It's been a pretty uneventful week here.
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Derrick and Julia...the Mrs. Shelley to be! |
You need to fill in more details about your creepy stuff going on around your complex last week. Did they arrest some of your neighbors?
Having a car sounds nice! Is it hard to find parking in town? Does having a car make your work quicker and easier? Has the weather cooperated all winter to allow you to use your bikes most of the time? Are you doing ok warmwise -- your jacket is enough? You about survived it at this point but do we need to send you something more for next winter?
I talked to Derrick last night -- he said he served in area about 3 miles north of where you are. He said you are in the most depressed (ghetto) area of your mission and wherever you go for the rest of your mission will be nicer...probably a lot nicer than where you are now. I figure you got sent there due to your size (who gonna mess with a big guy like you?!) It's also the area he got his bike stolen. Said his area felt safer but it was so close to the ghetto that the ghetto came and found his bike.
Katie playing defense in soccer |
This was transition week for dad. Basketball is over and wore him out but baseball started full swing -- huge tournaments going on in town with tons of games. No rest! He worked all day yesterday until 4 a.m. Came to bed and slept maybe 4:30 - 7:30 (due to spring forward time change) and now he is at his bishopric meeting. He gonna be one tired hombre. Poor guy.
Katie in action! |
Side note: Funny from work (or not so funny, really)...I have an older lady who has been working off a DUI out of Santa Clara. She has worked with me since December so I've gotten to know her pretty well and like her. She recently told me she hadn't drank since the arrest and was doing pretty well. I guess she had a relapse because she had only 2 (4 hour) days left to work for me and she didn't show up. I pulled up the bookings and there is her face. Sigh. Made me so sad! Anyway, in the report she failed 2 of her tests and on the third test told the officer -- I can't even do that when I'm sober! Guess she's not denying that she's drunk! Haha. `She may be in jail awhile...I think this is her 3rd DUI in 10 years so she will probably have to serve at least 30 days in jail.
I'm almost done the BOM. Starting Moroni 1 today. It's been a good experience. I have had the phone read it to me -- I think I get more out of it because I listen while I do stuff. (instead of fall asleep and not know what I read!) Sometimes the kids interrupt and I miss parts but mostly I've been able to find quiet times and listen. The other thing is I have never really read it so quickly -- it kind of ties together better for me. It feels like the wars and kings names all just keep repeating themselves over and over. They are good and then they are bad in not too many years. If you are good you prosper and the Lord will take care of you, if you are evil horrible things happen. Makes you want to be good for sure! Thanks for the challenge!
I do it because I want to. I want to because you said I couldn't! Ha. that sums that kid up!!!
I'm not random, you just can't think as fast of me! (That's funny too!)
Never give up a dream because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.
Ok, there you have it. My letter for the week. I hope you are doing great. We love you and are so proud of your hard works and efforts. You will be blessed your whole life for the time and sacrifices you are making now. I'm excited to hear about your week and what adventures you have had or what awaits you.
Love you! mom.
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