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Sadie Seegmiller at Myrna Stout's pool |
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Cheese Balls |
So, surprisingly (not) I took WAY less pictures this week!
Wednesday evening for YW we went to Myrna Stout's house and swam. It was so nice. Her pool is fantastic and the weather was great. I was actually late and didn't even realize it...we finally got the Mitsubishi opened ($50 to a locksmith) and drove it across town -- Napa thinks it needs an alternator. So we took it right to Washington Service where it is sitting waiting for its turn to get looked at next week...I told him no rush. So we'll see!
I always say it feels like I have a switch sometimes. When it's turned on I can go and go and go and go and I feel great. And then sometimes it feels like the switch is off. And I'm done. And that's what I felt like for a little bit. I would fall asleep and then just not want to get up. At all. But I would but I'd be ready to rest again soon. I think I rested enough cause I feel like the switch is back up! haha

This week has been a quick one -- coming off vacation. I took Monday off to help recuperate. I think I worked harder staying home than I ever would have at work.
. I did laundry, dishes, mopping, vacuuming, cleaning the pool, mowing the lawn, and grocery shopping. I know there is more. You get the idea. It felt good to be busy doing something constructive. We had pizza night with just Gpa and Holly and Dad and me. We made homemade in our pizza oven. I swear we still haven't mastered that and I really want to...but we're getting better. They are edible! Weird thing...they always cool off really fast. (And burn really fast too if you give them any chance at all!)

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Recipe: 1 cup shredded mozz cheese 3 T corn starch 1 egg Mix well until becomes a dough. Cut into about 24 pieces. Roll into balls. Fry. Eat right away. Yum |
Tuesday I went back to work -- and I was happy and excited to do it...I feel very fortunate to enjoy my job most of the time. So that's nice! My boss came over the first thing - like before he even went to his own office - with a big grin on his face -- and said WELCOME BACK!!! You are NEVER leaving again! 


He had to do some of my stuff and he's really happy to not have to do it anymore! I'm glad he missed me and didn't go the opposite way...what do you do all week??? I can totally do without you! haha
Because I've been gone there was plenty to do this week - catching up on auction stuff, helping the girls in the court, emails, lil projects for the bosses. My job is so weird now. It's like there is a little bit of structure and things I do each week but then there are also little "fires" that happen. And you never know when they will start or how long they will take to put out. So if you get through your structured part it can be slow and then all of a sudden you can be busy for 10 minutes or 3 hours or 3 days.
The week went really fast with the structure and the fires and Friday was here before I knew it!
If I'm remembering correctly Holly and AJ came over Tuesday and Thursday night for dinner but not at the same time. We ate early Tuesday with Holly and then Aj had leftovers after work. (I like to eat closer to 5, he doesn't get off and over here until 6:15). I'm pretty sure they didn't even see each other either time. Thursday she even stayed until 8:15 p.m. and visited and he didn't come until 8:30 (he played ultimate frisbee first with a league). I guess Becca has been up north working her old job (she hasn't found one here yet) AND they don't really eat together anyway -- so dinner at mom's house is super nice. And mom likes it too, so win-win!
Wednesday we went to Paula's with B&L and GPA and this guy we met on the airplane -- Kade Christensen -- came too. He is doing a rotation for physical therapy school here in town and his family is in the Bountiful area -- so he's kind of lonely and friendly and for some reason just really clicked with everyone. We'll see if it continues. He only has an 8 or 12 weeks rotation here so even if he came every week we'd only see him a handful of times.
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Lydia Elison |
ANYWAY, I had so much fun playing with the girls and taking my fun jump pictures, etc.
Friday was GPA's wedding anniversary...I believe it would have been 63 years. GPA picked to go to Costa Vida. He seemed to be doing alright. A little melancholy but all things considered...good. Our last week was catching up to us so we mostly just had a relaxed afternoon - napping, swimming, chilling. Not really productive.
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Dylan Blaser (left), Lucy Martin(right), Oliva Jones (front) |
Saturday we played pickleball at 7:30 a.m. (early due to heat) and came home and swam and ate breakfast. I put together a book about our trip to Alaska (Friday night and Saturday) -- it took quite a few hours -- but I was working on a deadline...it's unlimited pages right now and ends July 5. But I got it! I ended up ordering a book for everyone and they will be here in a week or two. Not sure if I got everyone covered enough in the book but I tried to make it balanced. (Eldon was hardly in any pix. I know I had seen a bunch of nice ones of E&D but I couldn't find them). Anyway - after hours and hours of working on that project I didn't care anymore anyway! haha.
Saturday afternoon we went to the play BEAUTIFUL at Tuacahn. It was a really feel-good play about Carole King (songwriter) and her husband (she got pregnant at 16 back in the 60s...which was really uncommon) and how they wrote songs for a bunch of popular bands. They had a ton of #1 hits. It was crazy that she could go in at 16 and get hired...but she did. (She had skipped two grades and was already doing college work at that time). All around a cool story. Sadly their marriage doesn't last but the overall message was very feel good and happy. And, well...Beautiful!
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Leah Skousen, Rebecca Francis, Sadie Geary, Lydia Ellison, Kylee Abraham Bailey Stevens (blue shirt), Hayden Stevens (in water) |
We went to the Digby market afterward - a new grocery store over by B&L house and checked it out. Got some stuff. On the way back we were going to go out to eat but there was a fire on turtle road and tons of traffic and we just ended up going home (we bought ice cream at the grocery store so time was limited!!!). We had leftovers and another chill night at home.
We watched a man called OTTO -- which was a little depressing (he kept trying to kill himself...and his neighbors kept interrupting his attempts) - and he was a grump -- but in the end, his neighbors made him feel loved and needed (isn't that all any of us need?) and he wanted to live. So he died. Of course. The end. It had a good feel-good undertone to it as well.
I'm sitting outside on my swing writing to you and it feel delightful out here. I can hear the water in the pond, a birdie swimming, the temp is about 70. It's just so nice! Oh, and quiet. Since it's not even 7 a.m. the whole neighborhood is asleep!
I hope all is going well for our leader Hermana. Did you enjoy your days in Antofa? Was the training good? Are you excited and ready to be the rock for the other Hermanas? Do you have to do a lot of follow-up and stuff with the girls?
This week I read a book called One Small Step Can Change Your Life. It is a book to help you make little changes to bring about big changes. (Sounds like something we've heard at church doesn't it...“By small and simple things are great things brought to pass” (Alma 37:6)
The author talks about how just doing the smallest thing towards your goal and then adding on it can help you to move in the direction you want to go. It seems almost stupid...like standing on a treadmill for 2 minutes a day for a month. At some point, you start turning it on and using it and then you are doing the treadmill. But to start out you just plant the seed in your mind.
So if you are having something you are struggling with...but you want to accomplish -- just think of one small thing you can do and just do that for a little while until you can do more.
Love you lots and look forward to hearing from you tomorrow!!!! Happy Sunday and Happy P-Day to you!
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