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07/24/16 2000 Stripling Warrior March and Only one more week!!!!

2000 Stripling warriors were more like 20...but they were a good bunch!
This is it!  Your last normal p-day. Your last letter from home.  The last week of your amazing adventure!  I hope that you will have a wonderful week of lasts!!!!  

We've had a fairly quiet week here.  Last Monday Sister Schimbeck came and we made salsa together.  Seems like we made about 20 jars of salsa - she took home 6 or 7 and I kept the rest.  (She had only brought that many jars and said that was all she wanted to keep)  It was fun to hang with Katrice - I haven't seen her forever!  We did girl scouts together about 5 years ago and used to hang out regularly and then she quit (cause Brooke grew up) and we just don't cross paths very often!

After she left we had BBQ (cause we had Pizza on Saturday) and dad smoked a side of something that was delicious!  We played pickleball afterward.  So Monday afternoon and evening were very full!

Monday through Thursday Katie and Holly were in a soccer camp from 10-12 each day so they were busy having fun up at the community center each morning.  Katie also has a singing group that her and her friends created and they got together from 8-10 Monday and Tuesday.  So the girls had a good week developing their talents!

Wednesday I had ladies lunch with Carla, Marilyn, Cristy and myself - kinda the old crew from the beginning of me working at Washington City.  Carla is over 70 now, Marilyn is 67, Cristy 57, and me 47.  They are such a fun group of ladies - it's always fun to get together and catch up on all our busy lives. They try to get together quarterly for each birthday and then at Christmas time.  We ate at Chili's and it was a fun lunch!

The girls made bags out of t-shirts for YW.  They were cute.  We played pickelball while they were at YW.   We actually play about when YW ends because even starting at 8:30 p.m. the temperature is usually still 100.  Any earlier and the sun is too bright AND the temp too hot!  We played on Friday this week too - which was a particularly hot day and when we ENDED at 10:30 p.m. it was still 100!!! (It was 111 for a high that day)

Thursday Marlee came over and we had pizza (we are kind a messed up this week on our menu!!!)  Dallas and McK came too - they don't get over together much because of McK's crazy schedule so it was fun to see them for a little while!!  The girls were planning to go to the warrior march on Friday so they were busy trying to find costumes.   Marlee and the girls went and played rock band for quite awhile after dinner.  They aren't going to want to share her when you get home!!!

Friday was a crowded schedule.  After work we met Gma and Gpa over at Olive Garden for lunch.  It was really good and we went at the right time - not too crowded!  We had a nice visit -- doesn't seem like we'd seen them in awhile!

George Hamer (a guy in our ward) turned 75 and had a birthday party at Sullivan Park.  So we went down there and visited him.  Then the girls were going to a warrior encampment - an overnight before marching in the parade.  We thought it was going to be kind of a big deal but we got there and there was 1 other girl and maybe 15 boys and a couple of leaders.  We hesitated -- should we leave them?  But they decided they'd stay and we gave them a phone and told them to call if they wanted to come home.  

They never asked to come home and seems like they had a pretty fun time.  They fed them a whole chicken from costco (2 people split one and ate it right off the bone) and some rolls.  They weren't allowed to bring flash lights or anything but gave them torches -- that were fire!!!  So there were torches all over the place stuck in the ground.  They had about 4 porto-potty and hand sanitizer and just slept under the stars.  They were busy playing games at 10:30 at night when I ran over to drop off Katie's costume (we'd gotten the wrong one from Emily Holt by accident).  They were having so much fun they didn't even notice I'd come and gone!  Holly said they were up until after 2 a.m. playing and talking and stuff and then they got up at 7 a.m. had breakfast, practiced marching and then the parade was at 9 a.m.  The "2000 stripling warrriors" were about 30 warriors...maybe.  They looked good though and I think they had a nice time.  Whoever did the advertising either didn't get the word out or didn't make it sound fun enough.  

After the parade the girls were supposed to work the fishing booth from 10-12.  Which turned into 10-2.  Poor things were so hot and tired!!!!  We went up about 1 p.m. and took up sandwiches and chips and cookies because I figured they had to be dying.  The Clark's were the adult chaperones and they had just ordered pizza for the same reason.  So they kids got double lunch!!!  

The girls came home and showered, unpacked and then looked REALLY tired!  So we cleaned up the costumes and took the girls out so they wouldn't go to sleep and then not be able to sleep at night.  We dropped off the costumes at Wrights and Hotls and then some things at the DI and took them to Carl's Jr. We checked out a store at the strip mall and then went to Albertsons.  

Everybody watched Lady Hawk (one of dad's all time favorite movies).  I made chili sauce, hot sauce and sweet and sour sauce while the movie played (so I could stay awake for the whole movie!!!)  We had a bunch of jalapenos so we were trying something new on the hot sauce.  The sweet and sour is for dinner today - making chicken. 

Anyway - it was nice to be home and doing Saturday stuff at home -- we also did lots of laundry and cleaning and mowed the lawn etc in between all that other stuff! -- after being gone off and on this summer. 

Well I gotta play organ today in church so I need to get going and hope the choir doesn't practice too long before church - I'd like to practice a little before church starts but they are performing today too and usually practice right before the meeting. 

Enjoy your last week!!!!

Quote of the week: 
Nothing makes a person more productive than the last minute!!!

Haha - ain't that the truth!  Hurry and get done whatever you wanted to accomplish before you came home!  I'm gonna be doing the same here!  Love you!!!! Mom
Sleeping Warriors, on the Turner Turf Farm


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