I’m sure she’ll be on schedule to walk like the other kids – by 10 ½ months for sure. Dallas was my only late walker waiting until 13 months to get going. I think he knew I needed him to walk since I was 8 months pregnant by that time and was taking his time on purpose!!
We had hope the ceiling fan would help but it hasn’t made too much difference. It just circulates our 88-90 degree air. There has to be a way to get the a/c in there. I don’t know what it is though. That room and our kitchen are always toasty. Oh well, summer is coming to a close, we’ll survive!!!!!
I don’t know if Mike realizes or not. They have talked about Andy doing a show but it is hard with him being a dad too. I think in a couple of years when the girls are in school that there is a good possibility they will hook him up with an afternoon show or something. We’ll see.
Millie has been very easy and mellow since our return from NJ. I think she finally realized how good she had it and decided she better quit causing trouble. She poops over in the dirt instead of the lawn now. She always acts excited when we come out. She never goes near the babies. She quit whining. (she used to whine every time we went anywhere – school, walks etc.) She just eats her can of food a day and behaves. Andy took some cute pictures of her and the kids. I don’t think he has sent them yet, has he? Anyway, if he hasn’t they will be coming soon.
The car is no big deal. Whatever vehicle is at the end of the driveway is usually HOT but besides that it’s ok. We really don’t drive much so all the vehicles just sit in the driveway most days. We try to rotate the vehicles and get them all out at least once a week. Once it cools down a little it really won’t matter. All the vehicles need a bath – we haven’t gotten into St. George for a car wash for quite some time.
My mom is hanging in there. She really seems to have a better attitude since that blessing dad gave her. I don’t know if her medications are working – she has an appointment soon to find out I think. She has been really sick with stomach problems. She goes from one extreme to the other. First she can’t go – and that hurts and then she can’t stop – and that hurts. It is a side effect of her current chemo treatment. She went swimming with us last time we were up – first time she’s gone in a long while. I really think she tries hard to “act” good while we are there. Plus I think having us lifts her spirits. I don’t know when we’ll get up there again – Andy’s crazy schedule begins next Friday night I think.
Well today is going to be BUSY – I hope you have a good one. Thank you for being great examples to our kids. They really enjoy hearing your letters every Monday and learning about the scripture. It has really helped us with our FHE to have something to start with. We watched the first vision last night and talked about getting answers to prayer afterward so it tied in good with what you had sent.
Take care and enjoy your last 10 ½ months. It will go fast!!! We love you.
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