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07/19/15 Citizenship party and ward party finish off fun week!

Rhiannon and Chris Ambroszcyk

Another week has gone by -- hopefully it's been a quick and happy one for you!

I think we got 2 texts this week with pictures of you doing good things and Jorgensen's mom friended me on facebook and said hi.  So that was fun!  

Holly chilling!
Monday I went to lunch with the ladies for birthday's.  Carla Mitchell has been really sick and couldn't make it to lunch.  bummer.  Marilyn Wallace, Cristy Peck and I went and we had a nice visit.  They go to chili's every time and those 2 order the exact same thing every time.  Kind of funny!

Tuesday afternoon Robbie Bennett's dad -- Brent Bennett died.  From what I can tell he'd been sick but they didn't know what exactly was wrong with him.  I think he was 72.  His funeral was yesterday but we didn't get over to it. 

Wednesday I went to my visiting teacher's house for my VT visit.  They usually come to me but Nichole Binder is pregnant with baby #2 and has been put on bed rest.  She is only 1/2 way to delivery so if things don't improve she has a long time ahead of her lounging around.  With a busy 1 year old.  Not good!!!!
Brother Charlie & Sister Diane Harrison hamming it up!

Thursday I went to the eye dr and he told me my eyes are getting worse for the better...what that means is I can see far in one eye and near in the other.  I guess the part about them seeing far and near is getting better.  But the eye that can see far is seeing near worse.  And the eye that can see near is seeing far worse.  So confusing.  Basically he said I don't need glasses and I'm fine. Just weird.  He showed me what glasses would do and even gave me a prescription but I think he's right...I probably won't really like the glasses at all and they won't be that helpful. 

Dad taking the citizenship test with Katie
Friday the girls played at friends houses all day and Dad and I went to Roadhouse with gma and pa for a late lunch.  The girls watched movies Friday night (just Katie and Holly) and Dad and I went with the Hoppies and played pickleball and then went to the Maverick for a slushee.  We were pretty evenly matched and it was fun.  Hopefully we can do that again some time but with everybody's schedule...who knows!

Saturday morning Dawn Wright did a breakfast for Chris Ambroszczyk -- he lives over across from Bishop...he just got his citizenship Friday night.  So that was cool.  The whole neighborhood came out and it was a pretty neat deal for him.  It was a surprise party and I think he was surprised!

We got some big rain Saturday afternoon and then had a ward party Saturday night at the WCCC.  Dad cooked about 100 burgers and 100 dogs.  They had a good turn out and we got to play in the pool and have fun. 

Carnavale Family taking the citizenship test
I am still reading the book Finding Peace, Happiness and Joy by Richard G Scott. I am really enjoying it.  Dad even bought it for me (I had it on loan from the library originally).  Anyway, a little excerpt from that for your spiritual thought for the week: 

He advises us to focus on the future.  Try not to be overcome by challenges and difficulties of today.  Pray always, obey the commandments and trust in the Lord.  He talks about seeking your diving current.  Instead of praying for what you think you want, pray for what Heavenly Father wants for you.  
Chauntel and Christy Clark

That is such a different concept for me.  I don't know that I've ever really prayed like that.  He talks about how if we are constantly doing what we should guidance will come to us.  I totally believe that and have felt that in different times in my life...where I just knew what I was supposed to do and was happy to go about doing it.  And then other times I feel "foggy" and I know it's time to step back and listen and figure things out again. 

He emphasizes that the decisions of today can affect you and your children and your grandchildren.  And that is so true.  

Anyway, I hope you are enjoying your time in Spokane and it sure has been fun to get random texts from whoever sent those.  Love it!!!!

Have a great week and can't wait to hear from you! Love you! xoxo mom


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