It's been a rainy busy week. Just kept thinking the rain would stop but it just kept raining. Felt like I was back home in Jersey again!
Monday night we went to the fancy dinner with all the city council, congressmen, senator's reps, and freeport west staff. They are putting a fancy gigantic commercial center down by the airport in Washington City and this was a kickoff party. We ate at a fine dining restaurant called 1861 Fine Dining. (weird name, right?) It was like $50 each person.
Tuesday we had a RS activity (the quarterly ministering interviews) and YW presidency meeting. I guess we've been having a lot of clicks and discomfort with our YW. We needed to talk about things but one of the leaders brought their kinda tough to talk about anything with a girlie there, ya know! It feels like there are some disconnects and YW is a little rocky right now. Maybe it's cause I don't have a girl so it's harder to be excited about all the activities. I dunno!
Wednesday we had a combined activity and they had plenty of leadership so me and two other ladies went and planned an activity coming up in May. (I just got a text from one of the organizers that she wants to change it all. Sigh). I really don't enjoy planning! haha.
Thursday Grandpa, Dad and I went to Tuacahn for Tedx Talks. It is basically a bunch of speakers that have something cool to share. Before there was a pretty big party dance thing going on. Wendy Bulkley (used to work at Washington City) got Gpa to come dance. It was fun and cute. I danced with Gpa too but we didn't get a picture. There were some really inspirational talks and we all had a really run time. I'm so glad Gpa is still able and willing to get out and do fun stuff.
Friday Dallas and fam came. We swam in the 92-degree pool and it was wonderful. The weather was still cool and unsettled but the water was delightful! I didn't get any pictures of the swimming tho cause I didn't get my water camera out. DJ jumped in too far at some point and took in too much water and then puked all over McKayla (and the pool). Luckily he was ok.
After swimming DJ came in and took my 7 lb weight off the shelf and dropped it on his toe and broke his toe.
. He cried and cried and finally, McKayla took him to instacare.

They had to relieve the pressure on his big toe and then gave him some antibiotics to make sure he doesn't get an infection. They don't wrap it or set it or anything...I guess it will just heal itself. He came back a pretty happy boy and has been bounding around like his old self ever since.
Saturday morning Kayla and Ellie went to a dance production while DJ got to hang with Dad, Dallas and me. He is a lot easier three-on-one.
. Or five on one...Holly and Erik joined us at BBQ pitstop grand re-opening (Troy sold and someone else owns it now).

We babysat the kids yesterday while Dallas and Kayla had a date getting pedicures. The kids were fun. Ellie loves to collect rocks. We played potato head and stickers. The kids absolutely love getting in the pantry and pulling treats out.
One of the ted talks was by a guy named Mark Colo. He got early-onset Parkinson's disease when he was in his 40s. That is super young. Parkinson's disease makes you shake ALL.THE.TIME. He gave a really great talk and I wish I had taken notes because it was great advice. I'm going to try to find it and send it separately soon.
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