Football Cake! |
We made it through our week with lots of aches and pains but we're on the mend! Didn't realize a little toss like that could make you so sore! Dad's got a partially torn MCL and some sprain/strain on his other knee parts (I'm not a dr.! Sorry!!!) He's feeling better (doesn't need to use the cane) but not ALL better! Still not doing sports or running around. But getting around. So that's a start!
Chili fogged up my camera!
My shoulder is still paining me (this started before the accident but has intensified since). I've been to physical therapy 2X and am taking medications but I'm still very sore. Hoping it will just go away soon!

Pretty typical week. Monday night pizza. Long night Tuesday. The girls had New Beginnings Wednesday night and we got to see their makeover pictures. They are pretty awesome! Those girls look great and all grown up. Our YW program sure goes all out. They have had one super neat activity after another. This week they are doing an etiquette dinner with the boys. I'm so glad they are having a great experience. Their leaders aren't afraid to work, that's for sure!
Thursday they girls played ward ball and won against the Armadillos...the team to beat I guess. They were pretty happy! Marlee surprised us and popped in after dinner and stayed and visited with us awhile. It's like she is one of the kids. She fits right in!
Friday we went to Dickey's with the parents and dad worked all night.

This weekend is the first one in a very long time that we didn't have stuff. It was so nice to clean up the back porch. Do laundry. Clean the kitchen. Make yummy goodies. And not have to go anywhere or do anything.
We played games Saturday night the girls and Dad and I. It was a nice quiet evening. Must treasure those. The girls are growing up fast and will soon be doing other stuff not wanting to hang with us!

Today we had tons of yummy food and everyone is chilling watching super bowl 50. Eldon came for a little while and then we drove him across town. Gma and Gpa also came but not for long. They didn't watch the game. Just ate and ran. They had other things going on. McKayla is working overnight shifts at the hospital psych ward so she also had to leave. So it's Dallas and the girls and Dad and me.

Reading a couple of books right now. One is about a man that dies and comes back. The other is about a girl that is sick her whole life and then receives a heart transplant. (Someone of course had to die in order for her to obtain that). Both stories really make me appreciate all that we have. Our health. Our family. Our life.
So my message for this week is just to be thankful for all that we have and to realize how fortunate we are. Life is a gift. Don't take it for granted.
I hope you are doing well there. I found some I am a child of god stickers at the DI this weekend. I'm going to send them the next time I send something off to you. I took some to church today and made friends with a couple of little kids. They love it!
Love you lots!!!! Love mom
Glamour shot from YW, Katie |
Glamour shot from YW, Holly (I didn't even recognize this grown up girl!) |
Program from New Beginnings |
Brother Hafen and Brother Clark playing the part of the Professor and Marty from Back to the Future |
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