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06/08/18 Crazy week

Sometimes a week is so unbelievably crazy you just wonder what's up?! This week has kind of shaped up to be straight out of the terrible horrible very bad no good book. Only instead of lasting a day it's lasted a week!

Andy was informed on May 31 that his job was ending. That in itself is pretty traumatic and heart wrenching as a 52 year old male finds himself asking...what am I going to do for employment? Add to that the pain and suffering of recovering from a major back surgery and as you can imagine things seems pretty heavy and hard. Add the fact that really truly you aren't healthy enough to even really find and start a job at this point anyway. Also can't drive due to the medications taken to combat the pain.  In addition is the whole system shut down and possible looming additional surgery if things don't improve dramatically.

So we kind of feel like we're dealing with a lot is the point I'm trying to make. And then strange things started happening this week!

After getting fired Andy posts on facebook that he is no longer working and is sad that his career has abruptly come to an end. The next day we receive an email from his x-boss stating that the post must be removed as he is revealing trade secrets which violates a contract he signed. (ok?!) ((How are they still harassing us even after we no longer work there???)) And how is Andy not working there a trade secret?

So he removes all reference to who he works for and why he was fired and leaves the post up. There are tons of complimentary condolences from his friends and colleagues.

Now we nervously wait to find out if we (Andy and AJ both) will be paid for May's work. On June 5 Andy's money is deposited however as of Friday, June 8 AJ has still received nothing. So Andy will have to contact them yet again, unfortunately.

Wednesday I took Andy to the Dr. and got his 16 or 17 staples out of his back. We met with a Dr. Kashae Anderson, a PA we hadn't met before (we usually visit with Joe Ferguson in Fox's office). It went well and we had a positive visit.

When I got back in the office I started getting email notifications that money was charged on my CITI VISA credit card. I was curious because I didn't think Andy was buying anything (we're trying to cut out since we are on reduced income).  I was busy so didn't pursue it. Then I got an automated phone message -- which I ALMOST ignored because I've been getting so many telemarketing calls lately. But as I listened it said it was a fraud alert on my credit card. Ok, you got my attention now!!!

I immediately called in and was alerted that someone had tried to use my card:

6/6/18 VISA CITI card compromised - Case #1430205
$354 port wallet website
$1 Road runner sports
$1 Road runner sports
$1 Road runner sports
$1 Road runner sports
$20 Road runner sports
$50 Road runner sports
$224.58 SS Bangler

Thank goodness the fraud department was alert and attentive and declined all the requests to pay. The card compromised was my card (Shelly) and was immediately cancelled and a new card mailed out. However now I have no was to shop at COSTCO for a couple of days...which is where Andy's meds need picked up! Not a huge deal but kind of a pain as I now HAVE to make Andy walk over to the pharmacy every time we go! (more on THAT in a minute!)

Thursday morning started off awesome as I did sunrise yoga on the pool deck at the WCCC.  It was a really peaceful awesome class and it kind of made me melt away and forget my troubles in the peaceful solitude of the morning. And then 12 minutes to the end of class one of the guys opens up all the garage doors on the building -- which is really noisy and disruptive in and of itself -- but then also letting in all the pool crowd noise from the people inside. Needless to say the mood was broken.

I had planned to stay and swim afterward as a little reward to myself to relieve some stress. However I just had an urgent feeling I needed to get home. Andy had a rough night prior and I had put squeezers on his legs so I was worried he would need to get up and not be able to get them off. I just felt apprehensive that I needed to get home. So I just headed home right away. When I got there Katie's clock was going off and it was 6:55 a.m. I knew she was supposed to meet her friend at the temple at 7 a.m. so I thought maybe that was why I was prompted to get home right away.

I went and woke her up and then took off Andy's leg squeezers. I was about to get changed for work when Katie whispered, mom, I need you. Come here.

So I went out into the living room where she shakily told me to come outside with her. Apparently she had left her driver door unlocked and her wallet inside with valuables in it. When she went out to go to the temple she found her panel that covers the fuses off and on the floor, her glove box open and things jostled about in her car.  She thought that her wallet was gone but later found it. Fortunately her driver license and photo id's for school were all still in the wallet. However all her cash -- probably $30, her debit card and her food handler's permit were all gone. In addition some fancy pens that she liked and fruit snacks were taken. All in all could have been much worse but still smarts a little to lose that much money. Basically a days work for a teenager!

We called the police and cancelled the credit card and ordered another one. (Now me AND Katie can't spend money!! haha!!!)

And Katie was told she could not go to the temple that morning because she was too shaken up.
(Side note: We had a fireside with Pres. Nelson on Sunday in which he challenged the youth to set aside time during their week where they can do family history/temple work for the living or dead. Katie had made a goal to go to the temple every day this week and do baptisms. She was on track for 5/5 however missed Thursday after this little mis-hap.)

Thursday evening we went to refill Andy's prescription at costco for his pain medication. Because it is a controlled substance they will only release 5 days meds at a time -- so we have to go frequently to the pharmacy. He has had one bottle received from the hospital and one prior costco refill up to that point. This was his third bottle.  If you do the math he has been out of the hospital 15 days on Friday morning (day after pickup) but had only had 10 days worth of meds to last for those 14 what I'm trying to say is he hadn't even taken as much as was prescribed.

HOWEVER, when we arrived to pickup they said they had not filled the prescription because he could not have the medication until June 22...a full two weeks away!!! What?!  He only had 2 pain pill left.  We told them there must be a mistake. The pharmacist came out and reviewed the account and said that it was ok to fill but now they would need 20 minutes or 1/2 hour to fill that for us.

So we went to have dinner.  Realized it was getting late and we had a 7 p.m. church meeting so we had to leave. Came back at 8:10 p.m. to pickup the meds and are now billed $20 -- (should be no charge) because we are not entitled to pick them up according to the insurance until June 22.  Sigh.

I paid the bill and left with another battle to fight!

Friday morning started out great with a much needed pool walk with Linda (who I haven't seen much of for two weeks as she just started working graves and took her nurse test yesterday in Las Vegas while I've been busy home taking care of Andy). We had a great time as we caught up on our past couple of weeks excitement and stress!  Got home and dressed and took my first bite of breakfast when Holly announced she had the flu. And had MOSTLY made it in the toilet.  Except the part that made it ON the toilet and the wall surrounding the toilet. Sigh. So put breakfast down and gave the potty room a thorough once over. It was really not as bad as some of the brother's have done in the past but still not the way I wanted to spend my breakfast time!  Poor Holly's feeling icky and has to miss Morgan's birthday celebration today. She is pretty bummed!

Amongst all this going on our house is for sale and we have showed it multiple times through the past couple of month. (It's been on the market about 60 days now).  On the one hand it's kind of awesome...the house has stayed really nice and clean as it is now required since we sometimes only get about 1 hour notice. On the other hand it's kind of exhausting to try to keep the house clean always!!!!

So I'm not sure what Heavenly Father has in store for us or what lesson we are supposed to be learning (because really it's been a tremendously difficult year really ... was relief society president, Andy had 3 surgeries and recoveries, working full time, taking care of house and yard and kids and ward family, getting out of Relief Society as Andy is put in as 1st counselor in the bishopric etc, etc, etc!!!)

In my patriarchal  blessing it talks about Heavenly Father giving me challenges that I will be able to handle and will not be weighed down by them but will find much growth and joy in them. In the past I have kind of thought...well life is kind of hard but it's not too bad...wonder if this is what he meant.

Now I'm really feeling the weight and trying to continue to find the joy in it all because it feels really heavy sometimes!!!

Many of my friends put our names in the temple over the past couple of weeks as we embarked on yet another more difficult surgery and I know that we have been blessed and buoyed by the love and the prayers offered.  I wonder too though if they are the cause of all this going there is something or somewhere we are supposed to be going and the powers of heaven are pushing us in that direction and maybe we're too dumb to figure it out so strange things keep happening to help move us where we need to go.  I dunno...??!!!

I also have to say that while this has all been exhausting (5 hours sleep a night seems to be the norm lately) and difficult I really have felt at peace and guided and ok with things. I have a very strong faith that there is something coming in Andy's future that will be a job he will enjoy and it will be fine for our family. We have savings and are ok as long as we are smart about our spending. I am trying to enjoy our down time and "hanging" out with Andy and cherish this time together as I know that if he finds employment he may be gone a lot.

Youth Conference and Girl's camp are right around the corner and we are preparing for that. As a reward for being in RS I was blessed with being called to advisor in YW over Mia and Laurels.  So that is super fun and exciting!!! Andy as first counselor is also over YW so had he been well he could have come on both trips.  This is a super bummer that he's not well enough to travel that far at this time!!!

I really feel like everything is going to be ok and am just working to find out where it is Heavenly Father would like us to be.

We are promised that as we keep the commandments we will prosper in the land. I know that we will be taken care of and that everything will be ok. And I am hopeful that things will mellow out -- if we get on the right path maybe we won't need all these nudges?!  haha


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