Gma and DJ making calzones |
The maestro - DJ |
BRYCE!!!!! He's just a baby!!!!! said Gigi kind of freaking out!!!! |
Dallas and DJ feeding the ducks |
Ellie |
DJ and Ellie |
DJ couldn't get in the car fast enough |
He did it! All by himself! |
Move over sista...I'm driving! -- DJ |
Shelly and Thomas Squires |
Annie, Ben, Thomas, Laura Squires |
Marlee at her baby shower |
It's Sunday again!!!
Funny story...I was talking to Sister Bundy, who I haven't seen in quite a while. We were just shooting the breeze and she was like, so, how is Sister Griffin, anyway? (And I was like, huh, we'll that's a weird way to phrase it...but ya, I'm good! haha) What she meant was how is HERMANA GRIFFIN!!!!
I think I realized what she meant before I embarrassed myself!
Wednesday we went to the traveling tabernacle with YM/YW. There is this major production where you go and learn about ancient church history. It is put on by the youth in the area -- I can't even imagine all the work that went into this. But it was pretty amazing and cool and glad I got to go.

This week we did you usual Monday night pizza with E&D and Gpa. Tuesday we had a RS dinner -- they had about 65 ladies come out. Sister Harward (RS President) did a funny routine about old age and then sang a beautiful song. She's very talented. Her lil comedy routine seemed so out of character (she's rather prime and proper normally) and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I'll try to send you a copy of it. Imagine reading it in a New York accent with some funny glasses on. It was excellent.
Sadie Geary at YW Training |
Shelly Golfing at Big Shots |
We went to Big Shots (like top golf) with Gpa and Laura and Ben on Wednesday night for our dinner. They were all a little hesitant to try golfing but they did it and had a nice time. Uncle Ben is a killer golf player but the game lets you make someone "expert" and get less points and some of the games are just random -- and so it allowed the rest of us a chance to feel like we did ok golfing! haha.
Gpa G golfing |
Laura Golfing |
Andy Golfing |
Thursday night I had YW leadership training and it was a really great training. Good speakers, some fun games, excellent message. Glad I went.
Friday I went to the chiropractor cause my left arm keeps going pins and needles. He says he can fix me. Going back again tomorrow.
Bryce and Marlee came to town Friday and hung out a little. Maren put on a really nice baby shower for her Saturday. She had a nice turn out -- Diane, Laura, Annie came...her Aunt's from her mom's side, neighbors. She got a lot of great gifts.
Dad has had to do board-op Wed and Sat this week so I spent the evening home alone doing my Saturday work. Mopped and cleaned bathrooms, did laundry.
My spiritual thought for the week...from my YW training on Wednesday. Brother Perry (stake counselor member) --
Uncle Ben, best golfer in the family |
Why are YOU called to serve RIGHT NOW? Take some time and think of the reasons...
Jeremiah 1:5; Alma 13:3 - you were called before this life and prepared to accomplish the things you are doing.
Some answers from the girls: show love, helpful, listen, make a connection, learn time management, learn leadership skills. Your reasons are your own and may be different.
What does the Lord want YOU to accomplish? He will give you direct revelation if you seek it. Pray. Read your patriarchal blessing - look for what he wants you to do. You were foreordained to your calling but you must live worthy to actually DO your calling.
Laura golfing |
Interesting note: Brother Perry got his blessing when he was 14 years old. In his blessing he is told that he will receive the additional keys of the aaronic priesthood. He was already a teacher. That left only Priest. And BISHOP. Later in his life he became a bishop, just as he was told he would when he was 14 years old. WOW!
I don't recall if you have done this before -- but take your patriarchal blessing and print out a fresh copy. (You can get it on the church website). Then take three highlighter pens. Go through the blessing and highlight warnings, to do, and blessings. It is really cool to read your blessing with this different perspective. Make a list of each of these -- and then get to work, if needed!
There is a talk by Henry Eyring called Rise you your call. It is a good talk and I recommend it. He says that you need to see yourself with spiritual eyes. You are called of God, he knows you. You represent the savior. The way you speak and act ALL THE TIME can MAKE OR DESTROY the faith of another.
The Lord will guide you through revelation - ask in faith and he will help you know what to do.
He will magnify you. You may get frustrated (and by yourself you may NOT be able to accomplish your calling. BUT with HIM you CAN!!!!
What good things are you seeing in YW?
Look for the miracles and you will fine them! These girls are amazing. Allow them to do things now
Live according to Jesus Christ Teaching, Serve, Invite to the Gospel and unite families for eternity.
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