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01/24/16 MLK holiday & Dad becomes a high priest

Girls digging into leftovers...gross!
Katie at the beginning of Cardiac Arrest hike
or Heart Attack hill as we like to call it!
I'm kinda backwards today! Usually I write you early in the morning but today got away so it's 8 p.m. 

It's been a good week - seems like it went pretty quickly.  

Monday was Martin Luther King day.  Dad had to work the better part of the day so me and the girls got the twins and Miranda Warby and hiked cardiac hill. It is the hike over by Coral Canyon that goes from the bottom of Coral Canyon up to Highland park.  It's pretty steep and not too long a hike.  Maybe 2 mile round trip.  But the views are great (course we could have just driven to that view, but whatever!!!)

Tuesday was a little busier and longer than anticipated so I missed everything going on here and didn't get home until 8:30 p.m.  We handled 66 cases in my session and I think they had 19 cases in the inmate session.  

Holly, twins and Miranda Warby
Wednesday the girls had basketball and YW so I went with Dad to Desert Hills and was his stat girl while he broadcast the game.  The game was against Dixie and it was pretty exciting.  Dixie won which was a little upset and surprise but it was a great game. Also loved the dancing girls at half time.  (Jacey Shelley is one of the girls so I got to see Julene & Richard too!! Bonus!)

Thursday Dad had to record his show and they were running late so the girls and I hung out at home while he went and got stuff done. 

Happy girls about 1/2 way up the hill
Friday we got to go to Texas Roadhouse with gma and gpa.  Which was great.  Great food, great company.  We tried to hide the leftover ribs under some onion rings which I thought no one liked.  I'll be danged if Holly doesn't like onion rings now and she found our hidden treasure and her and Katie ate it.  Wah!!!!! Next time I'm gonna have to cover them in lettuce!  haha. 

After Dad went to work Friday AJ came down from Provo and we went to the temple and did my brother's work for him. Worked out super because Saturday night Kennedy got out her endowments and AJ went to that and finished the job!  Go AJ!!!!  Pretty speedy from start to finish on David's work!  We got ice cream cones on the way home.  It was a nice evening. 

Saturday morning we got up and went to Elephant's Arch hike over by redcliffs.  There is a new community going in over there so we had a heck of a time finding the access to the trails.  We ended up parking extra .6 miles from the trail head and then hiking in.  The hike was supposed to only be 2.5 miles each way for a total of 5 miles.  However when we got in we took a trail down instead of up the hill we were supposed to.  We were seriously...right.there.  But instead we ended up walking another couple miles before we got back to the trail and found some people to show us where we should have gone.  So we ended up walking 6.5 miles or more.  My GPS said 6.5, AJ's said 8+.  Course he ran up the side of a few more mountains than I did so they are probably both right!  It was fun and tiring!!  

Katie at the top!
Saturday afternoon Dad had stake leadership meeting and then we had evening session.  We went to dinner in between but only had about 30 minutes so we went to McD's for a quick bite to eat. Not our favorite but it was quick. 

Sunday morning we went at 9 a.m. and had choir practice and then sat up in the front for stake conference and all of us sang with the choir.  Cept AJ who had to sit in the back by his lonesome.  

After church Dad got set apart as a high priest by his Dad and it was a beautiful blessing.  Wish we could have recorded it because it is so hard to remember what was said!  After the blessing Randy and Kay, Gma and Gpa, the Taylor's, Dallas & McK, and us came back and had sandwiches and chips for lunch.  It was a nice day. 

Aj gave me a 3 hour IQ test this weekend so we had lots of quality time together, haha!  And now he knows how dumb/smart I am.  It would be fun to give him one back!  

Cardiac Hill ends at Highland park, could have driven there!
haha!!! It was a fun hike!
Aj was supposed to have a ride to go back up to Provo at 6 p.m. but he could not get hold of her.  He had just about decided to drive the van up to Provo and then see if he could sell it when she FINALLY called.  So about 6:45 we took him over to the Maverick to meet the girl and get his ride home.  On the bright side I cleaned the van out really nice and got rid of some junk that's been in there forever! 

So it's about bed time and everybody is chilling out and getting ready for next week.  

Trying to think if there was anything spectacular from stake conference...nothing jumping out at me.  Our G.A. was C. Scott Grow...funny name, huh?!  (Oh, and fun little bit of trivia...he was born in Moscow, Idaho!)  He was very friendly.  And he kept calling people up out of the audience and we were SO happy NOT to be in the 8th ward.  Last night he made the whole ward council come up and be on the stand for about 20 minutes.  Maybe longer...if we'd have been in that ward doing what we used to do we would have BOTH been up there!!!!  

Anyway today I think his talk basically said we all need to do what we know we should be doing.  Praying.  Reading our Scriptures.  Going to church. &  Hastening the work (Missionary work). 

Another lil thought: 
Alma 13:5 -- the bishop was reading that and Dad's name kept popping into his head..that's why he referred Dad to be a high priest, because the scripture was about Dad.  

Well this letter went on a bit didn't it!  Hope you are doing great!! Can't wait to hear about you and all that's going on!  
XOXO mom

Here is the arch we were searching for!

AJ, twins and Holly in the arch

Whew!  Heading home!

AJ captured this photo of elephant's arch with his phone

Selfie coming out of the temple Friday night
Not best picture ever but you can see we were happy!


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