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03/12/23 My $10,000 week, tales of woe

 It's been an expensive month so far! Fortunately, we are able to cover the expenses that are coming our way, but...ouchie!!!

Holly and mom at the BlvdHome Cafe

Also, to put things in perspective -- we are healthy and well and that's good!  

I think you knew that our water heater went out for a replacement fee of $2600. Ouch! Didn't see that coming!  But we have hot water again and that's good. A whole bunch of other things hit this month making for a VERY expensive 10 days so far! This included...every year there is a mortgage adjustment...that came this week, we paid for our cruise, H&R Block tax preparation, Taxes, bought dad's birthday stuff, and luggage, and the insurance came due (we pay every 6 months so it's big when it comes!!!), tithing and your mission fee.  Add all this together and we are at just over $9K. WOW...!!!! 
But wait...there's more!

This week I've been saying I smell something that smells bad. I would get a whiff of something but couldn't place what/where/why. I asked dad and he was like, nope I don't smell anything, (Which is weird cause he has a good nose and always smells a dog... seriously!!!) So I even mentioned it to Holly that she needed to come to smell my house. 
Flood causes all Katie's things
to be removed from her room.

Well AJ arrived before Holly came over and he's your house stinks!!!! And I said...I KNOW!!! What is it?!  And he sniffs the garbage disposal, dishwasher, garbage, pantry, fridge, laundry room, washer, and bathroom.  Nothing. Everything is clean and smells fine. So we give up. After 10 p.m. he heads to bed and a few minutes later I get a in here. So I get out of bed and head to your room. 

It is soggy. Everywhere. Apparently, the water heater leaked (we knew it was leaking but didn't realize it was going into the house... specifically into your bedroom). The closet floor and all the way out to about halfway under your bed. Wet. Soggy. Stinky. Ew. 

Saturday was a rainbow day
This is one of several seen as the weather
So we pulled everything out of your bedroom and a lot of things out of your closet. And we have been drying it for the past two days. Tomorrow a restoration company is coming to determine if they can extract the remaining water and replace the pad and make sure the drywall is in fact...well...dry. They will spray something to prevent mold and mildew. I told her I had a $1000 deductible. She said she thought they could take care of everything for less than that. We'll see. 

But there you have it. My $10,000 week.  I didn't even include regular living expenses this week like eating etc. 

Sheets piled up after flood
But I want to count my blessings (after lamenting my money flying out the window!!!) -- so on Monday after the shock of the water heater (I truly expected that to be $1200 worst case scenario) -- I called a lady that I worked with on my office last year. I hadn't talked to her for several month and just to start off asked how she was doing. She kind of laughed and said something like, great, considering all the dr. appointments we are going to these days. She went on and said a couple other things. Then I asked...what's going on that you are going to the dr all the time? Is this a recent addition to your life or have you always been doing this. 

She goes on to tell me that in November her daughter was riding an ebike and did a head over handlebars (like your cousin Rebecca) and split her head open from forehead to back neck. She spent considerable time in the hospital, has brain damage and has to relearn life.  Like all of it. Walking, eating, talking, existing. She's 12. She's a miracle. But a very difficult miracle. And they have no idea if she will ever be "whole" again or how long it will take to regain function or anything. They just keep working rehab and trying but they just don't know. 

And then I felt really stupid for being upset about a few financial daggers that hit us. 

Shortly after that at work I received an email about a subdivision where the soil is poor and so the people's foundations are sinking. Their pools are failing. Their walls are cracking. 

Perspective. Again. 

So, may I just's been a challenging week with lil problems hitting us but I am still thankful for what I've been dealt and that I am not dealing with some of the other issues that are out there. 

Our week -- besides all the surprises -- was pretty usual. 

Drying out the flood
I am working with a health coach -- and so far not really achieving my goals -- but we decided to try 3 days with no sugar in the next two weeks. I have a serious sugar addiction and I have really struggled to pass on anything sugar ever. I am happy to report I've done two days so far and they were ok!!! It helped that my days were not the standard days but regardless...I've just about done 3 days!!! It's supposed to make you feel better and I'm hoping will help me to drop the couple of lbs that I've been battling. We'll see!  If I can get through today...I'll have achieved my 3-day goal...which I really did think was impossible when I agreed to it!

Friday Holly asked me to go to the dr with her. Her belly is still making her miserable. They talked to her and prescribed some medication she is going to take for the next couple of weeks. They ordered testing for celiac and allergies and stuff. I really hope they get some answers for her. She's been miserable for a long long time. If this medication doesn't work over the next two weeks they want to do more invasive tests. Ewe. So pray that it works for her!

We played pickleball inside on Saturday due to rain. It was really fun. Becca came too so there were 5 of us. Dad took a tumble at the end and hit his knee, elbow and head -- but as far as I can tell he's ok!  

Today at 4 p.m. Sydney Chase is opening her mission call...that's pretty exciting!!!

My thought for the week -- I think I've already said -- is to be happy in your circumstance and grateful for your challenges. It can always be so much worse than it is. Keep smiling and everything will work out. 

I've been going through your closet and got rid of old sleeping bag and mat. There is a lot of prom type you want to save those or are those days over? (I have saved them but if you want me to get rid of some of your things let me know and I'll do it! For have a ton of shoes that are really hammered.  You should really get new ones...should I chuck them?)

I'll send you some pictures of the mess. Don't worry we'll get it all back together very soon!!!!
Love you lots! 


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