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04/16/23 Good Morning!

 It's been another busy week here. 

Monday we had pizza night at home - with our outdoor pizza oven. We're getting better at using that (not burning everything!) -- I really like it! It was just dad and grandpa and me - E&D are on a 10 day trip. So we just made two pizzas and still had leftovers!

About 9 p.m. my doorbell rang (pretty uncommon!) And there were two sister missionaries at my door. (It might have been Sunday night...I can't remember for sure now!) Dad had his therapy pants on and the kids were at Thatchers. So it was just me. They came in and gave me a lesson and asked me about my neighbors. We talked about how you were on a mission in Chile. They are from Canada and Georgia or something like that. I honestly can't remember right now!  They have only been out like 4 months and 6 months -- so they are fairly greenies still. 

I had forgotten I needed to make rolls for RS Tuesday (and they wanted them a day early) - so afterwork I got busy making rolls!  

Tuesday they did a progressive dinner up on the hill by Myrna Stout's house. We went to four different houses and had appetizer, salad, soup and dessert. It was really nice and fun to see how everyone does their houses. 

Wednesday the YW/YM did a walk to the temple. We drove the kids up to Dixie Rock and then walked 2 miles down to the temple. There was a short talk at the beginning and at the end the sister missionaries met us and gave us another lesson. We have a really cute little set of sisters right now. It was fun to see the sisters again!

Thursday we had a quiet night - just did some cleaning up and hung out. 

Friday GPA went with his New Harmony friends to Chili's and Dad and I went out weird as it sounds -- we don't really get out alone that much! haha. We went to Green Iguana in the strip mall and ran into Tony Chambers (who bought Daylight Donuts from Diana Thatcher!) We talked to him awhile about the Donut shop - I really think they will make it successful and it will be a good thing for them. They absolutely love Diana!  Dad had to do a baseball game so I did lots of yardwork and cleaning Friday night. 

Saturday dad didn't feel good - so he stayed in bed.  (Head cold/cough) I went and played pickleball without him - I rarely do that!  We had about a dozen people and played for an hour and a half or so. I fell down but luckily didn't get too banged up...landed on my wrist and it is kind of tender but didn't break any skin. Whew!

Spent hours weeding on Saturday (and there is still more weeds!!! Aaagh!!!) We cleaned out the filters too. 

Holly is kicking around the idea of doing the wedding over here -- I'm trying to figure out if the yard is big enough to accommodate that. I know we did AJ's reception here but none of Becca's peeps came -- since we had a reception up there too. Holly and Erik are both local. I don't know how many friends Erik's family has. 

There was a chili cookoff for our ward last night. Dad made a pot (but didn't go) - so I took the chili down. Shortly after I got there Gpa called to tell me he had fallen and needed help getting bandaged up. So I made an extra plate of food and took our dinner over to his house. We ate dinner and put him back together (looks pretty owie!)

Also there was a fireside last night and we had two 70s and the general primary counselor. It was good. It was down in the fields and an area conference so there was a LOT of people there!

Aj got hired at Holmes Homes selling houses/condos in Desert Color (exit 2 St George). He will be traveling here every weekend until school gets out and then wants to purchase a home and live here full time. He's pretty excited. 

Dallas and Kayla had an eventful weekend. He took her to the hospital Friday night for preeclampsia - high blood pressure. They kept her for about 24 hours and got her blood pressure down. Put her on some meds to help it stay down. The kids got to go to the hospital for a couple of hours but apparently they wore out their welcome 😂 and had to leave. Everything seems to be good and she is hoping to keep the babies in for at least 2 more weeks. 

That about sums up the week!  I hope you are feeling better and enjoying your new comp and area. Have you made friends with the senior couple there (is there a senior couple there?)  Any wild and crazy situations this week? Did you say there are four of you in your apartment? If so, are you all getting along well? Have you made friends with the others? 

This week I have been reading a lot about health and longevity. It seems that fruits and veggies are the fixer of disease and illness and aging. If you can partake of the bounty the Lord has given us close to its natural form you will be most healthy. Some other longevity tips - get good sleep, stop stressing, exercise (weights are really good and so is aerobic exercise), drink lots of water (and not much of anything else), limit sugar. I'm really trying to take better care of myself and be healthy and happy. 

Last night's fireside was questions that the kids contributed. Then the panel would answer them. One of the questions was why can't I wear tank tops and crop tops. Sister Browning answered that we are all working to get to the temple and cloth ourselves in the garments of the holy priesthood. Dressing modestly is in preparation for that time. And it is also to respect our bodies and treat them as the sacred temples that they are. 

We also talked about the patriarchal blessing and how it is a guide for our lives and we need to get them -- he encouraged 11-12-13 because so many kids are derailing not long after middle school. He encouraged preparing for that and pursuing it at a young age. I wish that Holly had gotten hers when we got yours. I don't know if she will ever feel like that is important. I love my blessing and the guidance and comfort it gives. He encouraged reading it often and allowing the spirit to guide your life. It is true that often the way we think we should go and the way He sends us might be opposite!  We need to have faith and be open to His direction in our life!

Talk to you soon and love you lots. And the ducky thing is real!!! There were three ducks on my lawn again this morning!! Love you ducky!


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