Hi Bryce!
still into Harry Potter and frozen but I've recently added Star Wars to
the list. I think Luke skywalker is like the greatest movie character
ever. Except maybe Elsa that is. Just remember that your attitude is
your choice and if you want a good day you need to make it a good day.
If you are struggling with attitude, depression, homesickness or
whatever the solution is simple just turn to Heavenly Father and turn to
the Book of Mormon and other scriptures. My estimated finish time for
the Book of Mormon is March 3 and for personal progress is August 18 stay strong stay faithful stay Bryce love you bro!
How've you been? I have been super busy between
keeping my grades up and piano and band stuff. Mr Lanners is... not my
favorite person. But I deal with it and next year I get Mr Paxman and
he's supposed to be way more mature and chill so I'll endure to the end
(of eighth grade, that is).
So as of right now
I don't get to play my soprano sax much but after supaf I should get to
play it plenty. In the mean time I'm playing my alto. I pretty much
have no chance without a lot of hard work of getting on the high school
basketball team in a few years but I've moved on from that dream. I want
to be an all state band member some day. I want to be that girl that
everyone thinks is insanely obsessed with music.
super excited for seminary next year and I've been working on playing
hymns so that I can do it for seminary next year. I've seen a sad change
come over many of my classmates. They use vulgar language they dress
immodestly they do other things they shouldn't be doing but my group of
friends are pretty much all super mormon-ish and so I'm all good. I have
seriously figured out life. I've started reading two chapters of the
Book of Mormon daily as well as writing in my journal daily and
remembering to say my prayers in the mornings (which has always been a
struggle for me for whatever reason).
My room
is spotless pretty much all the time and I actually do my hair every
day. It's hard to believe you've only been gone for a year and a half, I
feel like I've grown up and matured so much since you left. I feel like
a different person altogether not to mention you've never met Kayla.

PS what do you get when you put a pig on the millennium falcon? HAM SOLO!!!!!!!!! Hahahahaha see you in six (five?) months!

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