It's Sunday afternoon already! I hope your week has been a good one!
We had a busy week with some fun mixed in. Monday was Columbus Day -- which means I got to stay home from work (but Dad didn't!!!) I did lots of chores and things and then Dad got off work early to hang out with me. We went for a drive in the convertible -- well kind of. We went out and got it washed and the sky looked really ominous toward Pine Valley...which is where we were planning to go. Decided against it and instead went to the bread store in town and drove around Washington Fields before dinner at Riggatti's with Gpa. It was a fun little excursion...different than our usual day for sure. Monday was also Sandy Casey's (59th) birthday and she chose to spend the evening with us playing pickleball!! Yeah!
Tuesday we had a potluck at work...only since it was a holiday Monday just about everyone forgot!
So it was like a super LAME potluck! haha. (I was one of the ones that forgot!) So when I went in and realized I saw that they just had potatoes and chili and nothing else and went home and grabbed some steamed veggies, smoked shredded pork, french fried onion, cheese, and half a cream cheese cookie pie. Lunch was about 40 minutes late...but we had a little variety anyway!

Tuesday evening there was a free concert at the Dixie Center associated with the Senior Games...the Million Dollar Quartet Concert -- so not the show but just all the fun music from that era. It was actually really good. Grandpa came with us. And Kelly and Sandy too.
Wednesday Dad went to Zion Diagnostics to have an ultrasound of his chest -- this was for AG Approved, not cause he was worried. But it did give him peace of mind. His heart is in perfect health! Yeah!
Then because it's fall break this week for the school he had Wednesday night football. So he went and did a ball game. YW was canceled due to fall break so I had a free night with nobody to play with! haha. The next-door neighbor kids came and asked if they could play in the pool. So after dad left I entertained 5 little boys for 45 minutes. They LOVED it. They don't come over often so it was a real treat for them. Once they left I went for one hour and played pickleball with dad's Wednesday night group.
Thursday evening we stayed home and took it easy - Dad was tired from the game the previous night. So we just hung out in the pool and hot tub and had quiet dinner and games etc. Dad had BYU tickets for Saturday...and AJ really wanted us to come we decided to see if we could muster up the energy to go north! We invited Gpa -- and surprisingly he said YES!!!!
Thursday afternoon Holly called and said she was experiencing tummy troubles again so I told her she could have my big bottle of Miralax. I set it out on the porch and Erik was in town and was going to come by and grab it.
Friday morning I got up and my weights were gone off the porch. (I have two sets that Julia and I have been using every day in conjunction with our walk.) I couldn't figure out what the heck happened to them. I texted all the neighbors and put a post up on the neighborhood page. About half an hour after I posted on the neighborhood page Holly texted me that SHE had my weights!
Erik thought they had been put out with the medicine for her to have as well!

On the bright side, it got me texting with all my neighbors and we had friendly conversations on all sides. The mom of the boys next door thanked me for letting the kids swim and we talked back and forth for quite a while.
After work on Friday we all got in the car and headed north. We stopped and picked up Becca and AJ (they drove to Bryce's and then left their car there). B&M didn't want to go anywhere so they didn't join us as we went further north to visit the babies and D&K. You know what happened there! 
-- We will find out for sure on Tuesday but they put two babies in so if all goes well there are two babies in still and we're having twins again by June 10!!!!! What?! I'm so glad you answered the phone and could share that moment with us!!!! So EXCITING! And it was funny cause dad and gpa didn't get it about the shirts at first!

We headed back to Provo and spent the later evening with B&M and then headed to bed. Had a little time with them in the morning and breakfast. Then they went to a baby fair they'd been planning to attend and we (AJ, GPA, DAD, AND ME) went to the BYU game. Our seat was only one row away from the very back row!!!! That was a LOT of climbing! I thought we were gonna wipe out GPA and DAD -- but they made it! AJ and I went back down a couple of times to get drinks and buy dad a hat. We went early and by the time the game ended, we were there 5 hours! And BYU lost. Boo. But it was a fun excursion and I'm glad I went. Dad found a great place to park (a handicapped lot) and so future trips should be easier if he decides to go again.
After the game, we got B&M and went to Don Chuy's in Spanish fork and had a yummy dinner before heading home. Stopped in Cedar City to see E&H and pick up some weights. And then got home after 11 p.m. last night. Whew!
Had an early meeting this morning so left at 6:30 to walk to church this morning. Talked to Dallas part of the way over there.
All in all a really good week.
Our lesson today was taught by Rebekah Francis. One of her questions was Why do you believe in Christ? She seemingly had everyone stumped. She is a very patient teacher and lets everyone think about it for quite a bit. Then she moved on. At the end of the lesson, she ended 15 minutes early and didn't know what to do next. Since I'm the grown-up in charge I figured we shouldn't wrap it up just yet and I told the girls I'd asked google why Google believed in Christ...isn't that what we do with all our problems now?! And I'd found an article and wanted to share it with them. I highlighted the 7 reasons the author had stated for believing in Christ and then bore my testimony that I also believed in Christ and was thankful for the peace and joy that Christ's influence had on my life. I asked if anyone had any experiences with the blessings of having Christ in their life. Dani Blaser had sepsis last year and was really really sick (like Dad...she got it BEFORE him but the same illness). She talked about how she had blessings and the peace and healing that they brought. She then talked about how she had gotten her patriarchal blessing and how it told her things about herself that she didn't see or know...and we talked about how the blessing might help her to have those traits as she strives to be like Christ. It was a really neat 10 minutes with the girls and the spirit was strong.
We encouraged the girls to prepare and get their blessings and to remember to put Christ first in their lives to keep the peace and joy but that if they forgot and hit rock bottom...sometimes that is what it remember to turn back toward Christ and seek the light.
Tonight's dinner is with Randy and Kay, Dad and us. E&D are off on an Elderhostel trip this week. Next week Carnevale's are coming for Monday night dinner! YAH!!!!
Carter Pollock did his mission farewell today and he is headed to Puerto Rico
. So that's cool! He starts home MTC Nov 1.
. So that's cool! He starts home MTC Nov 1.
Love you and am excited to hear from you tomorrow! 

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