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05/24/15 Elementary school chapter closes and the earth shakes!

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St. George had an earthquake, but fear not, we will rebuild. 


What a busy week!!!

Well the "exciting" news first...I was in my first earthquake ever!  There was a 5.4 earthquake that hit 60 miles south of here on Friday about lunch time.  It was the strangest thing.  It felt like a big giant truck went by and the ground shook and you could feel the movement.  Katie said the clock and other things shook on the piano.  She was by herself in the office and couldn't figure out why it was shaking.  Which is exactly what we were thinking too...!!!  She said she even stood up to see why her legs were shaking and then it stopped and she knew what had just happened. I didn't figure it out until I saw it plastered all over facebook!  The Aha...moment!

This funny pix going around the internet...St. George had an earthquake.  But don't worry, we'll rebuild!

Last Sunday Bryce Taylor gave his farewell. Heading to Peru on June 2.  After church they had a picnic at Sullivan Park.  We went and they had yummy goodies and such.  Got to see some of the people from the 3rd ward.  

Monday Katie performed in the talent show at Fossil Ridge.  She did a great job.  The girl right before her had an anxiety attack and couldn't perform so Katie got to go quicker than she expected.  But she nailed it! She is quite the little piano player.  She didn't have any music -- she heard the song on the radio and came home and figured it out.  WOW!  She says she really enjoys the rush and excitement of performing.  

I had a ladies luncheon with my friend's at Chili's for my birthday.  Cristy Peck, Marilyn Wallis and Carla Mitchell.  All the ones from when I first started at Washington City.  It was fun to hang out with them.  

Tuesday the parks and rec department threw a big luncheon and had all the ladies down for burgers and Anita's brownies and frog eye salad and potato salad.  Super yummy.  They moved up to the yard by the freeway and it looks so nice.  They gave us all flowers afterward too! 


Holly's class had a class party from 1 - 3.  We did a dance party (Holly's request).  Dad came with some fun party songs and lead the kids in crazy dances and the limbo and stuff.  They were loud and had a great time.  I helped the kids make lei's to wear to graduation out of candy bars.  So each kid had his own lei to wear on Thursday.  They had pizza (mr. Ivie had that brought in) and cupcakes and rootbeer floats.  They LOVED it! 

Wednesday was PV graduation.  We got to go to the Sullivan Park again for Pizza and breadsticks and yummy desserts with the Taylor's again (they are party animals this year!!!)

Thursday was Holly's 5th grade graduation.  She ducked through the W and got her "honorary diploma" and later was awarded the Eagle Award for memorizing all the stuff about our county.  I think only 4 kids in the entire 5th grade got it.  Sweet!  

Thursday night we had enrichment night and they taught us about wills and trusts.  We should probably get one...

Friday we had our earthquake and dad and I went to lunch, did girl scouts and took care of the lawn.   AJ came about 10 p.m.

Saturday morning AJ went on a 5.5 mile walk with me and Linda and then we went over to the wedding.  It was nice.  They decorated Santa Clara City Hall and had a pretty good crowd...not too big.  Afterward they took pictures and then served panda garden and cookies.  The guy who performed the ceremony was Kennedy's uncle and he did a nice job.  They are hoping to get to the temple next year. 

Benjamin, Adler, Mitchell and Mason came over to the WCCC pool and played for 2 hours.  They were pretty happy to do that. They didn't want to go home yet.  I was tired!

The boys played basketball last night (and Katie and Holly too) and McKayla and I went to the mall.  

This morning did another 5.5 mi hike and have a camp meeting and then choir, church and dinner at Gmas.  

I think this coming week will be WAY quieter as schools.out.for.summer!!!!!

Marlee thinks she will get her mission call this week and plans to open it next Sunday.  So hopefully we'll know all about that next week!  I'm excited to hear where she'll go!!!!

Can't wait to hear about your week.  Hope you are having good success and enjoying your new area!  Xoxo Mom. 


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