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03/05/23 Hello Hermana

 The week after a trip is always tough...kinda tired from the previous week and back at it again! 

Monday we jumped right back into the week and played Monday pickleball right after work with the Casey's and then had pizza at Gpa's house. We didn't get home until around 8 p.m. That's a long day!   But a good one! It was fun!
Bryce and a pic
of little Bryce

Tuesday evening we were pretty beat, so when I got him at 6 p.m. (had to run to costco first), I went right to my room and put on my pjs. Dad was running around in his underware. And our friend's Milt and LeAyn (from pickleball) knocked on the door to deliver pinkbox donuts to dad. So nice!  Haha Dad had to scramble to put some clothes on. 

Wednesday was dad's birthday. Holly and Erik went to the radio station to surprise dad with a cookie and drink from swig. Dad worked a full day and then we went to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner with E&D, B&L, Gpa, E&H and us. (Honestly that is too big a crowd...couldn't even talk to anyone at the other end of the table.). But we had a nice time. E&D got dad a Chili's gift card. Laura made dad's favorite dessert that she makes every year...peanut butter chocolate pie. I think there was something else but I can't recall what. Gpa went to Harbor Freight and got a pickup stick (to help dad not have to bend over), lights for the back porch, a car wash mitt and some gloves. Not bad for a guy that hates shopping! haha
Lil Imogene
and Lil Bryce

Thursday we went birthday shopping after work for dad and got him two pairs of shoes -- fun fact...size 14 is found at Big 5 if you ask...they will take you in the back stock room and show you the very limited inventory. Basically dad came out with a black pair and a white pair. They both fit. He bought both. The end. Dang lucky because 14 is not too availale and he had holes in his sneakers!!

Then we went to Ross and bought luggage for our Alaska trip in June. Found the biggest carryon you can get without going over the measurements. They have wheels and a handle -- I'm excited to have some nice luggage.  We've been needing to that a long time and kept resisting!!

We grabbed a quick dinner at Angelica's and then met Milt and Shane at Sullivan park for pickleball again. Super fun. 

Friday dad was off work Friday night...he worked his regular job until 2 p.m. still worked plenty! !!! (that rare Friday in between basketball and baseball season). So we went to dinner with Gpa at Red Robin. We had a nice experience and the waitress brought us 5...yes 5 giant cookies for his birthday. WoW! She was a cutie! 

Saturday morning another group of pickleball - we had 12 people - it was really fun. I felt like I had a pretty good day -- was playing pretty well. Even when I lost games it would be close. We did a little shopping, cleaning, two home cooked meals (we eat out way too much now that we don't have kids so this was nice!), hot tub. Then Holly came over and me and her made cupcakes. Dad had to go put BYU on at the station so Holly and I had a quiet night where we just sat and visited and decorated our cupcakes...I use that term lightly...they are kind of ugly!
Pomegranate in white cake
 with lemon
and chocolate frosting

And now it's Sunday morning and I'm off for my walk with Linda!

Thought for the week...I am reading a book called Making Sense of your patriarchal blessing by Keith Erickson. 

He tells us to treat the blessing as scripture. Get a notebook and write our impressions. Find the warnings and the promises.  Highlight or pull them out on another piece of paper. Don't compare others shouldn't be reading them anyway unless they are family. Dont worry about how long or short it is. There are a couple of prophets who had blessings that were only a portion of one page. Realize that it is not meant to tell all or give you step by's a large overview not a detailed list. Don't skim over something just because you think it has been fulfilled. Often blessings are fulfilled multiple times in different ways. Examine how you are living -- are you doing the things that will get you on a path to fulfil certain promises or blessings. Don't give up because we can't imagine how/when a blessing will be fulfilled. Have patience and continue to do good. Realize that you will not understand your blessing all at once. Little by little throughout life it will make more sense and as you look back you will see the blessings in your life. 
Ellie eating her soup
Imogene and baby Holly

It isn't a super long book...but I've been enjoying it and plan to take a little bit of time with my blessing and see if I need to refocus myself and the direction my life is going. 

I hope that you will take a little time with your blessing and see what it says to encourage and uplift you!

Love you so much and look forward to talking to you tomorrow! ❤


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