This week we are almost back in full swing with school and work and just getting into our fall schedule. Katie and Holly are enjoying school and getting new lockers and learning where classes are and getting supplies and asking for money. Every day!!! For fees and activities, uniforms, instruments, on and on and on!!! Oh well I'd rather pay lots up front and have them involved in good activities than pay to fix them later!!!! So the checkbook is open!!!!
Friday felt like full moon Friday -- there were so many strange things going on at work. Still dealing with a lady that stole a credit card to pay a court fine (who does that?!) She'll probably be booked into jail next time I look. A girl that has been gone since 2006 (her cases were closed for not paying and time being too long) wanting paperwork saying she is "done" with us -- She's gonna have to pay $700 to get that from us. We reopened her cases! An old man (91) that got a ticket 14 months ago that wants the conviction to go away because his insurance went up. There was more. I can't remember!! But just felt like I was chasing one strange thing after another all day long!
Tuesday Dad and Katie got to go to the dr office together. Dad got a shot and Katie got a physical required for Volleyball. Dad also got the motorcycle inspected and ran other errands getting ready for the fall sports schedule. Busy day! I had court and got home around 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday after work I gave blood and then we had dinner and the girls went to young women's and did yoga. They really enjoyed it. We played pickleball until 10 p.m.
Thursday I only worked until 11:30 a.m. Bryce headed up to SUU in his own car with it packed with all his gear. Andy recorded his first fall show on the TV and then met with the boss (who told him he is getting a raise!!!) Then we got up to Cedar in time to get to the parents meeting. Holy smokes. The room was packed -- all seats taken and people standing 2 and 3 people deep against the back and sides. The room was like a little oven. I stood for about an hour and then couldn't take it anymore and left before the meeting ended.
We went to the bookstore and bought a couple of tshirts and some hookups for the computer. We ran into one of Bryce's other roomies there -- he came from California and is his parents oldest so they were struggling a little with leaving him! Seems like a nice kid.
We went and visited Bryce's dorm room. I forgot how little dorms are! Bed, dresser, desk. Room over. haha. He and Kurt were all unpacked and set up already. Course two return missionaries...they know how to travel light and set up quick! They have a little mini fridge and they found a $5 TV so they can play video games (silly me, I thought they were buying it to watch some TV or something! NO!)
We left Bryce after awhile and enjoyed a meal at Sonny Boys before heading down the road to home. This is the first time we've ever gone to college orientation -- neither Andy or I ever went for ourselves (Andy started p/t, I started summer quarter) Aj started in January -- it was fun to go see him. We both felt a little sad leaving him and kept expecting him to come home any minute that evening! He'll be back often and it really isn't a big deal but it's still hard to cut 'em loose!
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Kay Phillips sporting her birthday apron! |
Andy and Robert Hoppie had to go to SLC for a football game so girls night out season begins for us! The weather is unsettled yet again and it was just raining, lightning and thundering. We were going to do movie in the park but that's not looking too promising. Riley girls are playing and the girls are happy and quiet together.
Saturday got up early and did spin class at 8:30 as usual and then did our Saturday chores. Dallas and McK did their first LuLaRoe party so we went over to the Mariott Center to check out their clothes sale. Afterward the girls made cookies and I headed up to the pool for an hour (they didn't want to go). The one pool was empty due to maintenance work...strange to see! Andy got home about 4:30. Bryce and Marlee checked out little jamaica (a waterfall by the AZ border) and then at 6 p.m. we had a surprise party for Marlee over at the Thatcher's house.
Her mom made mexican food galore (8 lbs of meat!!!) and brownies and ice cream. We ate and hung out for a couple of hours and then headed back across town to get Katie to a stake dance.
Sunday we went to mom's house for dinner and since Kay had a birthday this past week we had a little celebration for her!
Sunday we went to mom's house for dinner and since Kay had a birthday this past week we had a little celebration for her!
We were going to go to Sharp's for dinner but they had something on calendar they forgot about so we are going to try again next week. Turns out that was a good thing because Monday after Andy did his show he picked up Katie (the girls had early out) to take her to volleyball practice and when he got close to PVMS the car started acting strange. The radio quit. The blinkers quit. Power steering went out. Eventually the whole thing quit. Lucky for Andy he was close to his parents house, at the top of the hill. He was able to drift down the hill and park at their house.
The guys charged up the battery and drove it to Dallas work and left it running for awhile. And it quit again. They got a new battery (at no charge due to recent battery purchase) and thought it was good to go...and it was. See next weeks letter for the continuing Mustang saga!
The nice thing about the car breaking down at Gma and Gpas house is that it was family night and Ben and Laura were coming over too -- so we all had dinner together and helped do some cleaning and lawn care and it was a nice evening even with the frustration of the car!!!
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