Katie playing ball |
Yesterday got super busy and I didn't get your letter written as usual.
I got called back into YW camp assistant director so we had a meeting yesterday morning. Sister Rae is the director and Sister Harrison and I are assistants. Should be fun. Plus the presidency sounds like they will be up there quite a bit...Sister Clark and Hafen and they are both fun.
Katie guarding her girl |
Saturday Katie's church ball team was in the regional championship. (a couple teams from several different stakes met up and had playoffs). She was babysitting during the 9 a.m. game which her team won. They had another game at 1 p.m. and won again. They had to play again at 3 p.m. At that point they were down to 4 girls (preference was that night and a dance competition so some of the girls had to leave). They were able to round up Rachel Lusk and have 5. Our lil team did awesome. They lost by only 5 or 6 points but they kept it close the whole game and I think they just ran out of gas. The other team had at least 10 players so they were able to
keep them fresh and rested. Pretty exciting. After that Katie had a soccer game at 5 p.m. Whew. She was pretty tired Sunday!
Friday night we had a BBQ with the bishopric. It was fun and nice. We went to Fife's backyard. Weather was perfect. Lots of room for kids to play.
Wednesday night there was a ward auction fund raiser for the youth. They had stuff and services to auction and a dinner. It was $10/each to get in and they served pulled pork sandwiches and chips and salad. It was well put together and fun. I think they made a pretty good amount of money. The ward is starting from $0 since we are brand new and we need camping stuff and manuals and who knows what else.
Seems like there was something every day this past week for church and this week coming up is shaping up to be similar. There is RS diner Thursday and broadcast Saturday. I guess they are keeping us out of trouble by keeping us busy!
Tired team won 2nd place! |
So, I'm a little worried about you. Is everything ok? You sounded a little down in your short note to me. Do you want to elaborate and see if we can work through some stuff together? Or is it just adjusting to the new area and you are ok? Grandma said a beautiful prayer on Sunday dinner blessing you and we are also mindful of you.
Carnevale children at the Bishopric BBQ |
Brother Harrison at Ward Auction |
Sister Theresa Olsen, Jamie Meacham and Diane Harrison
Entertaining us at ward auction |
Holly with Jeffrey Binder |
Katie and Brother Harrison |
Roger and Laurissa Taylor |
Charlie and Diane Harrison |
Bishopric BBQ |
Sister Jenae Carnevale, Sister Fife, Sister Diane Harrison |
BBQ at Fife's house |
You are so loved and appreciated. Keep up the good works!
Well I better run. Love you lots!!! Love mom.
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