 45 minutes and same with Eldon and Diane before starting down the state for our drive home. 

We left the Hyundai up at Laurito's and Eldon is planning to bring it back next time he comes to his St. George home.  He's been talking the shuttle so it will save him the cost of the shuttle -- so hopefully he's ok with the arrangement.  If that doesn't work out Aj may bring it or we'll be up again end of the month and could grab it then. 

We got a 2007 Chrysler 300.  It is a very comfortable nice car.  It's just like what AJ got with different features and less miles.  We are hoping it will be in our family for about 10 years like our last vehicle purchase (van).  

The smoke was thick after all those candles got blown out!
We stopped in Cedar City and went to Taco Time and then the equestrian show for the summer games.  Katie actually knew two of the girls competing.  We took some pictures.  Tried to find a couple of other events but they were already over so we headed home.  Dad had to work until late doing the Zion lions. We had the Riley girls over to play and then walked them home (car isn't registered and I don't want to deal with a ticket so it's parked until we complete the registration on Monday).  

Off to church shortly.  

Our lessons today switch from marriage relations to family relations.  So now instead of dad talking about me all the time he can talk about YOU and your siblings!!! Haha.  

Anyway for my thought of the week here is a quote we are going to share today:
Lil Kennedy w/Katie
Taylor and Kennedy Squires
Ben Squires
President Gordon B. Hinckley, the 15th President of the Church, counseled: “Never forget that these little ones are the sons and daughters of God and that yours is a custodial relationship to them, that He was a parent before you were parents and that He has not relinquished His parental rights or interest in these His little ones. Now, love them, take care of them. Fathers, control your tempers, now and in all the years to come. Mothers, control your voices; keep them down. Rear your children in love, in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Take care of your little ones. Welcome them into your homes, and nurture and love them with all of your hearts” (“Excerpts from Recent Addresses of President Gordon B. Hinckley,”Ensign, July 1997, 73).

Grandpa got sour gummies for his birthday...
I think he likes them?!


Left is our new car 2007 Chrysler 300, right AJ's 2006 same
We drove by your dorm yesterday and a little bit of campus at SUU.  It will be fun to have you so close.  I hope everything is well and time goes quickly while you finish out your mission.  It always goes faster when you are engaged and interested in what you are doing so find some "projects" to work on and work hard!!!!  

love you lots! mom

Andy and Shelly outside Provo Temple

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Silly sisters...told them to turn around and
this is what I got!

And Finally....Katie and Holly after baptisms
at the Provo Temple


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