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07/17/16 Duck Creek Trip

Ben and Jill Rae and family came over Monday night for a salsa party.  Ben likes to garden and had a ton of tomatoes and his wife doesn't like to? or doesn't know how to? or something salsa so they came over and together we made a batch of salsa.  It wasn't as big as expected but we made about of pot full and bottled it up and sent it home.  

Afterward we ordered pizza and enjoyed hanging out for a little while. The girls really enjoyed playing with Katie and Holly's dollhouse and Wesley liked talking sports with dad.  He is a math nerd and likes to memorize all the #'s like dad so I think Wesley really enjoyed hanging with Dad!

I was afraid Tuesday was going to be out of control with our prosecutor out of the country for the past 3 weeks and Judge gone and me gone a week ago...but it was ok.  We were out by 7:30 or so which isn't horrible.  This week will probably be worse but hopefully not TOO much worse.  We always pay when we play!!!!
A fishing we will go!
Wednesday the girls had YW camp recognition night so we got to watch the silly skit the girls always do up at camp, see pictures and hear a little about their experience.  They got some certificates and beads and things and of course smore treats (like rice crispy treats only with golden graham cereal).  

Afterward we played pickleball until late and the girls went home to bed.  They don't really like to come play (bummer).  I wonder if we bought a couple more paddles so their friends could play too if they would be more inclined. Right now we only have 2 extra so they just have to play each other and they get irritated with each other easily and the game never lasts long. 

Thursday I worked until noon and then we did some car shuffling.  The 300 had been at the dealership Wednesday evening getting air bags replaced. Then we went and got it and left the mustang to get it's airbags replaced.  Shuffling done we went home and loaded up the 300 and headed to duck creek.  We stopped in Cedar City and ate at Sonny Boy's BBQ and then shopped at lins to get some breakfast food and things for the cabin.  We heard there wasn't much in the way of restaurants up there so we made sure to have enough to feed everyone all meals if necessary. 

We got up to our cabin and it was rustic -- nice but not REAL nice.  It had a small powder room with a little shower and a tiny kitchen with a little kitchen table.  The living room was tight too - just a couch and a TV.  Upstairs there were 2 twins and a full size bed.  The rooms were just barely as big as the beds.  It had a cute little porch with 2 chairs and some wood benches.  

We walked around the duck creek village and then settled in the cabin for the evening playing dominos mexican train from 12 down to 0.  Game lasted awhile after 10 p.m. We had cheese and crackers and other snacks while we played.  It was fun. 

Friday morning we got up and went to find out about renting a 4-wheeler to cruise around in.  They were all busy until 4 p.m. so we went to Cascade Falls -- it's just under a mile each way for the hike and kind of steep but not too bad.  The falls were spectacular but unfortunately you couldn't actually touch them and get in them.  It was all just get to the edge and look at it.  We were bummed!  

Then we went to a cute little sub shop in Duck creek village - Mark's Subs.  We thought they might be lame but they really surprised us and were big foot long subs loaded with toppings.  We tried a meatball and a pizza sub and also got a burrito.  They were all really tasty and good and there was enough food that we ate the leftovers for dinner and didn't use any of the food we brought up for Friday!

Walking around Duck Creek Village
We chilled out a little while until 4 p.m. and then went and got a 6 passenger 4-wheeler -- like a razor type thing.  It didn't have windshields or windows.  It had a roll bar and seatbelts. There are some amazing trails up there -- like miles and miles of them -- only for dirt bikes/razor type things.  We were able to drive around through the woods to duck creek lake, down an ice cave (not Mammoth -- which is also in the same area) - we were able to go down into the ice cave and walk around.  Dad slipped on the muddy ice and was muddy butt!!! (really muddy legs more than butt but it was fun to tease him a little!)  

We found a babbling stream and Dad and Holly got all the way in -- helped to rinse off all his mud!  

Both girls got to try to drive which they thought was really cool. Dad says they both were a little heavy on the brakes!! Luckily no windshield to slam into, haha!

Is Holly cheating?!  She looks guilty!
I think Dad liked it the most because he got to race around and hot dog and be a wild man and I think he loved every minute of it!

Our Cabin
By the time we were done -- close to 8 p.m. we all just went back to the cabin and showered and then hung out watching TV and chilling the rest of the evening.  Everybody just had leftovers out of the fridge -- nothing exciting!

Saturday we packed up and headed home.  It was about 64 degrees when we left Duck Creek and it was 101 degrees when we arrived in St. George just about 1.5 hours later.  Whew!

Holly and I went swimming at the Campbell's pool (they got a nice pool recently and have been out of town for two weeks in Mexico.  Riley's are house sitting so we get to go swim with them!!!) 

I think he's winning at dominos...
Katie had a stake dance so she spent about 4 hours getting ready...not even kidding!!! Holly went to Riley's.  Dad and I played pickleball with McAllisters for hour and half. Everybody had fun doing what they wanted to do!  Picked up Katie at 11 p.m.  So we had a pretty late evening.

View outstide our cabin

Aj came down with 5 friends - 3 guys and 2 girls and himself and they spent Friday/Saturday doing all kinds of fun stuff...kanaraville falls, angels landing, sand hollow, caves out at snow canyon.  So we had lots of people sleeping everywhere. And eating.  And showering.  They were a nice bunch of kids so it was fun to have them. 

He put me on a pedastal!
I taught this week for our family relations class on teaching children gospel principles.  It was a basic lesson -- things you'd think everybody should know -- but we talked about how people outside of the church don't know these basics and they suffer for not having these guidelines in their lives.  Probably similar to the stuff you teach -- faith, baptism, repentance, holy ghost, walking uprightly -- following the Lord's plan.  We also talked about teaching our children to be honest and hard working and all around good people with morals.  To pray.   I really don't enjoy getting up in front of people and teaching but I survived.  We have a good class that makes a lot of good comments so that really helps.  If you can go out and serve a mission for two years, surely I can muddle my way through a class or two!!! Thanks for being an inspiration and example.  You are awesome!!!
We had a big lunch with all Aj's friends today -- made about 20 cheese sandwiches and salsa and chips.  And then had breakfast for dinner at gmas house with Randy and Kay.  So it's been a fun social day.  

Cascade Falls from a distance
The Wright's brought over hand me down clothes for the girls so they are as I type modeling all their clothes for dad. They had a draft and each picked what they wanted from the pile one piece at a time until everything was gone.  Girls are funny.  

It's taken me all day to write to you as I keep getting interrupted with things to do!  

Trying not to get too excited as we count down the days till we get to see you!!!!!  Be sure to enjoy every last day -- enjoy the journey!  You've come a long way and done some great things.  I'm so impressed by you and all that you've accomplished.  Finish strong!!!  

xoxo Mom

Lil photo bomber in the back!

Cascade Falls from above

Mouth of Cascade Falls

Patiently waiting for lunch
Watching funny videos together

I think he likes this toy...

Hold on tight!!!!

How do you like their dust covers?

Ice Cave dancing

Mouth of the ice cave

Climbing out of the cave

What? Katie's driving?!!!

Aaaahhhh!!! 12 year old Holly's driving?!

He can't resist getting in the water!!!


Duck Creek was awesome!


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