Another busy week in the books!
Monday night we celebrated Holly...which was a nice surprise! (or did she trick me?! haha!)
She said her final got pushed back a couple of days so she and Erik came down and we had ice cream cake and stuffed crust pizza (her request on both!) with E&D and GPA and us. B&L tried to come but they were too late. H&E had to go back home to finish out the week before B&L could get here.
Tuesday was busy at work for me and Dad got to go to BIG SHOTS golf with his co-workers. They had a buffet and games and he had a nice time. I had a LONG meeting about water...or LACK of water...and what should be happening because of the lack. Oh, you more houses...lots and lots and lots of them. What?!?!? Yah. I dunno. Seems short sighted but that's what going on.
Wednesday we had a potluck at work and enjoyed yummy food with all the girls. Then for dinner we went to Carl's Jr with B&L and GPA. We went there (nobody really happy about it!!) was beca
use I had early YW -- we did a light show parade. It was really cool and fun.
use I had early YW -- we did a light show parade. It was really cool and fun.
Thursday I had my last chiropractic appointment (I had a pinched nerve and it was making my left arm numb sometimes) -- after several visits it seems to have worked itself out and it is now good. I also started with another Health Coach - Erica. She is going to work with me to help me be more healthy.
Friday morning we had a breakfast with three state I got to put together a breakfast and meet with some of the big wigs. One of them knew dad and says he really enjoys him.
We had some free movie tickets to AVATAR -- an event with popcorn and soda for Eric Scott Financial. That was pretty fun. We were accidently an hour late. But since the movie was 2 H 40 minutes we didn't even mind missing some. 

Dad had basketball games Friday night and then three in a row on Saturday.
AJ and Becca surprised us and came down for the weekend. AJ and his friend went and did dirt biking all day. Dad was working. So me and Becca had a fun day just the two of us. We went to 7 stores and got her christmas shopping done. We got some of mine done too. Seemed we couldn't just get done...every store we went to had 1-2 things we needed but not everything. So that's why we kept going to store and store after store. (TJ Maxx, Ross, 5 and below, Boomers, Costco, walmart). We got home and I had told her there is going to be something we forgot. Sure home and there were no pellets for dad's dinner cooking we went to Lowes. Whew!
We made a fancy dinner (street tacos); tons of popcorn for neighbor/coworker gifts; did a couple hours of yardwork. AJ and Becca had Luke and Sadie come over and stayed up late playing games and eating treats.
Needless to say...everyone was tired out!
My Sunday lesson for you...
Do you know what the most purchased item is at the online church store????
Red pencils!
What are they used for?
In church - you highlight things that you would like to emphasize or improve on in our lives.
In school - correction. You are WRONG! You messed up! But once you get over is also things you need to work on and focus on and learn.
Use the red pencil to determine what you should be workin on.
I hope I said that so it made sense. Brother Abraham gave a talk and that's what I gleaned from it. He's a good speaker!
The next speaker, brother Ord - (I don't know him) was also really good. He said If you know, show it! I think that's self explanatory.
AND He gave us a little history lesson. The song "I heard the Bells" - was written by an author whose wife had died in a fire and his son was killed in the civil war. The war was ongoing and the world was in turmoil. And yet he knows God and Peace are available. (I highlighted verse 4 for you).
Super inspiring. The finks were sick today so I focused on the meeting and it was really good!!!
I can't wait to hear about your week tomorrow! Love you!!!
I heard the bells on Christmas day
Their old familiar carols play And mild and sweet their songs repeat Of peace on Earth, good will to menAnd the bells are ringing (peace on Earth)
Like a choir they're singing (peace on Earth) In my heart I hear them (peace on Earth) Peace on Earth, good will to menAnd in despair I bowed my head
"There is no peace on Earth, " I said For hate is strong and mocks the song Of peace on Earth, good will to menBut the bells are ringing (peace on Earth)
Like a choir singing (peace on Earth) Does anybody hear them? (Peace on Earth) Peace on Earth, good will to menThen rang the bells more loud and deep God is not dead, nor doth He sleep (Peace on Earth) (Peace on Earth) The wrong shall fail, the right prevail With peace on Earth, good will to men
Then ringing, singing on its way
The world revolved from night to day A voice, a chime, a chant sublime Of peace on Earth, good will to menAnd the bells, they're ringing (peace on Earth)
Like a choir they're singing (peace on Earth) And with our hearts, we'll hear them (peace on Earth) Peace on Earth, good will to menDo you hear the bells, they're ringing? (Peace on Earth)
The light, the angels singing (peace on Earth) Open up your heart and hear them (peace on Earth) Peace on Earth, good will to menPeace on Earth
Peace on Earth Peace on Earth, good will to menCameron Chatwin and Sam Bytheway Delivering a Christmas ornament from Utah Tech |
Dallas, Aj and Bryce, Ellie and DJ My babies on the screen saver! |
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