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10/13/24 Life is full...Sunday dinner, YW, Pickleball, Funeral

 Another week in the books - I really thought life would get slower once all the kids moved out but that is not the case! Staying busy and active and having fun and lots to do. 

It was conference weekend and since we were so busy Saturday there was a lot of watching to do on Sunday. Somehow I did it though. I got through all the sessions! I often try to think of what word(s)/theme I'm hearing. This time it was come back...repent...forgive. It was a really enjoyable conference. 

Sunday we had Randy and Kay, GPA, AJ, and us for dinner. E&D weren't back from conference yet. Made some chicken enchiladas with lime rice and they turned out yummy!

Monday night picked up some Domino's pizza and E&D were back. They came a little late due to running some errands but it was a nice visit after not seeing them for a couple of weeks. 

Holly was able to see the northern lights and sent us some cool pictures from Cedar City. 

Andy had another appointment with the foot dr this week and they cut the tendon in his pinkie toe. (His toe was lifting up and rubbing his shoes and making cuts in his skin). They also trimmed his nails and sanded his feet. They looked and felt the best they've looked in a LONG time!

Wednesday we went to Super Chix restaurant with B&L and GPA. They are kinda pricey but we had a coupon and shared so it wasn't horrible. We had a nice visit and enjoyed it!  

For YW we did volleyball and water balloons out at Middleton Park. We had a lot of fun and a pretty good turnout. (Lately EVERYONE has been busy with other activities and not coming to YW.)  It's still so hot here that the water balloons were a nice addition to the activity. 
Left cooler: Balloons didn't survive the night

Funny story though: The water balloons have been in the garage for a couple of years so I guess the little rubber bands lose their elasticity.  I filled up about 100 balloons the night before. It was really fast so I decided to wait and fill the other right before the activity. Good thing I did...EVERY SINGLE BALLOON in the first batch died!  The batch I did the night of faded fast but we were able to enjoy them before they all died too!  SO...note to self. Buy balloons, use balloons. Not good in storage!

Thursday we had a nice quiet evening. 

Friday we went to Jersey Mike's for a quick sandwich with GPA before Andy headed to football. I went to Linda's house and walked her around the park (she is recovering from her other hip surgery and we hung out. Sharlotte Barco came too and it was fun to walk and talk. 

Saturday morning was pickleball and Jack Telford's funeral.  It was 95 years old and we home taught him and his wife for a few years when we lived in the 9th ward. Love them. Also friends with his kids Scott and Linda Telford (they are closer to our age). It was really cool as he had military honors. 

It's fast Sunday and time to head to church!

Jack Telford Funeral


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