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10/30/22 Hello Hermana

 How are things in Chile?!  

Things are going well here. SUPER busy and we made it through IRONMAN -- they shut down half of St. George for two days for it!
Fezzik and Butter cup from princess bride

Let's see...what's exciting here...Jenna's homecoming was nice...I think I already told you that. Julene made peanut butter bars...Julene HATES PB!!!! I made fudgy bars cause I knew she hated peanut butter. I asked her WHY? Why did you make PB Bars when you hate PB SO? She said...then she doesn't have to worry about eating it, cause she hates it! Silly girl!
Shelly and Theo Fink at church
Love my church baby!

Monday I had a "redo" on my mammogram. Failed the first one. 😜  They found a little lump (after smashing my chest practically inside out. 😂  Seriously, if you have to look that hard is it really anything to worry about?!  It wasn't!!! They did an ultra sound after a second mammogram scan and said I was fine. Just come back in 6 months and make double sure. I sometimes think they do this to get more money. Becky had that happen at her last scan and it happened to me a couple of years ago. 

Sadie Geary
Next door neighbor

Carnevale's were here for swim and pizza night Monday. Kids are growing up! They just barely started piano lessons two weeks ago. First lessons since you quit them. Their teacher is Jill Rae's mom. (Jill and Ben sold their house and moved to Minnesota or North Dakota or somewhere far far away and really cold!) Jill's mom had recently moved into the trailer park to be close to them. Hmmmm.  Sad!  Jenna started BYU in August at 17 years old and now has to travel a LONG way to go home!

We played pickleball on Wednesday night with the Casey's and dad pulled a muscle and has been in pain ever since. Boo!

Mindy (my replacement) and her husband and kid all got covid so she was out of the office this week. I got to go work upstairs for a couple of hours with Hana (a fairly new girl) and that was fun. Time goes quickly in the court. I don't really want to go back for reals but it's fun to "play" court every once in awhile!

Friday dad covered Dixie playoff football game and they lost in the final minute -- a tied game.  Snow Canyon lost too. So we're down to Desert Hills and Crimson Cliffs. The next games are at SUU next weekend so hopefully I'll get to go see Holly for 8 hours. (Sounds like she is going to be working so maybe I'll get to do laundry with her!!!! 🎉

Saturday dad had a remote at Santa Clara Bucks Hardware. They had some yummy food and we spent 2 hours hanging out while he put some bits up on the radio. Ben and Laura came and hung out for about an hour with us. 
Amazing spread at Laura's house
Chili is not pictured

Dad did the announcing for the Ward Halloween Party last night. He went as Fezzig from princess bridge and I was Buttercup. It was fun. Our ward had lots of great games, food and prizes. They know how to throw a party. They invited the whole neighborhood - there were probably 500 people there.

I had an early morning meeting this morning and then church. Sadly, there wasn't anything real extra special to share with you!  Our lesson was "Is the gospel written in my heart?". The YW teach our lessons now. It is good for them. If they take it seriously.  But sometimes, it is challenging!  Today the girls had some fun cute ideas and games and such but their delivery was not real spiritual. They hadn't read the scriptures and didn't know what they said and it was just a lil off!  

We had the primary program today and the kids were super cute!

Our opening hymn was Israel, Israel  God is calling. I have summarized what we were supposed to learn today in YW, but I think the idea was majorly missed!
Jackson Squires
Playing car races and winning!

Israel means a person who is willing to let God prevail in his or her life. Pres Nelson, 10/2020, gave a talk about letting God prevail. It says the gathering of Israel is for those who CHOOSE to let God be an important influence in their lives.  The gathering is happening we do missionary work, temple work, family history - we are building faith and helping gather Israel. 

Expand your perspective and seek the eternal. There is room for everyone who wants to embrace the gospel.  He invites ALL to come unto him. Black, white, bond, free, male and female. 

Ask yourself, are you willing to let God prevail in your life? Will you follow commandments, keep covenants? Allow His voice to have priority? 

Once you decide, other decisions become so much easier. What to watch, what to wear. How to spend your time. Who to hang out with. You know what you want to accomplish and what kind of person you want to become.

Be consistent - personal habits - prayer, study scriptures, seek personal revelation. 

Challenge from the prophet: Make a list of all that the Lord promised to do for covenant Israel. You will be astounded. Ponder the promises. Live and watch for those promises to be fulfilled in YOUR life. 

You are amazing and I'm so proud of you for working hard and letting God prevail in YOUR life! You are a great example and I'm proud to be your mama. Love you lil Hermana! mom

Thomas Squires
What a cutie!


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