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01/03/16 Happy New Year!

Andy, Katie and Julene rocking out on New Year's Eve
Loving playing the guitar!
     Well we are all turned around.  After quite awhile on 1:00 p.m. church (at least 2 years now, maybe longer) we have moved to the 9 a.m. church.  I think I'll like it again once I get used to it but for now my routine is all messed up!

I got released from primary pianist and put in as relief society pianist.  I have to get used to going to classes and learning in church too! No more playing around in primary for me!

We've had a nice relaxing week with the girls out of school, dad working less and me taking off 1/2 day Wed, all day Thur and Friday.  AJ spent Christmas and the early part of this week with us. 

We had the Greeley's over on Monday night for homemade pizza. It's been forever since we've seen them and it was so good to get together with them again.  The pizza's were yummy and we had a nice visit.  Aj, Dallas and McKayla were around too so it was like a party!

Tuesday I worked but all the attorney's took the night off and most of the people didn't want to bother with court over the holiday's either.  So we had a very light night (home by 7 p.m.) but I expect next week will be crazy busy nuts!

Wednesday the girls had basketball practice and young women's.  While they were there we took dinner to the sister missionaries from our stake.  They get their dinner delivered to the visitor center and don't have to eat with the families.  Afterward Dad and I went out to Paula's for a mid-week date and then to the temple and did sealings with Ben and Laura, Wendy and Eddy and Nick and Ann.  We went and had a shake at Larson's frost stop afterward.  It was nice. 

AJ headed up to home 2 p.m. and had to go through the beginning of a yucky storm.  Luckily he left early enough that it wasn't the worst of the storm but he probably should have left an hour or two earlier to miss the snow altogether.  Bad time a year to travel between SLC and St. G. 

Thursday, Friday and Saturday Dad and I met the McCallister's at the new pickeball courts down at Sullivan park and played pickleball for 1 - 1 1/2 hours each time.  We are a pretty good match up and they are fun so we keep joining them. 

For New Year's eve we were pretty quiet and mellow.  Julene Shelley came over and played rock band with us.  Katie went to her first dance ever!!!! (Stake Dance at Ivins Stake Center).  She went with Emmalee Wright and they had fun.  Emmalee said it was the best ever attended dance she'd been to.  (And she's 17!)  The girls had a great time and Katie can't wait for her next dance. No one asked her to dance but she did dance 2 slow dances I think she said.  After rockband those of us at home played table games (golf, bounce-off) and ate treats and hung out.  After awhile Julene's kids Devon and his fiance and Jenna joined us and played too.  They left about 11:15 to pickup Richard from work.  At midnight we all drove across town to pickup Katie and Emmalee.  So we ended up staying up to 1 p.m.  Pretty late for me!  
Enjoying the song!
We got some yard work and house work done -- Christmas cleaned up and put away etc. Friday and Saturday.  The girls helped gma and pa with their tree too. 

Saturday Dad and I went to Ninja with gma and gpa and had the hibachi grill dinner.  It was very fancy.  The dude cooks your meal in front of you.  Throws shrimp in your mouth (if you want).  Lights little volcano of fire on the grill.  The food was great and the "show" was pretty fun too!  

I'm still working on figuring things out for SUU for ya.  I haven't been able to reach anyone at Pine View HS to find out what AP classes you got credit for.  The SUU guy got back to me with a bunch of questions but I can't answer him until your counselor calls me.  They start back to school Tuesday so hopefully they will get back to me soon!

Marlee is coming for dinner tonight at Gma and Gpas.  Still no word for her when things will happen.  She's much better at being patient then I am.  She hasn't complained or anything about not knowing what's going on.  

Rocking out!
I'm currently reading a book called Latter-day Saint Mornings.  It talks about establishing a routine in the morning to help you to invite the spirit into your life and set the tone for your day.  I'm really enjoying it and will probably incorporate some of the ideas into my own morning routine.  Here is the quote of the week from that book: 

Holly and Jenna Shelley
“What happens in the first hours of the morning will mark your day, will mark your week, will mark your mission, will mark your life.”
-Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Can't wait to hear about your new family ward and how you spent your New Year's.  Hope all is well in Moscow!  Love you!!!! Mom

Devon Shelley and fiance Tammy (Marriage coming in March!!!)

Ninja Chef cooking up some yummy food!



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