Dj climbed his way through the tube |
Hello Ducky Katie!!!
Dj-- sneaking an ornament |
I love that we somehow got you associated with ducks because I see and hear them all the time now and every time triggers thoughts of you!
It's been a busy week -- as you know -- since we got to talk to you 3X since my last letter!
On Monday last week I got off work a little early and went and got my hair colored and cut by Sister Blaser. She does a nice job and is helping not look quite so old...cause my hair is really graying up these days!
Tuesday we had a presidency meeting at our house trying to get next year all figured out. YW is SO stinking busy! Almost seems a little too much so. But that's the structure these days. We put together an online calendar and got it all updated with this years stuff and hopefully we can do all that needs to be done. Cause it's a lot. Seriously!
Wednesday I had planned a Christmas party final party with my 14 years olds and it just fell through. I only have 5 active girls and 2 of them were working. Another was going to Tuacahn to the live nativity with her family. They invited us to tag along. So instead of having a party with just me and two girls (which is NOT ok!) we joined the Steven's family and went to Tuacahn. It was a really nice evening. And pretty quick as the actual "play" was only 20 minutes.
Aj and Ellie |
Thursday we started switching gears into Christmas mode. Hit the store for the last thing or two and just getting into vacation mode since neither of us worked Friday or Monday or Tuesday (dad has off more and more until January 4th...) but I'm back to work Dec 28th.
Bryce and Ellie |
Bryce and Marlee came down Friday and we arranged to have lunch with them and Thatcher's and Gpa Griffin. After eating we went to the Red Hills Desert Garden and walked around. I really like that place. So peaceful and fun to see all the decorations.
Eldon and Diane |
Saturday morning we got to play a game of pickleball with the Casey's cause everyone was busy.
For Christmas eve I made soup bowls and ham and potato soup. We had A&B, B&M, H&E, GPA and us. Becca and AJ went back up to Santaquin for a couple of days and then returned just in time for dinner on Christmas Eve.
We spent the weekend playing games and chilling. Lots of cooking and getting ready for the holiday.
We drove around and looked at lights -- and found what I believe was the most decorated house ever - it was rediculous. AND because it was on some website there were literally hundeds of cars lined up to see it. AJ was super smart and figured out a way for us to see it w/o waiting in line. I have seriously never seen anything like it...the decorations or the line.
Christmas morning only us and AJ and Becca were before church we opened some gifts and after church everyone else started arriving.
As you know, Christmas evening we had a nice meal at Gpa's house with E&D, B&L, W&M, Aaron, and us and all our kids 'cept you...only including you too...!!! Cause you came in by video! yah!!!! It was so good to see you!
Gpa G |
D&K arrived a little late for the party but really at a perfect time.
Monday we had Christmas Breakfast, part 2...and had muffins, smokies and eggs. The kids did their brother/sister exchange and then gave dad and I a minky blanky for Christmas.
Gpa was going to come over...but W&M slept over at his he made them breakfast...but they didn't wake up. Even after he slammed some doors and vacuumed and made whatever other noise a lil 87 year old man can make.
. They finally got up around 11 a.m. And around 2 p.m. he came over and opened his gifts and hung out for a bit.

We made pizza/calzones on Monday night and enjoyed some games after the kids were in bed.
Tuesday everyone hung out for a little bit...we did some cleaning and packing...and then B&M and D&K headed up the road.
Whew! What a week.
Bryce and Marlee |
Becca preparing some food |
Our Real Estate Mogel wins Washington-Opoly |
I'm back at work today...came in to find out they are redoing my office again (I knew this was coming so not totally a surprise!) So I had to pack up my office and now I'm a wandering nomad for the next 2-3 weeks. They said to expect to get into my office by January 13. I don't really think it will take that long but I guess it's good to overestimate and then get me in earlier.
So there ya have it. It may or may not be accurate dates/times etc as I waited just long enough that it's all a blur! haha
I hope you are having a great week and that you enjoy your New Year's Celebration.
We are going to be heading to California on Sunday morning and traveling until Tuesday night I am unsure if connecting will work out -- or letters -- or whatever...but we'll try and see how it goes!
I have really enjoyed Marlee's memes this week. I didn't realize she sent those to you all the time. She is so funny! And Bryce getting involved too!!! What a crack up those two are! I'm glad they can brighten your day regularly!
YW - Tuacahn live nativity activity |
I like that you are doing things for your mental not starting until it's actually time. It's good that you keep your head in a good place. And remember it's ok to slow down once in a while if you've got too much -- like driving all night w/o sleep. You are amazing and you are giving so much...but if you aren't well rested and have your head in a good place then you will be much less effective even if you are trying really hard!
I'm glad they let you get your party in...that's important! Keep smiling!!! (I love your birthday pix!!!!)
Take care and I'll try to write again before we leave town...although it might be super short since I just sent you a novel!
xoxo mom
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