Cheerleaders at the girls' basketball game Miranda Warby, McKenzie & Lauren Riley |
This week Monday night pizza was at the Brick Oven. Love the pizza but they are kinda pricey. It was just the 5 of us (McKayla had to work) and Gma and Gpa were too tired to join us. Just a note...never sit between Dad and Dallas at a pizza joint that only has one pepper and Parmesan cheese container on the table. They kept passing it back and forth over me until I was ready to smack 'em both! They thought it was funny. #Never.doing.that.again! Haha.
Tuesday was way too long. Got home about 8:30 p.m. Makes for a nice Friday (usually!) but no so much the Tuesday!

Wednesday night the girls had basketball and the makeovers and pictures at YW. They got their hair and makeup done really cute. They had a nice time and now they want to wear makeup. I guess it won't be long...they are getting older every day! Dad worked Wednesday night and I was left all alone! I went to to costco and did some house cleaning. Nothing exciting. I'll be alone on Wednesday's unless they call me into YW or once sports season is over it will be just dad and me. So strange having our family grow up! Not used to quiet time!
Thursday the girls YW basketball season started and they won and had a nice time. It's so nice to have them on the same teams and same activities right now!!!
Friday was like any other - got off early. Had plans to run some errands and play pickleball and girls night/dad work. Sent whole 'nother email about Friday.

Saturday we went to the dr and they checked out Dad's knee. He has an MRI scheduled for next week as they think he may have torn some ligaments in our lil accident yesterday. He has sore hips and neck and just over all achey-ness. I have been having some neck and shoulder pain for quite some time so I had the dr check me out also since I was already at the dr. He said I have a trapezial strain and ordered rehab and anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxants. We are both kind a sore and just trying to recuperate.
Well time to head to church so I gotta run!!
Spiritual thought for the week:
Katie really likes Helaman 5 and thinks you should read it. Lehi and Nephi, Helaman's sons are becoming more righteous. They convert most of the Lamanites in this one miracle. The Lamanites put them in prison. Then they tried to burn them and they were standing in the middle of the fire but they weren't burned.

47 Peace, peace be unto you, because of your faith in my Well Beloved, who was from the foundation of the world.
Hope you have a great week! We love you and miss you! Thanks for being such a great example and wonderful son!!!! Love you!!! Mom
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