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08/06/22 Crazy week!

FaceTime Babies!!!
Get well Pops!

 It's been a crazy week and since I have a couple minutes of quiet I figured I better write now. I used to like to write on Sunday morning but since I have an early meeting every week that is not a good option anymore!
Icky pool cover needed help!

Let's see. Where to begin. We got home from our trip at 3 a.m. last week and stayed home and watched church TV since we were pretty tired. I had to do some non-Sunday things because of being gone so long...the pool cover had lots of icky water on top, the pool needed cleaned, we had lots of laundry. So I put on church and got busy working. 

Holly came down and spent the afternoon with me. We made cookies and hung out together. It was fun. 

Diane generously agreed to make dinner so she brought a nice Sunday dinner over and we all ate together. It was nice. We geared up to get back to work. 

Monday was a pretty normal day and we planned to play pickleball and have pizza like our usual Monday night. E&D and Gpa came over and we had pizza. Because we had been gone we had nothing in the house. I tried to do online order but took too long and all the spots were gone. So I abandoned order and shopped in store before picking up pizza. Everything seemed pretty fine and we finished up dinner. Then dad started saying he felt really off and bad. He noticeably declined rather quickly. So much so that before everyone left I asked them to give him a blessing. 

He went to bed early and headed off to work normal. Within an hour into his shift he was texting me that he felt off and that Bart said he was walking funnier than usual. I asked if I should set up a dr appt and he said, no he was ok. Another hour later he called very upset and said he needed help and he couldn't finish his shift and he didn't know what to do. 
Really sick...really really. 
On the mend

Luckily Andy Thompson was around and took over the radio program. I immediately got in the car and raced over to him and took him to the hospital. You guessed it, Sepsis Strikes Again!

For a solid two hours his temperature rose from 100 to 103. He was shaking uncontrollably (they wouldn't let him have blankets because of the fever). He was cramping and in pain and just plain miserable. Of course they had to do the ultrasound IV multiple times (he hates being a pin cushion). 

By about 11 or 12 they decided he needed admitted and had given him morphine and antibiotics and he started to settle in -- stop shaking and cramping because he was getting the needed medicine. For about 6 hours -- 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. they had him pretty well knocked out. 

Very sick pops
I went home and got overnight bag, went to work and got computer and just settled in. I will say since this is the third go round, they seem to be getting quicker at treating him...or maybe I'm getting quicker at catching it. But the first time was 7 days, 2nd time was 3 days and this time was 2 1/2 days hospital stay. 
About ready to head home

I also feel like we have a very good idea of what is causing it and hopefully can never ever do this again. 

He burned his feet last week and we believe the infection came in through his feet again. Basically we need to inspect his feet daily, never go barefoot -- treat him like he has diabetic feet, even though he doesn't have diabetes. 

We were released Thursday afternoon and after a trip to Costco for medicine have just settled in trying to make him feel better. It's like he had a really bad awful flu and his body is just weak and tired and needs to get better. It's very discouraging for him and exhausting. 

I worked 4 hours on Friday while he slept in. Gpa brought us lunch and besides that we had a pretty quiet Friday. The best thing for Dad right now is no stress and rest. 

He plans to go to work on Monday and I think he can -- but he needs to pamper himself and restore his health. 

We have no plans for today - I've been doing yard work and plan to do some house work. Tomorrow I have early meetings and need to get my head back in the YW game. I've checked out for most of July with vacations and illness. 

Hope your week is good. I'm glad I have GOOD news to report!  I didn't want to tell you earlier in the week so you wouldn't be worried all week. 

Keep up the good works! Can't wait to hear about the adventures of our lil Missionary!

Love you! mom


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