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08/08/16 Bryce's homecoming!!!!

Aug 1
 What a great week! 
We were all very excited to get Bryce home and spent the past week making posters and then Monday we made lots of cookies and 4 big sheet pans full of homemade pizzas. McKayla made breadsticks.  We just made a ton of food and got the house all ready to go.  Then about 5 p.m. we headed to the airport.

Elder Griffin arrived in the St. George airport on Monday night at 5:55 p.m. (5 minutes early!!!)  He was greeted by our family -- Dad and me and Holly and Katie, Dallas and McKayla Griffin, Gma and Gpa Griffin, Wendy and Aaron Dickie, Ben and Laura Griffin, Eldon Griffin, Marlee Thatcher and parents  -- was there more?!  He came out the side entrance of the departure gate and was greeted with posters and applause.  I got the first hug followed by Dad. Bryce seemed a little overwhelmed -- having not hugged anyone for 2 years he didn't seem to know what to do, haha!
We were able to pretty quickly grab his bags and then head to the stake president for release.  Bryce went into his office alone and I believe he received some counsel from the President and then President Ellsworth invited Andy and me into the office. He read some excerpts from the letter he received from Bryce's Mission President and said the letter was extremely long and very complimentary of Bryce - much more than he usually receives from other mission presidents.  He was very impressed with the letter he received.
Bryce was told that he was being released as a full time missionary and asked to remove his tags.  President Ellsworth then told him to put the tags somewhere that he could see them every day and remember his service as a missionary.  Bryce smiled and took his tag with a clip on it and said, What do you think President, should I pierce my hose and hang it from my nose?! 
That kid kills me!  It's good to see that he hasn't lost his sense of humor! 
We said a prayer together and then Bryce was sent on his way, no longer a missionary!
The kids had gone back to the house and we busy cooking pizzas and preparing for treats to be out on the table.  They did a great job. The house looked great!  There were signs hung inside and out and the treats were all out on a table in the living room.  We then had an "open house" from 7-9 p.m. We had quite a lot of people come by - all the family that came to the airport (minus Ben and Laura), quite a few ward members and old friends. I'm afraid if I try to start listing I'll for sure miss -- but let's just say Bryce was pretty busy talking to people until after 8:30 p.m.
He and Marlee were kind of awkward initially but about 8:30 p.m. they were able to talk alone for a few minutes and voila, they are Bryce and Marlee again!  Just like they never were apart.
Bryce and Marlee have spent as much time as possible together.  She is serving a service mission and is busy until 5 p.m. each day so they can only spend evenings together. Bryce has been busy applying for jobs, buying books, purchasing things for school, repairing his bicycle to take to college (took it to a shop).  He has also stepped up and done some car pool driving too -- which we have REALLY missed!!!!  It's been so nice to have him home.  Feels like he's back where he belongs.  And it hasn't felt awkward at all!  He just fit right back in! 
Katie did an all day seminar on Thursday for Hope squad.  It is a club that she was invited into.  They asked the kids who they would talk to if they were having a hard time and she was nominated. Hope squad is a suicide prevention team that tries to reach out to kids and make friends and notify adults if they see anything troubling.  She learned a lot and had a fun day at the WCCC. 
Friday we went to the Carnevale's house for dinner.  Bishop's mother is visiting from Brazil and made choxinia (seriously have no idea how to spell this...sounds like Ko-Shin-ia when they say it).  These are potato wrapped around meat and deep fried.  Andy and Bryce LOVE them!!!  We watched opening ceremonies of the Olympics which are in Brazil close to where Bishop grew up.  So that was kind of cool too!  After dinner we all headed to the park and played pickleball with Bishop and Janae while the kids all played over at the water park and rode bikes around the park.  Our girls tended their kids.  It was from about 9 - 10:30 p.m.  It was still close to 100 degrees even when we finished.  I think everybody had a nice time.
Saturday we did chores and shopping and such and then went to the ward party Saturday night.  It was also at Sullivan park and was very well attended.  It was really HOT.  Most everyone ended up going over to the water pond and putting their feet in while the kids played to stay cool.

Sunday was the usual with church, choir practice and going to Griffin's for dinner.  After dinner Bryce spent over an hour telling us about his mission - we did a little Q&A - it was interesting to hear him tell us what he's been up to for the past 2 years. It was a nice evening!


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