On Thursday, May 31 about 10 a.m. Andy received a text from his boss, Matt Borgoyne asking if he could meet with him that day some time. Andy said of course and a meeting was arranged for 4 p.m. Andy just had surgery on his back a week ago on Tuesday, May 22 and so he was still having a hard time (using a cane to walk, unable to drive due to pain killers, etc). Even so, during the week since surgery he had compiled stats and posted several stories for St. George News online. At his prior surgery he actually was working on his laptop in the hospital just hours after leaving surgery. He truly loved and was dedicated to his job.
Andy went into the meeting and Matt said they had some differences and that St. George News wanted to go a different direction and they no longer would require his service. Immediately they disabled all his email and layout accounts so that he couldn't even look at anything at all that was in his files before we even arrived at the meeting (they started disabling his accounts at 3 p.m. an hour prior to our 4 p.m. meeting)
Andy has felt that this would happen due to some disagreements with management but it is really sad to work so long and hard and faithfully at something and have someone show so little regard for your efforts.
No one from his company even reached out to say sorry, miss ya man, nothing.
I know there is something else in Andy's future that will be good and wonderful but it is sad to see the other love of his life taken away so swiftly and unkindly.
I feel like it was something that will be better for Andy in the long run -- like a bad breakup/divorce -- and that he might never have left them due to his loyalty. But now that the ties are broken the sky is the limit!
I know he will land on his feet and find another niche where he loves to work!
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