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08/29/22 Good Morning!

 Today is August 28...Aj's birthday!  31 years old today! Woot! Happy Birthday AJ!  Our explorer spent the weekend on Mt. Nebo with Jacob and Curtis mountain biking and camping. So my guess is he's a pretty happy 31 year old. 

This week seemed to fly by!  We've stayed busy with pickleball and eating out with the relatives. We had meals together S, M, W this week. 

Thursday night Dad taught a class at BBQ pitstop on how to make pigshots. I think he really enjoyed it!  There was probably 30 people in attendance.  All guys except me and the wife of one of the guys that works there. I've been to other classes that had quite a few wives...but not this one! 

Friday night dad's game was delayed because Ridgeline came down from Logan and their bus broke down. Yikes!  So he didn't start until 8 p.m. and didn't get home until midnight. 

Linda and her grandbabies (6 kids) came over and played in the pool. We had a fun evening with swimming and rice krispie treats. 

Saturday we played 8 a.m. pickleball (dad wasn't too excited to get up early! haha after such a late Friday night) but it was fun. Nancy and Milt met us and the four of us played for an hour and a half. The heat is back so it was super sunny and hot. Then we went to the farmer's market in St. George and got a waffle w/ice cream and a grilled cheese sandwich -- weird combo, right?! especially for breakfast! While there we ran into Darren Cole and his wife and the four of us hung out and talked for a bit. 

Dad wanted to see Troy from BBQ Pitstop - he was at the Dixie Center doing a home show so we went there and hung out and walked around. Didn't get home until 1 p.m. Dad was super tired from long night and lots of running around so he went and took a nap and I went in the sun and enjoyed a book. 

Milt and his wife came over and we had burndt ends and veggies, potatoes, rolls, orange jello salad and cake. We took turns showing our pictures of our recent cruises...they did a river cruise around Europe, we to Mexico. We got to know them a little better and just had a nice evening. 

On my way to Ward Council meeting now. 6:30 a.m. Sunday morning. I walk over 2.7 miles to church and the meeting starts at 7:30 a.m. I go for Sis Wilcox each week who is president but her hubby also goes and they don't want their kids alone every Sunday morning. 

Our lesson today is on trials (yours probably is too). I thought about it a little - because Mia is supposed to teach and contacted me and said she didn't want to late yesterday. I told her we could work on it together -- it would be fun. Later she texted and said she would just take care of it. 😜

But it got me thinking about this last year. It's been a tough year with Dad's health and spending so much time in the hospital. We both have jobs that are demanding. It's hard to send your baby girl to another country. Just some trials, ya know?!  

And I think that the gospel and centering your life on Christ makes trials easier. It gives them an eternal perspective. Helps to keep you focused on what's important and realize that you have a support system. 

There were some times during our stays with dad that were pretty scary and hard but I was always at peace and felt the comfort of the savior and knew that it was going to be ok. There were a couple of times where dad came close to death (low low blood pressure, just really sick, etc) but I wasn't worried. I felt comfort and that things were going to be ok. 

Sometimes we get away from the gospel and think we can do things all on our own...and we probably can, for a time. But it is easier if we have the spirit with us and let it guide us and help us in good times and in bad. 

I can definitely feel when I am drifting away and not putting in the time and when that happens I know that I need to refocus and find that eternal perspective and then things feel right again. 

I love you and am so proud of you. What you are doing is super cool and amazing and great but also scary and hard and a lot of work. 

Keep up the good works, Hermana! We love you! ❤

Now I gotta get moving fast or I'm gonna be late for Council Meeting!!! 😏


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