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04/30/23 Babies!!!!

 Ok. I'll start with the bizarre!  This week I needed to repair the sprinkler head in the front yard. I went to Home Depot to purchase a new head. They rearranged a little so things weren't where they used to be. One of the orange aproned guys asked if he could help me. Sure! He walked me down to the correct area and in just a couple of minutes I had what I needed. And then it got weird!

He dropped to one knee, put his hand on the ground and looked up at me and said, will you put your foot on my hand? Um, ok? So I put my foot softly on his hand for a moment (thinking there is some kind of silly joke or something?) I remove my foot. He says, you can put your foot harder on my hand. And I said, um, no...why?
Baby B--Emory 3 lb 15 oz 17 in
arrived at 10 a.m. on April 26

He says you are really cute and I want you to. So now I'm backing away and saying,'m good!!! I gotta go, thanks for your help. And he's like, well...would you mind if I lay on the floor and you hold you foot up in the air and I look at the bottom of your sneaker?!!!! And I leave as quickly as possible! 

FaceTime babies in 
NICU at St. Mark's 
What.the.heck?!  Weirdo!!!

On the bright side...I replaced the sprinkler head and it is working beautifully!

The Edge spent another day at the shop -- it had a hesitation - thought it might be transmission - the mechanic wanted me to bring it back so he could check it out a week after his repair. He said he swapped out fluids again and to bring it back in another week. Missionary blessing?!  He didn't charge me anything!!! He said we'll settle up another time...I'm not sure what that means but that was pretty nice of him!!! (He gave me about $100 off what he quoted me last week.)

FaceTime babies in 
NICU at St. Mark's 

As you know McKayla was in the hospital -- until babies arrived. Which was supposed to be Friday. But her blood pressure continued to be naughty and high and on Wednesday our lil beautiful babies arrived!!! Baby Amelia was first on Wednesday, April 26 at 9:58 a.m. She weighed 5 lbs. Baby Emory arrived at 10:00 a.m. weighing in at 3 lbs 9 oz. (Little...but bigger than DJ & Ellie!!! who were like just under 3 lbs and just over 3 lbs. each)  They were 33 weeks 5 days -- which is about a month earlier than the earliest you usually prefer to get them. (40 weeks is full term with a single birth, 38 is usually "done" with twins).  Babies and mama are still in the hospital and doing great. Both babies are breathing on their own but have feeding tubes. Kayla sounded really weak (her voice sounds pained to talk) but she has been able to go down and see the kids in the NICU and can walk around a little. C-section recovery is rough so she should take it easy for another month or so (if that is possible...I doubt it!!!)

Puzzling week! haha
Holly and I (mostly Holly) and Andy
got this done in about 3 hrs
500 piceces
Since the babies are in the NICU they are not allowed to have visitors except Dallas and Kayla. Natalie (Kayla's mom) is watching DJ and Ellie all the time. We are going to wait a couple of weeks and go up when dad has to work which is May 14-May 21 (the 21st is when Bryce plans to bless Mo -- so it will be a good week up there!)

Wednesday night we did YOGA at Sister Casey's house and that was really fun and felt good. It wasn't like real yoga...cause kids are silly and it wasn't quiet and serene...but it still felt good!  She is such a sweety!  The girls love her and she loves them. 

250 piece puzzler
A puzzle maker DOWDLE pitched a deal to Washington City to try to get Washington City to commission a city puzzle ($150,000 if they say yes!!!!)  He left behind a couple of puzzles which ended up in my office. So I worked on a little puzzle during the week and Friday night Holly came over...and did the WHOLE 500 piece puzzle before she went home! She kept saying how fun it was and please stay up a little longer. It was after 11 p.m. when we finished. But also WOW we did it in like 3 hours!  She is a really good puzzler.  She is starting to spend more time with me and it's been nice!

My new do! (day 3) by
Emmalee Wright Levitz
Saturday I spent 2.5 hours getting my hair colored and cut by Emilee Wright Levitz -- I really like the way her cuts and styles turn out. I haven't had her do color before but I think she did a great job there as well. She has been married almost 3 years now to Rhett and seems very happy and good. It was fun to catch up with her. 

Saturday evening was Kesley Isom's wedding. They had a taco bar and churros and drinks. It was a pretty nifty setup in the backyard. I got to see the Carnavales, Fullmers, Longs, Dinsmores,  Wilkins, Meachams, Marissa Olsen, Barnums...I think that's everyone...It was nice. I went by myself because dad needed to do his therapy and didn't really want to dress up and Holly forgot and ended up not being around. It was fun to catch up with all the old gang. 

Lisa & Michael Dinsmore 
Carol and Bud Long

Jenae and Emmerson Carnevale

So another busy week -- work has been kinda busy and a little stressful but it's all good. Mindy turned in her resignation and now we have to find another court clerk. Sounds like I won't actually need to be too involved so I'm going to try to not let it concern me. We also are working on moving out my current renters in our So Main Street house and the fire department is moving in. (they are closing mainstreet under the freeway for 6 months so they need to have a way for the fire trucks to serve old Washington for the next 6 months.)  They want to set it up with some furniture and will have a substation at that house. 

Thought for me mostly...cause I think you're in a good place right now!!!

Brad Nelson and Kesley Isom
In the busyness of our daily lives and in the commotion of the contemporary world in which we live, we may be distracted from the eternal things that matter the most by making pleasure, prosperity, popularity and prominence our primary priorities. Our short-term preoccupation with "the things of this world" and "the honors of men" may lead us to forfeit our spiritual birthright for far less than a mess of pottage.  -Elder Bednar

Yoga with YW and Sandy Casey
I do feel over busy these days. I've filled my days from 4:45 a.m. until 10 p.m. about as much as I possibly can. Some days I just go from one thing to the next to the next and hardly have time to take a breath. The crazy thing is I also feel like I'm still behind in getting things accomplished!!! Sigh!  I probably need to stop and analyze my choices and make sure what I'm doing is important and worthy of my time and efforts. The other problem is...(or is this a good thing?)  I mostly like what I'm doing most of the I don't want to give up anything necessarily!  haha. Which I guess is EXACTLY what he's trying to say...we're having too much fun and not taking care of eternal things first! 

Everybody was asking about you at the wedding - they were all surprised it's already been a whole year you've been gone!  They send their love and xoxo.  Sister Long said she had intended to write to you during your mission but hasn't been very diligent. (Did she write to you once or twice?)  Maybe send her a note and tell her hello...if you have time. No pressure! 

I know what you are doing is really hard but I also can see how much you are learning and growing and progressing. There are some youth here that are really struggling -- making bad choices that will affect their lives forever forward...and it's heartbreaking. And while you may really struggle with some of the mission things -- you are building a foundation that will help you forever forward. 

Keep up the good works!  Love you lots! Mom


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