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08/27/23 Writing outside on the back table

Arctic Circle Monster Shake
for the fail!

 It is a beautiful sunny sabbath - 72 degrees - the pond is flowing, everyone is still quiet and in bed so there is nobody breaking the peace of the day. So nice!  Even the ducks are quiet for a minute (although they were yucking it up a couple of  minutes ago! 😂)

The week has gone by quickly and has been packed, as usual. Twice we tried to play pickleball this week and weather prevented us. Rain and thunderstorms were early in the week. We even went out Tuesday and almost played a whole game when there was a crack of lightning and thu
Beautiful Rainbow Wednesday Evening

nder so close we immediately stopped and scurried to the car. (Happy to report the girl team was ahead...😜) -- But since the game wasn't over there were no winners and there were no losers!

Worked out for Holly though - cause she told us last minute she wanted to come hang out with us. We already had plans so she was going to watch tv and work on her bouquet and boutonnieres alone but instead we were only gone 1/2 hour. 

She ended up staying from about 5-10 p.m. -- She had dinner with us and got most of her flowers done. They are really pretty - wood material. 

Wednesday was the usual dinner with B&L, Gpa, Cade and Dad....Cade's last week is this Wednesday coming up.  His family is coming down so we will get to meet his wife and little girl on Wednesday night and then likely not see him again...maybe ever...who knows?! 
Holly crafting her flowers 
for the wedding

Wednesday evening we did botanical monoprinting...sounds's leaf and ink art. It was alright...I think it might fall into the category with crocheting or some of those other crafts that just don't really spark for me. 

Holly has been saying things are great over at Erik's house and they are going to stay there for a long time and save money and then early this week she said they needed to get out. now. So I dunno what happened but somehow they found a place and Thursday evening we went and helped to move them. It's pricey - $1600 for 1 bedroom (holy crap!) but it is nice. It has pickleball, pool, gym and allows their pets. Which was mandatory. SO I guess you gotta pay a lot if you want pets. It really is cute and I'm excited for them. I believe you need to have your own place when you are trying to have a relationship and living with parents, cousins and other kids is not really a great help in maintaining a healthy relationship.  

They got in there and didn't have much in the way of furniture so Saturday morning I went with them for a little while and checked out some couches and bar stools. They k
Facetime Fun

Facetime Fun

ept shopping and found somethings that will be delivered on Monday. They are super excited and love what they picked out. 

Friday I had lunch with our prosecutor's (2 attorneys, Thad my boss (attorney), and Leslie (their secretary).  We were doing her review and I was basically the scribe. It was definitely a different deal but kinda of fun. We went to Sakura. Which is so fancy now - they built a new location - and it was seriously yummy too. Excellent experience. I'd go back. The price was about $15 each - which seems like a lot except everything is dang expensive now. And they gave us soup, salad and a big tray of rice, veggies, sushi and dumplings. I had enough for another meal but I told her I wanted to take it home and she was like, ok no box for you.  And since no one else was taking food home I just let it go! haha!

Friday evening the YW presidencies from the younger and mid classes came over -- we combine for our activities - and they planned the rest of the year for our class activities. They did a good job and we have some fun stuff planned. 

Saturday I started clearing the weeds behind our house in the city's property -- it's gotten so bad I don't want to ignore it anymore after seeing Maui...and then I shopped with Holly and Erik and then dad and I cleaned out the filters on the pool and just had a nice quiet day together.  I always like to say we have resort style living!  So it's fun to enjoy it every once in awhile!

While I was weeding I listened to several time out for women talks.  The 2022 theme was light - and so far the talks have been so so good. A couple of thoughts from them...

1 - a funny...Anthony Sweat (a BYU professor) spoke and referred to his Sweat-heart. I dunno why but that just makes me laugh!

2 - a serious - noone can make us feel bad. WE make ourselves feel bad. She talked about how the way we think of things determines how we process them. 

For example...a kitchen full of messy dishes. 

Kids walk in - don't even notice - and immediately go get the snack they wanted and leave never having a second thought about the dishes. 

Man walks in - grabs the food he wants, adds to the pile and leaves. He or someone else will take care of that later but he's not gonna waste time worrying about it right now. 

Woman walks in - WHAT THE ?????  Why is everyone so messy?? Why do I have to do everything???? Forgets about the snack she wants and starts cleaning the mess while she is fuming. 

Did she have to react this way????  Was there a better way? This type of scenario can be applied in so many areas of our life. Think about the way you act and react to situations and try to find more positive light-filled ways to go about life. 

At some point in my life I realized that fuming and angry kind of sucks and I tried to change the way I think...I am so blessed to have children that can fill my sink with dishes, I am so blessed to have a husband to leave clothes on the floor, I am so blessed to have a yard to care for, I am so lucky that I have a home to heat and cool. I am so thankful to have a/c in my car while I sit in traffic that is backed up for 3 get the idea. By reacting this way instaed of fuming I am at peace and I enjoy life's journey more. Let's face it ... laundry needs done every week and I can enjoy it or I can grumble about it...but either way it still needs done. Which way would YOU rather complete a task? or life?

(I started watching a show during laundry folding and now I look forward to laundry every week -- it's my ME time!!! Plus BONUS I actually stay awake for the show!!!)

3 - Courageous - One of the talks was about Joan of Arc and how she learned early how to recognize the voice of the Lord. She knew early that she would have to do difficult things. She remained strong in her testimony and belief in God and never denied Christ to her death. She was virtuous and lovely and people could feel the spirit from her. We need to all remain courageous and strong in our beliefs even when the world tries to beat us down and make us deny it. We may not be killed at the stake as she was but people will come into our lives and challenge our resolve and we need to have the courage to stay true to the faith. 

Well the sun is starting to beat down on me so I'm gonna wrap this up and find a less light filled area!! (Exactly opposite of what my tofw talks were saying!!! 😂)

Tomorrow is AJ's birthday so don't forget to include him in your calls if possible. He goes to work from 10-6 and the gym around 8 so 7:30 or 9:30 are probably the best times to reach out (I'm guessing!!!)

Also the YSA ward told him he is too old to go there and he's really unhappy about that (he's looking for a 27ish year old and the ward he is supposed to go to is 31-46 or something like that).  So pray for him to find peace and his place in the gospel and most of all someone who will be able to marry in the temple and start a family with him.  He is such a good guy and deserves to be happy. And he really wants kids!!!

K, love you lots!!! Look forward to hearing about your week. xoxo mom


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