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08/30/15 Sacrament Meeting talk on Peace and Happiness by Shelly

Living a life of Peace, Joy and Purpose will bring Happiness 

How do you want your life to be? Full of turmoil and stress? Picking up

the pieces and never knowing from one minute to the next what will happen or if

you will be able to handle it?

Or would you prefer a life of peace, joy and purpose? Where you have a

calm and quiet inside of you and can move on without fear knowing that everything

will be ok and things will work out for good?

We are so blessed to have to gospel of Christ in our lives. If we choose to,

we can all have the latter type of life by following the road map we've been given.

It is important to note that we are not free to choose what happens to us but

we are free to choose how we handle the things that come our way.

Much of my talk will be centered around a talk by Elder Richard G. Scott

found in the February 2014 issue of the Ensign, entitled Living a Life of Peace, Joy

and Purpose. He also wrote a book called Finding Peace, Joy and Happiness. Both

are excellent sources of guidance if you would like to delve more in depth than my

talk will take this topic.

If you take a minute and think about the world you will probably agree that

our world has crumbling values. Principle, virtue, integrity, religion, have all

declined for the majority of our world.

Heavenly Father has given us a road map and we much exercise faith and

follow His plan in order to find the peace, joy and purpose that we are seeking.

Part of finding joy in our lives may stem back to our perspective. Imagine

for a minute that you have a pebble in your shoe and a lollipop in your mouth. (You

can try this at home later if you'd like). Take a walk around the room. What is it

you think about? Probably in most cases it is the stone in your shoe and not the

sweet in your mouth.

What is your perspective on adversity? Do you only recognize the bad

things and not the good?

By following Heavenly Father's plan hopefully one of the things we can

learn is perspective and being able to recognize the good and minimize the bad in

our lives.

So what are some of the things we need to do?

how challenging the circumstance.


you implement the impressions you receive.

Sometimes answers come over an extended period of time.

*Trust in God and in His desire to provide the help when needed, no matter

*Obey His commandments and live a life that demonstrates the He can trust

*Be sensitive to the quiet promptings of the Spirit and be courageous as

*Be patient and understanding when God lets you struggle and grow.

God uses faith to build your character. Character is woven patiently over

time through trials and testing in your life. The decisions you make now will affect

you now and for eternity.

Think about food storage. You have to fill your pantry (sometimes for

years) and then when you need it, it is there. Character is the same way. You must

develop good traits and habits now so that you will have the ability and strength

when you need it later. As you develop your character you will become more able to

conquer the trials of your life.

Satan would have us destroy our character by opposing the commandments

and will of our Father. He would have us be disobedient and tell us that there are

rewards and pleasures that outweigh following the commandments. So be careful.

You will be faced with many choices. Make your decisions wisely and prayerfully.

There is no guarantee that life will be easy for anyone. We grow more

rapidly by facing and overcoming challenges. However, there are some challenges

that we NEVER need to encounter. They are associated with serious transgression.

As you continue to avoid such tragedy, life will be simpler and happier. You will

see others around you make wrong choices and recognize the sadness that those

choices bring.

I wrote in the margin of this paragraph “THINK”! Given scenerios I

believe we all know the proper choice in situations. But do we have the courage to

choose the proper choice?

Many of you know that I work here in the city as the Justice Court Clerk.

In my job I see minor consuming alcohol tickets, DUIs, minor drug charges, spousal

abuse, and theft among other things. All of these types of behaviors (and subsequent

consequences) could easily be avoided by living the commandments.

I think many times it seems fun to party and get drunk and play. And we

KNOW that this isn't the right choice but it sounds more fun that a quiet evening at

home. And then the consequences come. We might lose our driver license, have to

go to jail, have to pay a large fine, lose our job, become addicted. It seems so

harmless on the early side of these decisions and then it spirals out of control. I have

seen people unable to dig themselves out and surrender to suicide.

The thing that is so heart breaking about it all is that in many cases it could

have been avoided just by following the commandments and choosing the right.

Don't justify and rationalize. Choose the right.

So what can we do? Do what you KNOW you SHOULD do!

Build a good family

1. Rejoice in your companionship – love and cherish your spouse, your

parents, and your children.

2. Don't have secrets – work together in righteousness

3. Decide issues together – let your family help you if you are struggling.

4. Study the scriptures and pray.

5. Go to the temple and honor your covenants.

6. Hold fast to the word of God.

7. Keep the Sabbath day holy

8. Consistently serve

YOU are needed!

Don't live for this moment...but keep an eternal perspective.

True lasting happiness – the kind you feel early in the morning when you are honest

with yourself is won only by obedience to the word of God.

To succeed in life follow 10 steps I will go over in a minute.

Life is hard, don't make it harder.

For just a moment think about an egg and a carrot. When you boil them

what happens? One gets hard and the other gets soft.

So it is with us!

The adversity in life can strengthen us and buoy us to bigger better things or it

can beat us down and smash us and destroy us. In many cases the choice is ours by

how we react.

So what is the PLAN?

1. Establish principles which will guide your life – don't have your

“church” standards, and your “school” standards and your “Friday

night” standards . Set your standards and keep them everywhere.

2. Don't make exceptions to your standards – Be loyal to your teachings

no matter the circumstance.

3. Be loyal – Be loyal to your family and your loved ones and Christ. Be

consistent in following the teachings of the Lord.

4. Live so that the Lord can guide you to where HE wants you to be

and serve. He can do this if we live worthily and strive to be obedient.

In our lives we have felt guided that it was time to leave a home and

then guided to where our new home should be. Looking back I can see

the Lord's hand in our lives as he gently guided us to what would be

best for our family.

5. Serve others – this will bring happiness and blessing to your life and

the life of those you serve. I have had many opportunities to serve

others and while it is sometimes hard to get out to complete the service I

have found time and time again that I feel uplifted and I benefited from

serving others. It is truly a miracle for the ones you serve and yourself.

6. Smile – Life is not all bad. Everybody has problems and nobody wants

to hear about yours – put away your problems and smile! Have a good

sense of humor.

7. Don't complain – Life isn't always fair ­ A saying we like to use at our

house is “Get off your pity pot Nancy!” I'm not saying you shouldn't

talk about things that are frustrating you however it is always more

pleasant to be around someone who is happy.

8. Always have a church assignment – always offer yourself up and get

busy wherever you are.

9. Go to the temple – pretty much anybody from the age of 12 on up

should try to live worthy to obtain a recommend and then use it once

you have it.

10. Use the Savior as your example. Follow his teachings and don't make

exceptions to them.

Bishop Carnevale asked us to speak on how Gospel service has blessed our


What an amazing and great topic for our family because truly without the

gospel in our lives I don't believe we would even be a family.

I grew up in New Jersey and Andy was born in Las Vegas then lived in

Missouri and Texas before his family settled back in Utah. We were 2000 miles

apart. Andy was called to serve in the Philadelphia, PA mission at 19. Imagine if

he had chosen not to serve.

Elder Griffin served in my ward early in his mission when I was 16. His

companion was sick so he was grounded. To not waste time he got on the phone and

started making dinner appointments for every night of the week. Our family was one

of those appointments. At some point Elder Griffin mentioned he needed to practice

for an upcoming program he was to sing in. I played while he sang.

So at this point in our lives we are both doing what the Lord would have us

do – I was going to church and developing my talents, Elder Griffin was serving a


Both of us continued on with our lives and at the end of his mission Elder

Griffin was again assigned to our Stake. In NJ the Stake boundaries are HUGE – so

he was not close to my home however Stake Conference was held at my church

house. So using his connections from serving in our area before he lined up another

dinner appointment.

At this point I was planning to attend BYU starting just 3 weeks after his

mission ended. I knew no ­one west of Ohio so we arranged to have Elder Griffin

pick me up at the airport and deliver me to BYU. He's been picking me up and

driving me around ever since!

We like to joke that he brought a souvenir home from his mission.

All kidding aside, I truly believe as we follow the teachings of the gospel and

serve we will be blessed beyond measure.

I have seen it over and over again in my own life.

Serving in the church has helped me to develop study skills as I have tried

to plan for talks or lessons.

It has helped me to gain confidence as I conquer speaking and teaching in

front of others.

It has helped develop my leadership as I have worked with the scouts and

the young women.

It has helped me develop friendships and talents. I have grown so much in

my ability to play the piano. It has taken me many years and many tears to

overcome playing in front of others. I'm still working on it. I would never have

developed my skills if I hadn't been challenged over and over again at church.

I can see how the gospel has blessed my children also. I think first and

foremost we have a road map. We know what we should do and we teach it to our

children at an early age before the world can give them other ideas.

As I have watched my children grow up I have had many a­ha moments.

One of the things that I think I have realized is why something was important...years

after the fact.

So many of the teachings we have we may not understand – which is why

we need to have faith and follow the Lord's plan even if we don't understand it at the


We can see the wiseness in the word of wisdom as we learn more about

health and wellness. We understand dating as we watch young people struggle with

adult issues at early ages. We can see the wisdom of not using drugs or alcohol or

tobacco as we watch others battle with addiction and consequences of actions while

on drugs. There are so many examples I can't list them all. What a blessing that is to

have a road map even if we don't fully understand why we are following it until


We are so blessed to have Primary lessons that our children learn each week

that will help them cope with school and life.

Also, think about the opportunity for our small children to get up and give

talks and bear testimony from the age of a sunbeam. When you start that little you

conquer that fear before it even sets in!

The songs that we sing each week that will stay in their minds and they will

remember them when they need them.

I know that I have been blessed to have the gospel in my life.

I am blessed to have a husband that honors his priesthood. I am blessed to

be able to receive a blessing if I need it. I am fortunate to have children that can also

see the value of the Lord's plan and try to follow it.

I hope that as they grow and leave home that they will have instilled in them

the knowledge of the Gospel and always desire to follow the teachings of the Lord.

I hope that everyone here also realizes the great gem that we possess having

the knowledge of the gospel in our lives. If you are feeling overwhelmed and

stressed take time to study the words of our apostle, Richard G. Scott and apply his

principles in your life. He is truly inspired.


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