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08/06/23 Last week before football season

 How is it August already?!  Dad starts football this Friday...what?!  Media Day is this coming Tuesday.  So the relaxed days of summer are coming to an end for Dad. And girls night Friday's are coming back! I think Linda is coming this weekend with her grandkids to swim on Friday night. 

This week was about like always...Monday night I picked up Rigatti's on the way home from work. Eldon and Diane and GPA came over. AJ came over about the time they all left. We hung out with him and talked in the pool. 

Tuesday was our employee appreciation night at the Pine View Theater -- I rented two theaters and got popcorn and soda for everyone and their family. We probably had about 150-200 people in total. Everyone really seemed to enjoy it. I thought Holly or AJ or GPA would come but everyone was busy doing other stuff. 

Wednesday we went with B&L and GPA to Green Iguana - it's a Mexican place that Squires love. It was really good. And the burrito was GIANT. The kid that we met on the airplane, Cade - has been coming to our luncheons too. (He is doing an internship down here for physical therapy school. His family is in the Bountiful area if I remember correctly. So he's kinda lonely and he really hit it off with Dad and everyone. So it's like we have another AJ type kid coming to dinner with us every week! His internship is over in a couple weeks and then he heads up to Logan for another 6-8 weeks. Pretty rigorous schedule for a young married guy). 

Our YW activity this week was swimming at St George Pool with the stake. It didn't start until 8:30 p.m. and lasted until 10 p.m. Pretty late night for me.  But it was a blast. Sister Wilcox and Sadie Geary and I played together most of the evening. We played basketball (and made a turn away from the basket and throw it over your head behind your back shot from about the imaginary three-point line). Then we ran the slide 10X. We figured it out...that's like 30 flights of stairs! 

Dad took the opportunity to go to bed early so he was actually asleep when I got home!

Thursday evening we just quietly floated in our pool and talked and hung out. Probably one of the last of our quiet summer nights. 

Friday we finished up the paperwork for Grandpa's funeral arrangements - he wants everything paid for and established before he goes. Took over an hour but he's got everything figured out. Our next plan is to shop for a headstone. 

Afterward, we went to firehouse subs and they had pepperoni pizza and meatball subs. Does that sound like Dad's dream food or what?!  He loved it. 

We got up super early for a Saturday and played pickleball at 7 a.m. (Dad hates that!)  When we were done he came home and went to sleep for like 3 more hours!  I cleaned up the garage a bit.  Sorted through the old paint and supplies that were left to us when we bought the place. There were about 7 cans of paint that were all dried out. I swept and mopped and tidied. It's not perfect but it's better. I'm trying to tackle little pieces at a time and make it better.  Friday night we went through Dad's clothes in his closet. I'm trying to keep the house nice but somehow we keep accumulating stuff and then I have a hard time parting with it!

Dad moderated the congressional candidate's debate last night (that's a pretty big deal!)  And he did great. Unfortunately, they thought maybe 100 people would come...but more like 200 came. So the room they got wasn't big enough and there were people standing all over the room and chairs willy-nilly everywhere. It was so packed. Which is cool, I guess!

Ben and Laura and Dad came (I knew about Dad, I was surprised to see B&L!)  Everyone really enjoyed the debates...weird, right? It was actually quite interesting. We invited Celeste Maloy (one of the candidates) to come to ice cream afterward...and she stopped in -- but didn't eat. That surprised me!  

AJ came over and hung out again (he actually was here alone for about 45 minutes cause he didn't know we were at the debate).  

I think he's existing but it's hard what he is going through. Poor guy. He just has to get through it and hopefully, there are great things coming in his future. But it's so hard to know that the past 5 years are gone and he has to restart his life, kinda. 

Dallas called and Facetimed me yesterday with a smiling baby girl (well lots but one of them -- Emery -- was really smiling!)  They are getting so big and adorable. 

My thought for the week...during the debate last night Celeste Maloy made a statement that I really liked. She said she didn't like mud-slinging nasty politicians and she didn't want to be one. She said if you have the policy behind you and the facts behind you -- that's all you need. It's only when you don't have either of those that you start distracting people and throwing nasty comments. 

I like that...and it was interesting as we listened to the debate and the other candidate got a little made me think...oh you have to be don't have the policy or facts behind you! haha

So life lesson...Be in the right and keep the high ground and be nice to others. 

I love you lots and hope that you had a fantastic week. Do you have something fun planned for pday? Is everybody staying healthy there? 

(My missionary mom group talked about a couple kids that have come home with some serious illnesses while they were on their parasites and malaria and crap!!! So take care of yourself and stay healthy!)

Oh, another bizarre news story this week. A young man was visiting relatives in Utah. He is from Florida. He got his mission call while he was here. He was hoping to go to Japan on his mission. He opened the call and he was in fact called to Japan.  After reading his call he suffered heart failure..and died. Seriously...he was dead. That's so crazy. 

I guess I'll sign off now. Look forward to talking to you tomorrow. Love you! mom


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