2018 Girl's Camp |
Girl's Camp was a lot of fun this year. We started out early at the Isom's and were on the road by 7 a.m. We got up to camp early -- by 9 and by 9:30 we were all starving! Several of us ate our lunch super early!!!
The stake put on some devotionals and a skit for the girls to watch. The stake YCLs (all the older girls, Katie was one this year) also did a fireside in the evening. Katie sang a beautiful song. She went to camp praying for some answers to things she was concerned about and during the talk and her song the answer came. She was overcome with the spirit and even though she had practiced the song dozens of time just fine...she started crying...and struggled getting through the song. It was very touching and several others joined her in tears.
Thursday our girls put on a cute skit and then we had workshops. The workshops were really good. Sister Katrice Schimbeck talked about her grandfather and all the people the assisted him when he had a heart attack.
There was another workshop where we talked about caring for others and we wrote notes to give to other sisters.
One of the workshops was kind of fun games where one person was blindfolded and their partner had to coach them across a mind field of blocks.
Perhaps my favorite was put on by Sister Turek. She had a completely quiet area and spiritual music playing while you read inspiring stories. I felt the spirit while I read the boards.
Thursday evening the Stake Presidency came and spoke to us. They gave some great talks -- Carnevale, Jackson, Beckstrand.
Friday was ward day and we had nail art projects and a treasure hunt which ended with the girls receiving letters from their parents. It went really well. The girls played games all afternoon together and really bonded and had a nice time.
We had one girl who was really struggling with life (she admitted to being suicidal and self-harming). During the camp she started out very withdrawn and she wanted to go home. She stuck it out and by Friday afternoon a total transformation had occurred. It was amazing to watch. She came out of her shell and her personality shone through.
That evening during testimony she got up and told that she had read a book about someone dying and being dead for 10 minutes. They met Jesus during that time and felt his incredible love for them. She expressed her desire to die so she could feel that love. She then said that she had felt the love of Jesus from all of our young women as they had helped her through this difficult time in her life.
Holly bore her testimony on Friday night. She got up and told the girls to compare the fire to the gospel. She said if you stay close to the light of the fire (in the ring) then the light burns bright and you do well.
However sometimes there is little pops and embers escape. The further they get from the fire the more they lose their heat and light until they burn out. It is of course easier to just stay in and never escape. She said to compare the embers to people leaving the gospel.
She picked up one of the embers and said -- sometimes you can help the embers (or people) back to the gospel and they will do well again. Sometimes, however, they just pop out again and lose all their light and heat. (As she said that the fire crackled and more embers escaped)
She challenged the girls to stay close to the gospel so they could enjoy the light of the gospel.
Holly's version:
While I was listening to other people’s testimony I was watching the fire and noticing how some of the embers would pop and fly away. As i watched them I noticed how the further they got away from the fire the faster they would lose their light and heat. I wanted to compare this to the gospel and say that the gospel is like the fire the more people there are the brighter the light burns, but the further you get away from the fire(the gospel) the less bright your light burns and the faster your light goes out.
Overall the entire camp was a success. The theme was Peace in Christ -- and we truly all felt the weight of the world leave us and the peace of Christ enter our beings. Ask, Learn, Walk = Peace.
Great camp.
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