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04/23/23 Good Morning, Ducky!

 I think I told you this but I thought I'd mention -- just in case I didn't -- about the Ducks. So I read a book about signs and how loved ones send you signs. It talks about how you can ask for a sign and the sign will appear when you need it and when you don't to give you comfort from your loved one. This is primarily concerning those who are dead (which I know you are not!) - but it seems to be working really well for you as I miss you all the way in Chile!  
Ducks walking in front 
of my mower!

So of course your sign was always ducks because of your ringtone on my phone. Before reading the book I always heard the ducks at night and in the morning or whenever and would smile and think of you. After reading the book I guess I'm more attuned to the ducks and now and I'm seeing them everywhere!  

Ducky Cake!!!
I will say...the ducks didn't used to come over to the yard but lately they have been over just about every morning. And yesterday when I was mowing the lawn ... they walked in front of the mower for several passes of the mow and didn't want to leave! I imagined you...feeling safe (even while I wielded a lawn mower!  haha) hanging out, as long as you could, before realizing that you should probably move. So it may be silly but I feel your presence and your love a lot!

Sorry if you think I'm a weirdo! This weirdo loves you, ducky! I can hear the ducks lauging in the pond as I write this!

Backyard Pizza, yum!
It's been a busy week - dad is still battling a cold turned into cough and lucky me...I got his cold Tuesday. It's been a week so I was hopeful I had avoided it...but no such luck!  I was pretty stuffed up Tuesday - Friday but yesterday I started feeling a lot better and I am very hopeful it's over for me now. Dad is feeling pretty good but still has a lotta coughs escaping him throughout the day. Hopefully he'll also feel better before long!

My boss had conferences as week so I was down my main source of work. My other two bosses had conferences Wed-Friday. One of those bosses decided to take a personal day ... or two... and the third boss - he never comes in and just texts/emails me very rarely. SOOOOO -- there was pretty much not too much work coming out of my usual job last week. 

BUT it worked out great because Mindy (my court replacement) was taking off three days - so I ended up working most of my hours/days up in the court training our new girl. 

They are still kind of behind since the last girl quit and there was a nice chunk of stuff the new girl needed to work so we had a very busy week hitting it hard trying to get all the things done. 

SO much has changed since I worked up there -- it was a little daunting. They have put in some very time consuming procedures that are very frustrating to me. I really don't ever want to have to work up there again except as the occasional fill in!  

Anyway we had a really nice week - I really like the new girl. She is a quick learner and very sweet. 

The saga of the house falling apart continues (but nothing too serious)...I still don't have a dishwasher as I patiently wait for the part to be send (which I am told is on backorder until May)...what's another week or two, right?!?!?!?!?  

Cute Craft at widow's home
We bought a piece for our couch that doesn't kick back...only to find it was the wrong piece and it looks just different enough...we decided not to use it. So we have an extra left arm recliner that we put in our bedroom. 😂

There is a broken sprinkler head in the front lawn. (I keep forgetting to repair it!!!!) Should be easy, can't run sprinklers again until I do. 

Our pool filter was leaking...just a simple bolt tightening took care of that. So that was easy! And free!

My tineco got mailed off AGAIN because now it isn't charging properly. 

My Ford Edge is going back tomorrow just to check on the transmission - I think it's fine (it's like an after repair checkup). 

My back/neck has been wacky and I have an appointment with chiro again tomorrow. He taped me all up last week (for a week) and it seems to be helping the pain/posture etc. 

I think that is all...but it is funny.  I swear a couple months ago I was thinking/thanking HF for all our blessings and how nothing was breaking down. And then BOOM! It's all good! Gives me stuff to work on in my free time, right?! 

We are still working on mastering our pizza oven and made homemade pizza again last week (we were QUARANTINED from Gpa due to Andy illness and E&D were on a just me and Andy for dinner!)  We haven't quite mastered it but we are getting better!  

bought half a chair
We tried to get GPA arm fixed up but he ended up going to instacare and getting them to try again as each time we removed his dressing his skin would all come with it and start bleeding again. I think when you get old your skin gets thinner and doesn't work as well. In his case they put on some extra fake skin (like super glue or can't see it but it's like an extra layer of protection). They gave him a tetanus shot, antibiotics and no swimming for another week. 

Holly came over Thursday & Friday night and we worked on figuring out what she wants to do for her wedding. We are trying to figure out a venue as she wants an outdoor wedding but it's November which means you need a back up plan. Also she was thinking 4-8pm and maybe the later will be too chilly???  Anyway, nothing has been decided but I have a pretty good idea for what she wants. She found a dress and over coat type thing that are pretty and not too pricey. Not sure if she will order those OR find something at the DI OR use Kayla's dress (it will probably cost as much to use her dress as to buy the one we found...maybe while this seems like a great may not be) Plus she is afraid she will damage it. 

We also have to think of what to serve etc. I gave her all the money and told her she needs to figure it all out. If she goes over, she pays. If she is under she will have honeymoon money. 

Silly FaceTime
Yesterday was super busy as we played pickleball, came home and I did yard work, dad went to BLVD home and did a remote, went to Larkin Group Open House (Jeremy got a new building, dad wanted to support him and go to his open house), went to the county fair. Aj and Erik and Holly came too. We tried a bunch of fair food...some of it was MEH. Enjoyed the pineapple slushy most of all!

AJ got a job selling homes in Desert Color and so until school gets out he is coming down each weekend and working Saturday. So it's been fun seeing a little more of him. Becca has stayed home so far -- which is probably best since he is at work almost the whole time he's down so far!

I get a verse of the day on my phone -- Today is Luke 10:36-37 (see how they sneak in verse is TWO verses long!!)  -- It is about how someone needed assistance and he took the time to make the person comfortable and make sure all his needs were met...(you have to read the PRIOR verses to get that!)  -- ...He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.

I think this is something I struggle with and for sure can do better at. There are SO many people in need of so many things. I need to be more attuned to others and more willing to extend myself and help. 

Fair food...YUM!
Which reminds me of a rather important dilemma this week...Kayla has very high blood pressure. Last week she spent an overnight at the hospital.  This week they admitted her again and said she likely will not be released until we have babies. Maybe next week?  The longer they keep them in the oven the less NICU time for the girls. SO they are keeping a close eye to ensure everyone is safe and well!  

That leaves Dallas with two toddlers, a house that needs some setting up -- the nursery wasn't quite done being put together -- and a job with not too much time off. So I'm sure he is stressed!  Natalie is planning to care for the twins all week (I think?!) while he works/sleeps. Bryce went up and spent Saturday getting the nursery together. I'm sure Kayla is stressed because others need to do her work and take care of her kids. So pray for them that everything will go smoothly and things will work out!

Love you lots and I'm so proud of you. What you are doing is hard but you are learning so many lessons for life that will help you all the remaining days of your life. You are so much further along in your spiritual progression then I was at your age!!! Look forward to talking to you soon!❤


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