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10/02/22 Good Evening! Another Marathon in the books

 Somehow all of Sunday got away from me and it's almost bedtime and I'm just getting to write a letter!

It was a pretty busy weekend with conference -- 9.5 hours of church is A LOT!  😜

Kelly Campbell
Did you get to watch? How do they do that there? I think AJ watched it a week later or something because of time differences. I can't remember. Something different like that!

Dad announced the marathon yesterday morning and had a ball game Friday night so he's pretty tired. 

Seems like the week flew by pretty quickly but I'm struggling to remember what caused it to feel that way. 

Wednesday we had a different activity -- the Haymore's put together a deal where they gave GPS coordinates and sent you around the neighborhood to find notes with scriptures on them. It had, for example, Mosiah 5:1: 14. If that were the scripture you would go to it and count 14 words and then write that word down. There were about 10 words/locations total and then you unscrambled those words to get the answer which was basically-- Go to the Haymore's back yard. Then they had icees and popcorn and cookies etc while they did a little fireside. 
Miss Senior Universe 2022
Marianne Hamilton

It was really well put together. Our ward is doing really well at getting kids out.  We probably had more than 50 at that event. Crazy?!  
Mayor Michelle Randall

What did you decide to do with your tooth?  I really think you should go get it finished correctly now and not mess with it anymore. You don't want to have to try to find a dentist again while you are on your mission and it will likely cost more once you get home anyway. I'd just feel better if I knew you were all put back together again!

Reverand Jimmy Kestin
Dallas sent me a tik tok on how to swallow a pill.  I'm going to try to send it to you. Basically you stick a pill in your mouth. Take a big drink of water. Put your chin down to your chest and swallow. And voila. It's gone. Interesting.  The girl did it and it worked!  Did you ever take tylenol or were you a tough girl again? 

We had dinner with Randy and Kay and Gpa tonight - haystacks. They were yummy. Basically it's like - empty your pantry and call it dinner.  Rice, meat, cream of chicken soup, pineapples, peas, crispy onions, cranraisins, seeds, queso.  I don't know...just lots of stuff. I made fudgy bars too and they were delicious as always. I love those things. And I hate them too. Because I can't leave them alone. So good!

As I was listening to conference I got the message that we need to live to always have the holy ghost in our lives. We need to read the book of mormon daily. The way to always have the holy ghost in our lives is to read the BoM, pray, go to sacrament meeting, repent, keep the commandments, attend the temple and do family history work. 

The other message I got is that the truth is the truth and it doesn't change.  Sometimes the noise of the world makes you second guess...but you don't need to, cause the truth that was correct yesterday is still correct today. 

Which takes me back to the previous paragraph.  The "primary answers" are still the answer. If we will just continue to do the basics, we'll have peace and joy. Things might be hard but we'll have the power of the holy ghost and the lord to sustain us. 

Several people said they felt like President Nelson's talk was a farewell talk.  I didn't really get that but now I'm going to have to go back and listen again to his final talk and see if I see what they were seeing. He was propped on a chair to help him but he is 97 years old!  So that didn't really phase me. Also I guess I shouldn't be surprised if it was his last talk...because he is 97 years old!  🙃

I look forward to hearing from you tomorrow. I felt like last week was too chaotic when we finally got to talk because we had company and babies and it was just hard to chat with you. Hopefully we can find a few quiet minutes tomorrow!

Hope all is well there and you know that we love you and are proud of you and so happy that you are having a good experience.  You make my mama heart swell. I am so impressed with your goodness. 

Keep up the good works! xoxo Mom and Dad. 


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