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07/03/16 Park City Vacation


It's been a really busy week as we've prepared to come to our annual Park City vacation.  Of course we both have tons of work to do and feel like we've gotten a full week in before we ever leave town!  That was the case this week.  Judge Bunnell was out of town but I still had a really busy court night. 

The girls have stayed busy with piano lessons and friends and just hanging out.  It's the lazy days of summer but they seem to be enjoying the down time. 

Monday and Wednesday evening we played pickle ball.  It's so hot lately that even waiting to start until 8:30 p.m. it's still about 100 degrees and not much below it when we quit at 10 p.m. We taught the Harrison's how to play and they played Wednesday since the McCallisters were out of town. 

Thursday morning we got up and packed and headed out the door for our trip to Park City.  We had a pretty quiet uneventful trip.  When we got to Provo we stopped at Aj's work and toured the BYU sports museum and he showed us where he works up on the 3rd floor of the same building.  There were tons of sports shirts, trophies, pictures, sneakers...stuff from athletes throughout the years that have attended and excelled at BYU.  There was a cool shot showing how big one of the giant athlete's were (and Dad looked small next to it!) and one of the tiny gymnast that of course your sisters looked HUGE next to.  We stayed there for about an hour and then AJ had to go back to work and we went over to Five Star BBQ in Orem and enjoyed nachos and pork sandwiches.  
We continued on and got the yearly donut dogs at Day's Bakery but we probably won't do that again.  They used to be $1 or $1.50 a donut and this year they were $2.99 each.  Ouch!!!!  So we only got 1 dozen and took pictures and that may be the end of the tradition!  We'll see!  

We got a different place this year because I couldn't find any deals in our old area.  We found this place right next to the outlet malls.  Seriously...we walked over and it wasn't much different than parking in their parking lot!  Anyway, the place has a king bedroom with bathroom, a full bed bedroom upstairs along with a loft area with 3 twin beds.  There is also a pull out sofa.  So we were able to fit everybody easily. There is a living room, kitchen, laundry and another extra bathroom.  So it's really comfy.  It has underground parking too but we prefer the covered parking outside as the garage spot is snug.  Found it for  $112 night including tax and everything.  

Anyway, once we got here to Park City we unpacked and explored the place a little and then headed down to the pool.  The pool isn't very big but we've been fortunate that it has been very lightly used so we usually have it to ourselves or only a couple of other people are there. The big pool is kind of chilly for the cool mountain air but the hot tub is hot and nice so we spent most of our time there. 

Late late Thursday night Dallas and McKayla arrived and Friday morning AJ came and we all headed out for a drive up to mirror lake.  We stopped at the upper provo falls on the way up.  The weather was pretty hot here in Park City but up the mountain it was cool and even rained a little.  The further up the mountain we climbed the colder it got.  When we stopped at Provo Falls it was around 60 degrees.  That didn't stop AJ, Dallas, Dad, & Holly from making their way to the falls and dunking completely in.  Burr.  

We continued on up the mountain and it got even colder.  We stopped at mirror lake and had picnic lunch and hung out awhile and we were all kind of cold just sitting having lunch.  I think the car said 58 degrees at that point.  There was snow on the ground in places around us and the lake is snow melt water so it's chilly too!  Once again some of us ventured in (I even did) and played in the water for a little while.  It was cold to get in but actually wasn't so bad once we were in.  When I got out I actually felt warmer than when I had gotten in. I looked down and I had goose bumps on my goose bumps...I was like...hey, these goose bumps are doing their job!!!  I feel good!  Haha. 

Along the way from mirror to butterfly lake a deer jumped out in front of us and we didn't miss it by much.  AJ and Dallas were playing with their go pro in the car behind us and actually got it on recording.  We feel blessed to have missed the deer.  Good thing dad has cat like reflexes still!!!

We went a little further on to butterfly lake and then came home.  We all went right to the hot tub upon getting back here and then showered and went to Granny's for dinner.  CROWDED!!!  It is so peaceful at our place and up the mountain and going into town is so opposite!

After dinner D&M went to the outlets alone, AJ had to go to his overnight job and we just chilled here at the place. 
Early Saturday morning D&M left (and won't be back).  They had a temple endowment session to go to for a friend and stuff for her side of the family. 

AJ and the girls and I went boating with one of AJ's friends on Deer Creek.  The girls and I only stayed about 2 hours.  We got to ride the tube on the back and buzz around from one end of the lake to the other. The guy that owned the boat did some water skiing that was pretty cool.  Katie and Holly got to hang out with some college girls who couldn't believe they were only 12 and 14!  They were super nice to the girls and we had fun.  

Afterward we came back without AJ and went to the Jupiter Bowling Alley and played a couple of games and had pizza while we bowled.  Dad doubled our scores every time -- I swear I am worse now than ever!  Haha, what happened?!  The girls and I were competitive for the most horrible bowler.  Holly got 2nd place both times.  Katie found she actually bowls better left handed than right. 

We went right from there to the outlet malls.  We walked the whole entire complex!  It was hot but not horrible.  We found sneakers for all the girl types in the family but none for dad.  Bummer!  We also got old navy 4th of July shirts and a couple of other things.  Katie insisted on carrying all the bags.  I think it made her feel like a big shopper, big spender, cool person. Not sure.  But she wouldn't share the packages and I didn't  mind a bit! Haha.  

We then wanted to hurry and find something for dinner and come back cause we were tired!  What an ordeal!  Park City is so busy.  We drove around awhile and finally decided we would go to Cafe Rio.  Dad stood in line for 1/2 hour and the line had not moved.  After 10 more minutes we finally walked over to Dickey's and had BBQ instead.  So much for grabbing a quick bite!

Anyway today we are watching Tab choir for church and we'll probably go for a walk and play games.  Later today Laurito's and Becky and family will come up for Sunday dinner.  Morgan's birthday was recently so I think we are celebrating that.  Becky is making some type of Rumbi's dish that has coconut rice and chicken and veggies and I think Dad's bringing the cake.  

We have a secret shop up at Mojo's on Monday so we'll have free lunch (kind of, still gotta earn it I guess by writing it up!) We are just taking it as it comes so not sure what else we'll do. Tuesday morning we have to be out by 10 a.m. and we'll venture back home, hoping all the major traffic will be back to work!

My assistant is going to try court all on her own this week and I'll go back to work probably on Wednesday.  I guess it's good for her but I'm a little nervous for her.  It can be overwhelming!  
We are watching the tab choir right now and just saw Aunt Diane!!!  It is a patriotic theme of course with the fourth of July tomorrow. 

Thought of the week: God Bless America was first sung in 1938 and helps us remember that when storm clouds gather we need the light from above -- that we should turn to GOD for blessings to help us.  
I hope your 4th is fun and enjoyable and that you reflect on how fortunate we are to live in this great country.  Enjoy the beautiful area you are in - soak it in, take pictures, enjoy it.  You may not be up that way again for a long time and it truly is a beautiful area you are in!  
Love you so much and we've missed not having you with us.  When we do things the girls keep saying...remember when Bryce did this...or that...or Bryce was with us last time we were here.  You are in our thoughts and prayers!  Love you!!!! Mom


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