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2/21/15 Another week in the books

Holly making a firefly stepping stone
Sometimes as I sit down to write I can't remember what in the world we've done the past week.  It just seems all a blur!  I look back over my calendar and sometimes it comes back to me and sometimes I think I should be writing more often cause I just can't remember what the heck happened earlier today let alone last week! (old age?!) (crazy?!) ...don't you dare answer that!

So this week was a little shorter due to the Holiday on Monday.  Feels good Monday, feels bad Tuesday!  Tuesday was super busy and flew by as the phones rang off the hook while preparing for court. Not all bad but tiring none the less!

The Binder's family has been sick for awhile battling colds and sleepless nights with new baby.  Sister Binder is my visiting teacher. She posted on the internet that her house needed sanitized and they needed to get the sickness OUT!  So Jamie Meacham (her partner) and I decided that since she couldn't visit me since she was sick we'd surprise her and come spend our visiting time with those handi-wipes that fight germs.  We wiped down her door knobs, kitchen table and chairs, counters, fridge etc.  We then vacuumed.  We played with little Jeffrey for just a few minutes and then left.  Hopefully we helped to let her know she was loved and helped get the sickness out of the house too!  She says she'll be more careful what she posts on facebook from now on (she was embarrassed that we'd come to sanitize her!)  It was kind of fun and felt good to do some service. 

Wednesday night the girls did basketball practice and learned to crochet.  So Katie has already almost finished a pot holder and is working on a scarf.  Told her she better hurry or it wouldn't get used this season!  She really picks this stuff up fast and runs with it!

Dad and I have Wednesday nights home alone when he doesn't have games so we found ourselves with a quiet evening. Dad is still nursing his bum knee but he needs to get out and start trying to use it.  So we took a couple of laps around the community.  We haven't done that in awhile and it was nice to have a little walk together.  Afterward we watched our program "Elementary" together -- detective show we both enjoy. 

Lady bug stepping stones
Darryn Taylor got his mission call and opened it via SKYPE on Wednesday evening.  He is going to Canada -- BC -- right up above you!  Extra cool is that his father's grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc live in the next province over about 7 hour drive away.  So he might even get to "run into" some family while he is there!  He leaves May 11. 

Thursday the girls won yet another ward BB game.  While they were in the game I went and visited Sister Bunnell (visiting teacheing again).  I have had her on my list forever but never got in her house until this week.  (Sister Wright was my partner and always said she already visited her and Sis B was sick and didn't want another I left it at that.  Sis W is no longer my partner so I went by myself -- I have no partner for now).  We had a nice visit.  Sister B's mom just died within the past 2 weeks and we talked about how hard it is to lose your mom and the different feelings and experiences she has been having.  We talked about life after death and I told her I was very certain her mother was happy and catching up with the family and friends who had died before her.  I talked about some of the books I have read regarding near death experiences and how all of the people expressed the beauty and the love they felt while visiting the other side. And how they hated to leave here but when they got to the other side they struggled to come back because it was so wonderful there.   I really believe it is true and told her so.  I think it helped a little.  I told her it has been over 10 years since my mom died and it gets easier and she'll be ok. 

Friday after work I went to physical therapy for my shoulder.  I think that was my 4th visit.  I had some really tuff pain the first couple of weeks but I am feeling so much better lately. The therapist said I should probably come 2X next week and if I still feel good I can be done. 

Friday we went with gma and gpa to Pizza Factory for lunch.  We had a yummy lunch and a nice visit.  I really enjoyed our lunch.  We caught up on what they've been up to and they on what we've been up to.  It's nice to know someone cares!  

Unfortunately lunch got over close to 4 p.m. and at 5 p.m. the Clark's were hosting a bishopric family party which included dinner.  Which we weren't hungry for of course.  It was one of those rare times when Dad was off on a Friday night so we actually got to go too!.  Clarks, Harrisons, Fife, Carnevale, us and another young family whose name escapes me -- I think that was everyone there. It was a nice get together.  Afterward they played ping pong but since Dad's still not supposed to be jumping around we went home instead of playing. (Plus he had to get to work anyway).  The girls and I watched Annie together until bed time while dad worked downstairs. 

backyard swing patio
Saturday I spent outside most of the day.  Got up early and mopped and wiped down the kitchen, did laundry and dusted and straightened up a little and then headed outside.  Last week I had chopped all our bushes and filled up the trash cans.  But there was still more debris.  So since the cans were newly emptied I promptly filled one up again.  Took awhile!  Everything is nice trimmed and fertilized and ready for spring. Last Monday I moved the bricks I bought quite some time ago and made a little patio for our porch swing out in the back yard and extended the trash can patio since we have an extra can for recycling now.  This week I moved a bunch of the rocks and am trying to carve out a place for a little garden.  Steve our handyman guy is going to come over soon and run some water and put it on our timer.  The girls and I went shopping for awhile and got TV dinners and watched Lil Giants movie Saturday night.  It was a cute movie. 

(We just figured out how to use Amazon prime to stream movies for free...if you are wondering why so many movies lately!)

So we are getting ready to take the girls to a fireside this evening and then go to Randy and Kay Phillips for lasagna for dinner tonight. Dad's exhausted as he only slept 4 hours last night...Would have been 2 if he'd have gone to early meetings!  Crazy!  He thinks he is still in his 20s and doesn't need to sleep!

Holly had the fun experience of arriving at church today and having the bishop ask if she was ready to give her talk in sacrament meeting.  Dad and I had not even heard of it.  She said, oh yeah, I forgot when I asked her.  So she quickly threw together a scripture and talked about her great brothers and their great examples and her testimony of working and weak things becoming strong and how the gospel has helped her in her life. She told a little story about how she sometimes gets hard piano music that she thinks she can't do it and after a week it's much easier.  And how there are other things in our life like that.  She kept a cool head and did a great job.  For just a split second I thought she was going to bust out crying and back out but she didn't.  She was calm cool and collected!

So here is her scripture: 
 12 Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever.

That about wraps up our week. We are just busy doing life these days...nothing exciting or out of the ordinary (which is GOOD!)  I hope you are also busy doing mission and things are going well and time is moving quickly and you are happy.  Hopefully your computer will cooperate this week so you can send us some pictures -- we miss your cute mug!!!!  

Love you lots! Can't wait to hear from you.  XoXo Mom. 

Lil patio for the swing


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