Update: 10/11/18 Back in April Andy had an impression that we were to sell the house. We found a realtor and had some pictures taken and listed our home. At the time I was RS president. Shortly after our home listed I was released as president and Andy was put in as 1st counselor in the bishopric. We decided to continue to try to sell and our contract ran a full 6 months. During that time we had quite a lot of showings but no real interest in our home. We found a couple homes we were interested in but as we worked through things nothing ever fell into place. So after 6 months we let the contract expire and remain here. We are not sure why we had this experience or what we should have learned from it but for now we stay put and enjoy the blessing we have here at 587 S Ali Lane.
First time trying a lime Pineapple was more pleasing than lime Well...we went to Provo on Saturday and Sunday -- so your letter is a little later on Sunday than usual...but then I got to thinking...will you even get to see this before Thursday anyway?! So hopefully you're not sad that I'm late and all is well in CHILE. It's a rainy sabbath here...which is weird cause we rarely get rain. But it is drizzly and rainy and our ride home was beautiful for 2 hours, raining for 1 1/2 hours, and then pretty good the rest of the way. Let's see...what happened this week...Monday was Labor Day...so we had a day off work. Yeah!!! We didn't have anywhere we needed to go and planned to have a quiet Monday but first, we went to this store called Sheridan's that is super close to our house. And we found some wonderful outdoor patio furniture. It took us 3 trips to get it all home and all afternoon to unpack and assemble it. So at 5:30, we were just finishing and kinda tired ...
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