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01/10/16 Back to School

Dallas and dad enjoying some silly time -- Happy Baby!
Busy week as the kids jumped back into school and activities full speed ahead. 

Sunday of course we went to gma and gpa Griffin's for dinner. Randy and Kay Phillips have been joining us (you will love them!) and Dallas and Mck.  It's a nice group.  Gma made cheesy enchiladas (you should make those, super easy and delicious)  Afterward we sat around and talked about spiritual experiences from missions and stuff.  It was a nice evening. 

Monday was the girls last day of freedom.  I had to work and dad had work to do too so the girls just played and did their thing while we did ours!

Girls in action
Tuesday is the beginning of jazz band every day (instead of every other day) so mornings are hectic as I try to go from the gym (5:45-6:45) then come home and start getting ready.  7:05 leave to take Katie and her friend Adeline to Jazz band.  Come back about 7:25 and finish getting ready and be to work by 8 a.m.  I even fit in getting gas one morning and shopping at Albertson's another and folding a load of laundry the other day.  Needless to say I'm getting good at getting ready fast!

Holly has decided she likes singing (she's done a couple of songs with a small group in sacrament meeting and at a stake primary leadership meeting now ) so she will start taking voice lessons from Dawn Wright in addition to her piano lessons. She is good and very brave!  She doesn't seem to mind getting up in front of the crowds!

Katie playing defense
Wednesday was my quarterly ladies luncheon with Cristy, Marilyn and Carla.  We went to Chili's -- the only place they will go -- and had a nice visit.  Carla is 70 years old now but still acts and seems younger to me!  She is funny.  Marilyn it 66, Cristy 56 and I am 46.  Weird that we are all 10 years apart!  It's fun to get together and catch up on everyone and their family since we don't get to see each other too often and just visit!

The girls have basketball practice and then YW on Wednesday evenings.  The last couple of weeks it has been nice.  Gives me and dad an evening to hang out -- like a mid week date!  We've gotten shopping done or watched a favorite show or whatever.  Unfortunately dad will be going to games in the future so I'll have to either go to games or have evenings all alone!

Holly's open!

We continue to play pickleball with the McCallisters and really enjoy it.  They are so nice and fun to hang out with.  Everybody is pretty mellow and the match ups are fun.  Dad is way better than us and Nancy is pretty awesome too.  Russ and me usually compete for the worst player of the day but I usually win.  But it's fun anyway!

Katie did the honors band thing this week all day Friday and Saturday and then concert last night.  So that's kept us busy running her to Dixie College. I was really impressed with the quality of the music.  They gave those kids some hard music and they sounded great!  

Friday Jared Turner got married to Cassidy Jones of Leeds, and we were able to attend the reception. It was pretty packed.  Nikki is 17 now and she looked gorgeous!  Fellicity was there too and she also is very pretty.  I can't believe how they have grown up.  Katie enjoyed hanging with Cami and Ashley.  We saw the Scott's and the Condie's.  We had to get the girls to practice for basketball so we didn't stay long but it was nice to visit with old friends. 

Adam and Tess Buatte got sealed in the temple yesterday morning.  I really loved their ceremony.  Their sealer was David Garner ( I think?!) and he did such a good job.  He told them there are four things they learn in the temple.  The first is the law of obedience and sacrifice.  The second the law of the gospel.  The third the law of chastity and the fourth the law of consecration.  He then went on to explain a little bit about each portion and what is required of us to follow that law.  

Then he talked to them about only having eyes for one another and building each other up and being the best cheerleader ever for each other.  

Cami, Ashley and Katie catching up!
He went on to talk about multiplying and replenishing the earth and how important our posterity is.  He talked about this for a long time.  Adam and Tess have had miscarriage after miscarriage and have been unable to have children so far (5 years now I think).  So I'm sure Tess was a little tender about the subject. The sealer asked her how many children they would have and she said, well it depends on the first.  (I think he took that to mean -- if the first was naughty maybe she wouldn't have any more -- everybody laughed) (I took it to mean -- if they can even get know -- they've been trying so hard and not had success yet.  I think she'd love to have kids!). 

This was our last weekend with Dad home so next week things will get even more busy!

Overall it's been a hectic week but really good.  I really enjoyed the temple and felt like I learned something.  I enjoyed the peace and quiet of the morning -- even for only an hour.  

A couple of quotes from my book Latter-day mornings

"Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines practiced every day." 
"God does not begin by asking our ability, only our availability, and if we prove our dependability, He will increase our capability." Neal Maxwell
"If you want to stand out, don't sleep in."
Cami, Ashley and Katie

I hope that you are doing well.  I understand you got some comfy shoes this week.  That should help make the days better!  Nothing like some hush puppies, huh?!  Look forward to you letter and pictures every week!  

You are such a great example to us all.  We love you!!!! Love, mom. 


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