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03/15/15 Shinob Kibe and Red Robin


Proud Holly!

Well, maybe next time she'll get a pin or two?!

Shelly bowling
How was your first week in your new area? So strange to throw it all up in the air and start over?!  First it? hate it? How's the adjustment? How bout your new companion?  Good fit?   We got a letter from your mission president telling us you were a district leader.  Congratulations!  So what does that mean for you? Lots to do?  What are your responsibilities?   I'm excited to get your should have lots to tell us!!!
Andy coming back from a strike!

We googled your little town and address and it looks like you are staying in nice small town america!  It looked like a nice town.  

Katie and Holly waiting their turn to bowl. 
The kids had spring break last week so we are just coming off a week of keeping the girls busy!  Dad had to work quite a bit with baseball starting up and tournaments and soccer stuff too. But we worked some fun in around it.

I worked Monday and Tuesday and then took off Wed - Fri.  That was nice!  Wednesday we went to the rec center with dad.  Katie went to the temple with YW.  Holly and I did the treadmill and bikes and then played air hockey and skee ball and raquetball.  It was fun.  Dad had to work in the afternoon (he was getting his picture taken to go up on a big're dad's gonna be famous!!!)  so Gma and pa came with us to do a hike.  We attempted Shinob Kibe but Gpas knee is not the greatest so he turned back and did the flat around the hill with Katie and Gma while I continued on to the top with Holly and the twins.  

Before bumper boat!
We raced down the hill and on the last couple steps Holly turfed it and scraped herself up.  Should have behaved better...shouldn't have been racing!  

Holly chasing down Mom!
We went to Red Robin for dinner with Dallas and McK, gma and pa, the girls and dad and I.  It was nice.  They are expensive though!!!  Even with our free meal for dad's birthday and the girls having kids meals and me sharing with dad, and 3 of us having water to was still $75!!! What?!  Oh well.  It was fun!!!  Afterward we rented some movies and had movie night.

Shelly loving the boat!
Thursday we took the girls to the new and improved Fiesta Fun.  They moved out of their old building into a bigger better building that has lazer tag and bowling.  It still has all the video games and prizes and the pizza place.  Plus all the stuff outside.  We bowled 2 games and did bumper boats and then called it good.  Thursday night BBQ night.  We had our rebate from COSTCO so did a big shop before we came home and had dinner.

Katie at Fiesta Fun in the bumper boat
Friday dad had to work some more so I took the girls swimming and then we had to do cookie booth for a couple hours.  Dad and I went out with Robert Hoppie and his wife for dinner at a new restaurant on the other side of town.  Katie went to the temple again with gma and pa and Holly went and played with the twins.  

Saturday more cookie booth and dad worked all day.  We just hung around the house and I read a book.  Nice lazy day.  Laundry and house work...boring stuff.  We went and visited the Lunceford's last night (an older couple that's still in the 3rd ward) and they loved it.  She is such a sweet angel lady.  She says every Thursday she goes by our house and says a prayer and blessing on our house on her way to the temple.  They are pretty wonderful people.  They are also praying for "our missionary" -- you!  

We came home and watched Hunger Games on TV.  

And now we are back to Sunday and back to a busy week ahead!  Every night this week there is something going on with church etc.  Should fly by!  

So I hope you are loving your new area and adjusting to all the changes!  Will you get to Canada?  You are so close!!!!  How's the weather?  
Holly and Katie ganging up on mom!
I think she likes it!

quote for the week: “Cultivate an attitude of happiness. Cultivate a spirit of optimism. Walk with faith, rejoicing in the beauties of nature, in the goodness of those you love, in the testimony which you carry in your heart concerning things divine.”

I love you Bryce!  Can't wait to hear from you!!! Love mom.

Katie, Holly and Shelly...Aaaaaah!  All wet from the bumper boats!


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